All of which is a philosophical argument for God creating it, you stated that you had evidence. A philosophical argument is not evidence.
Not alone, but with data it is. Science is performed using data but data by itself is useless. Without philosophical reasoning and philosophical assumptions science wouldn't be possible. Here is some of the data used to determine that the big bang occurred:
Einstein’s theory of general relativity, and the scientific confirmation of its accuracy
the cosmic microwave background radiation
red-shifting of light from galaxies moving away from us
radioactive element abundance predictions
helium/hydrogen abundance predictions
star formation and stellar lifecycle theories
the second law of thermodynamics applied to nuclear fusion inside stars
From this data scientists have extrapolate the movement of cosmic objects back in time to determine that he universe came into existence at a single point. When all the matter in the universe was at that point space, time, matter, and energy came into being. If you oppose these conclusions you are opposing the progress of science.
What came into being at the moment of creation?
The big bang theory states that space, time and matter were all created at the moment of creation.
There was no space causally prior to the universe beginning to exist
There was no time causally prior to the universe beginning to exist
There was no matter causally prior to the universe beginning to exist
All of these things began to exist at the first moment.
The exact same philosophical argument could be used to claim that TGSM or my cat was the creator, the exact same body of evidence exists to support both of those claims (in the case of my cat slightly more as I can provide evidence he exists).
No, the argument can't be used to claim your cat was the creator. I don't know what the TGSM is, but I doubt that it is meets the requirements stated.
We are only familiar with two kinds of non-material realities:
Abstract objects, like numbers, sets and mathematical relations
Minds, like your own mind
The first cause with the properties described earlier created the physical universe. The cause of this event is therefore supernatural, because it brings nature into being and is not inside of nature itself. The cause of the universe violates the law of conservation of matter is therefore performing a miracle.
In presenting the argument I didn't conclude that the cause was God, I said the the first cause "sounds like God". Any casual agent meeting the requirements I described has god-like qualities.
Out of interest, in what field are you a Reseach Scientist?
Alternate energy production from deep-ocean geothermal sources.