When I said He doesnt have everything planned ahead for us. I was talking about God not predetermining each persons individual outcome before The End. Which is why I then quoted (Mt 7:13,14) and gave some examples of God not using his foreknowledge in the Bible. Compare: (Isa. 24:6; Amos 3:7)
Yes, there were times when he foretold peoples births, kings ruling, cities destroyed etc. and he used human secretaries to record these. (2 Peter 1:21) I only gave examples where God chose not to know the outcome of certain circumstances as it mightnt be as obvious.
No where does it say that God chose not to know, not in the verses quoted by you at least. You assume that He is omniscient, but I don't think that that is said anywhere within the Bible. Only based on the assumption that He is omniscient, can one conclude that He choose to know or not know something in advance.
God Himself and all the scriptures quoted would be a lie had He known everything in advance.
You may be on to something here. A bible written by men (not inspired by God) would explain so many of the fallacies in the Bible (when compared to actual data we have today) and even the inconsistencies within the Bible itself.
For example, can you tell me how many women were present when they found Jesus' tomb missing Jesus? And what did she/they find instead in the tomb: one man, one angel, two angels and was he/where they sitting or standing?
- Matthew 18:1 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.
- Matthew 28:2 There was a violent earthquake, for
an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and
sat on it.
- Mark 16:1 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James,
and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus body.
- Mark 16:5 As they entered the tomb, they saw
a young man dressed in a white robe
sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.
- Luke 24:4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly
two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning
stood beside them.
- John 20:12 and saw
two angels in white,
seated where Jesus body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot.
Maybe you can also explain all the other inconsistencies as mentioned in post #8262 (which happens to be just above your post).
Again, the Bible being a man-made fantasy, would explain so many oddities in the Bible. You have probably noticed that the Bible only mentions those things that can be seen with the naked eye and can have been witnessed by people from the authors' time. For example, why do you think there is no mention in the Bible of what I would consider incredible peaces of work: Mount Everest, Australia with its marsupials, Antarctica, Saturn's rings, the Americas with its
native peoples who made the most impressive migration of all God's children.
But also: Why is the Earth not perfectly spherical? Why do you think there is no mention of all those billions of other galaxies? Why would an omnipotent god create an Earth that is tilted on its axes and why do we have seasons (and are the seasons even mentioned in the Bible)? Why do I have nipples? What is the use of a waxing and waning moon? Dinosaurs would have been a pretty impressive creation. Etc, etc, etc.
If God was not omniscient or just omniscient, it would mean God doesnt have the ability to control His power and therefore He would be imperfect and not God as you said, but Id rather a perfect God then imperfect being.
It's a nice wish, I must admit.