These are outside religious sources. They make no mention of his divinity. Jesus' crucifixion being ordered by Pontius Pilate appears in Josephus' works, Tacitus' (of which virtually modern historians see as genuine), there are also letters by Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan informing him of Pilate's order to have Jesus executed (Pilate himself has sources in Philo of Alexandria, and also the Pilate Stone). Tacitus also showed no sympathy towards Christians. Mara-Bar Serapion wrote in a letter to his son about the murder of the Socrates, the burning of Pythagoras and the execution of "the wise king" of the Jews. There are no Christian themes in the letters and many scholars see little doubt that "The king of the Jews" is a reference to Jesus.
There are also various other sources which talk about the treatment of Jews and Christians during the 1st century, like Suetonius, who, again thouht little of Christians, he calls there leader Cherstus, and again most historians believe this to be Christ.
No you haven't proven anything, you've made a claim and declared it to be right without a single source to corroborate it.
No you haven't proven anything, you've made a claim and declared it to be right without a single source to corroborate it.
No you haven't proven anything, you've made a claim and declared it to be right without a single source to corroborate it.
Odd then that every text on probability discusses zero probability as a value and its function, as such your not using standard definitions at all.
Oh and at least one clearly discusses its misuse to try and prove the supernatural, creationism in this case but I think a valid argument could be made that you are going to try and use a version of it to prove god exists (rather ironic that you are now attacking Creationists and neither of you are even right).
Oh and still none of this makes probability a standard of evidence and you have still failed to provide a source that states it can be used as one.
Are you familiar with thermodynamics at all?
You misunderstood that. I was diverting from the topic, I wasn't accusing you of doing so.
Nonetheless, you could list 50 million Roman sources, and it still won't satisfy "all the Jewish, Roman, and Greek (non-religious) sources" you claimed to have at hand.
Embarrassment?! Really? So that's the criterion now? By that logic, you must also acknowledge the existence of Ra, Zeus, Osiris, and Pan. After-all, "why would people of the time invent a story that would be embarrassing to them and weaken their argument against opponents?"
So the Siloam pool has become your physical evidence now? Unless Jesus left his name carved there, and it can be proven to be his, you're merely falling upon another biblical source and dressing it up as physical evidence. Jupiter exists too, and so that is my evidence that there is a teapot orbiting the planet. My claim is equally absurd as yours. Moreover, other people have written (even during the teapot's lifetime, mind you) that the teapot exists, and so it does.
Pliny the younger was born after Jesus supposed death - Dismissed
Tacitus born after Jesus supposed death - Dismissed
Mara-Bar - Born after Jesus supposed death - Dismissed
Well that was easy. Any others that you care to throw out that are irrelevant too?
From the time of Jesus, if he really did perform miracles and such and was crucified, then proper historical references would have occured, Where are they? What you have provided is people writing down stories they were told by their parents/peers about something that never happened before they were born.
Not to mention the people you have cited here, we know what they look like. What did Jesus look like?
They can't. If probability is zero, it's not positive. When probability is zero, the event is impossible.Let me ask you this:
How can numerically positive odds (probability) exist for unknown existence or events, if the probability of them is zero?
Then what I asked applies to the discussion as thermodynamics clearly lays out a few zero probability events. When will you see Temperature not strive to reach equilibrium? Or energy spontaneously increase in a system? Never. The probability of both of those things is zero. They very clearly contradict that idea that anything is possible.We are discussing probability and possibility of existence, known and unknown events, not the "laws of thermodynamics".
Then you must agree and retract your erroneous statement.As a matter of fact, yes I am. I work with it everyday, in reality, not theory.
Then what about all other myths. Hercules was pretty popular in Greece, as were all there gods who even lived in a local area (Olympus).If Jesus never existed, it's hard to see how his memory would have carried on so far to the point where he has become arguably the most famous person in history.
Going back to other religions, if they're not true, which I assume is what most Christians think, then they must have started off not being written down or actually influenced by the events that they claim led to the creation of the world. They persisted for very long periods of time despite being non sense. It's just the nature of ancient people's ability to convince themselves of things that have no evidence supporting them. Basically, the lack of the scientific method.Is it written anywhere that there is a teapot orbiting Jupiter? Both from people who support and condemn said teapot? Do the majority of professional astronomers agree that this teapots exists? No, they don't. There's a difference between simply stating there's a teapot orbiting Jupiter and discovering varying accounts of this teapot, people who died for this teapot, and everyone at NASA agreeing that said teapot exists. Do you really think the first option would be enough to keep the teapot going idea for hundreds of years?
Yeah but the difference is that those Gods were worshipped by virtually everybody in their respective societies. They had hardly any challengers, so speaking of them would not be embarrassing to the adherent. Whereas Jesus lived in Judea, which was then a part of the Roman Empire. During his lifetime his followers saw him as a revolutionary thinker (And as the Messiah), whereas the Jews saw him as a fraud and an imposter, and the authorities in charge at the time, i.e. the Romans, saw him as a nuisance and a nutter. The polytheistic religions of Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire all but vanished after the rise of Christianity in Europe.
It was embarrassing and dangerous to preach about Jesus in the early years of Christian history. It's obvious from the writings of Roman historians of the time that they hated Christians and their message. The missionaries were persecuted for their preaching, they refused to renounce their beliefs, and were killed for it, why would they allow themselves to be killed if they made it all up? If Jesus never existed, it's hard to see how his memory would have carried on so far to the point where he has become arguably the most famous person in history.
So because a piece of text appears in Bible it is now meaningless? the Gospels were written a good 300 years before the Bible was actually finalized, these events were written down because they were so remarkable and unusual. It's silly to say that all scribes of the Bible (Who all lived at different times and in in different places) were in on some plan to make up a whole bunch of stories to be put together in a book several hundred years in the future.
Is it written anywhere that there is a teapot orbiting Jupiter? Both from people who support and condemn said teapot? Do the majority of professional astronomers agree that this teapots exists? No, they don't. There's a difference between simply stating there's a teapot orbiting Jupiter and discovering varying accounts of this teapot, people who died for this teapot, and everyone at NASA agreeing that said teapot exists. Do you really think the first option would be enough to keep the teapot going idea for hundreds of years?
I never said anything about miracles. At this point I'm arguing about the existence of Jesus the man, not Jesus the Messiah. He has a hell of a lot more references than somebody like Socrates for example, who only has two sources to his existence, Plato and Xenophon, both of whom were admirers of his, in the same position as the disciples, and there are few philosophers that doubt his existence.
So your saying Jesus existed but was an ordinary man and not the messiah. If not what you are saying here is irrelevant. What you said was you had provided the names of people who wrote about Jesus from his time. What I have proved, is you haven't.
miracles. now you are trying to deflect.
Not being able to prove Socrates existed, does not prove the existence of Jesus.
This is a false argument.
They can't. If probability is zero, it's not positive. When probability is zero, the event is impossible.
Then what I asked applies to the discussion as thermodynamics clearly lays out a few zero probability events. When will you see Temperature not strive to reach equilibrium? Or energy spontaneously increase in a system? Never. The probability of both of those things is zero. They very clearly contradict that idea that anything is possible.
Then you must agree and retract your erroneous statement.
No it is zero, and nothing more. The probability of unrelated events does not matter in the slightest. In reality, the probability of a zero probability event is zero.Exactly.
So, in reality, since positive odds(probability) most certainly do exist for unknowns, their probability cannot be considered zero.
And the probability is still zero, because breaking those laws are not permitted by physics.Not necessarily.
Never, so far.
In the future results, are still a unknown.
Then how about my bet regarding Zeus? Zero or non zero probability?As I said in my reply to you, my "anything is possible" statement was made as applicable to the focus of discussion at hand.
By attempting to prove his existence as a person, that does not mean I am therefore disproving his divinity at the same time, I am simply not arguing either way for it. They may not have co-existed with him, but they weren't far off, Josephus would have at least co-existed with people who co-existed with Jesus.
You obviously haven't read what I wrote with any detail. I said I that I wasn't talking about miracles, but saying that it doesn't mean I'm therefore going to start discussing miracles. I used Socrates as an example of a figure of the ancient world who existence is generally accepted, even though he had fewer sources than Jesus.
Anyway, this is off-topic, seeing as how this thread is dedicated to the discussion of the existence of God, not Jesus. I'm done.
So, in reality, since positive odds(probability) most certainly do exist for unknowns, their probability cannot be considered zero.
Yeah but the difference is that those Gods were worshipped by virtually everybody in their respective societies. They had hardly any challengers, so speaking of them would not be embarrassing to the adherent. Whereas Jesus lived in Judea, which was then a part of the Roman Empire. During his lifetime his followers saw him as a revolutionary thinker (And as the Messiah), whereas the Jews saw him as a fraud and an imposter, and the authorities in charge at the time, i.e. the Romans, saw him as a nuisance and a nutter. The polytheistic religions of Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire all but vanished after the rise of Christianity in Europe.
It was embarrassing and dangerous to preach about Jesus in the early years of Christian history. It's obvious from the writings of Roman historians of the time that they hated Christians and their message. The missionaries were persecuted for their preaching, they refused to renounce their beliefs, and were killed for it, why would they allow themselves to be killed if they made it all up? If Jesus never existed, it's hard to see how his memory would have carried on so far to the point where he has become arguably the most famous person in history.
So because a piece of text appears in Bible it is now meaningless? the Gospels were written a good 300 years before the Bible was actually finalized, these events were written down because they were so remarkable and unusual. It's silly to say that all scribes of the Bible (Who all lived at different times and in in different places) were in on some plan to make up a whole bunch of stories to be put together in a book several hundred years in the future.
Is it written anywhere that there is a teapot orbiting Jupiter? Both from people who support and condemn said teapot? Do the majority of professional astronomers agree that this teapots exists? No, they don't. There's a difference between simply stating there's a teapot orbiting Jupiter and discovering varying accounts of this teapot, people who died for this teapot, and everyone at NASA agreeing that said teapot exists. Do you really think the first option would be enough to keep the teapot going idea for hundreds of years?
No it is zero, and nothing more. The probability of unrelated events does not matter in the slightest. In reality, the probability of a zero probability event is zero.
And the probability is still zero, because breaking those laws are not permitted by physics.?
Then how about my bet regarding Zeus? Zero or non zero probability?
Is it me or have all these Christian arguments been blown away?
Pliny the younger was born after Jesus supposed death - Dismissed
Tacitus born after Jesus supposed death - Dismissed
Mara-Bar - Born after Jesus supposed death - Dismissed
You can dismiss and discredit the sources to your liking all you want. I won't try to prove anything (I don't believe in God anyways, so it's not important to me), but you can allow a man named Jesus to live and be crucified without beleiving any other stories about him being the son of God, etc.
A - If he isn't the 'son of god' its a different Jesus and therefroe we aren't talking about him.
B - If it is the same Jesus, there is no son of god etc and this was an ordinary man, then either there is prrof of this man existing or there isn't. If there is where is it?
All I have done is illustrate that no one matching this "Jesus" ever existed. Other people have tried to prove his existence.
I have shown them to propagating untruths.
What historical facts?So now, Historical facts are not evidential proof?
Could you please post something that makes senseLet me ask you this:
How can numerically positive odds (probability) exist for unknown existence or events, if the probability of them is zero?
You best be able to quote me doing so then.I don't know why you keep harping on this.
I never claimed that, you did.
Once again Probability and Possibility are different things so do try and be clear which one your talking about and stop using them interchangeably.We are discussing probability and possibility of existence, known and unknown events, not the "laws of thermodynamics".
As a matter of fact, yes I am. I work with it everyday, in reality, not theory.
At this point, it has no bearing on the discussion whatsoever, unless you want to consider Scaff's seat getting hotter, relevant.
In reality, there is no such thing, as a zero probability event, especially in science.
Science is a process of discovery.
The historical record clearly shows that.
It changes constantly, affecting the known and the unkown.
Which will have changed the elements within the probability not the calculation itself.You don't get it.
Based on results, so far, to date, to this point, at this juncture, its not permitted.
A discovery can come tommorrow, next week, next year, whenever, to show an exception.
You know I had a feeling last night you were heading down this route and what happens the very next day when I wake up; your cited Borel's Law.Probability can be safely considered zero, given the extremely mi·nute positive fraction of probability.
However, as remote a possibility, or statistical improbability it would be considered,
technically, it is still a possibility, and you could lose betting it won't happen, but I doubt it.
BTW, just in case you have any idea of applying that example, to the existence of God,
you better make sure, you check all the available probability statistics on it first.
The "law" in question does not exist as a mathematical theorem, nor is there a universally decided upon "minimum probability" among the physical sciences community. Rather, Borel's Law originated in a discussion in a book written by Emil Borel for non-scientists. Borel shows examples of the kind of logic that any scientist might use to generate estimates of the minimum probability below which events of a particular type are considered negligible. It is important to stress that each of these estimates are created for specific physical problems, not as a universal law.
While in this thread, I'm always perplexed by the attitude of the Agnostic, Atheist, etc.
If any of you fellows have any type of insurance, I wish you would explain to me why you have it.
While your explanation sounds logical, there is absolutely no evidence, it will happen to you.
Yet, in light of "no evidence", you still act to protect yourself.
This is the same stringent standard of evidence that many of you apply in your stance, that there is no evidence that God exsists.
But in that case, you zealously resist any inclination to act upon it.
B - If it is the same Jesus, there is no son of god etc and this was an ordinary man, then either there is prrof of this man existing or there isn't.
If there is where is it?
All I'm saying is that this could very well be the case, shady evidence notwithstanding.
I already told you I don't care to prove it, and I don't really care if it's true or not. That's not the point I'm trying to make.
For the third time (try not to get confused again): Despite the fact you don't trust or want to trust the sources, there could very have been a man who lived the life of Jesus that is told in the Bible.
That is a realistic possibility.
That being said, if in fact this man did live, was crucified by Pontius Pilate, etc. it doesn't mean, prove, or imply that he actually performed miracles, was zombified on Easter, or saved the world from sin and will come again.
All I'm saying is that this could very well be the case, shady evidence notwithstanding.
I already told you I don't care to prove it, and I don't really care if it's true or not. That's not the point I'm trying to make.
For the third time (try not to get confused again): Despite the fact you don't trust or want to trust the sources, there could very have been a man who lived the life of Jesus that is told in the Bible.
That is a realistic possibility.
That being said, if in fact this man did live, was crucified by Pontius Pilate, etc. it doesn't mean, prove, or imply that he actually performed miracles, was zombified on Easter, or saved the world from sin and will come again.
No, the point is no sources were provided.
In exactly the same way David Koresh existed but wasn't the son of god (despite his claims to the contrary).
Not that he has been alone either...
He listed quite a few, they just didn't meet your standards.
Science is especially full of 0% chance events. I named a couple already.In reality, there is no such thing, as a zero probability event, especially in science.
And only what's known has any influence on probability anyway.Science is a process of discovery.
The historical record clearly shows that.
It changes constantly, affecting the known and the unkown.
Which means the probability is 0%. What happens tomorrow, next week, or next year does not matter. Probability is about the unknown. That is included by default. There are some things that are just logically 0% probable however. A couple of examples were given in this thread. Someone asked what the chances of someone picking a large number were when that someone only picked a number between 1 and 10. Then there is the probability that this discussion is not taking place. Clearly, the only answer for both of those is zero.You don't get it.
Based on results, so far, to date, to this point, at this juncture, its not permitted.
A discovery can come tommorrow, next week, next year, whenever, to show an exception.
"Possibility" and probability don't mix. And there is no such thing as a "statistical improbability" in probability. There are only probabilities, and they range in probability from 0 to 1.Probability can be safely considered zero, given the extremely mi·nute positive fraction of probability.
However, as remote a possibility, or statistical improbability it would be considered,
technically, it is still a possibility, and you could lose betting it won't happen, but I doubt it.
Yes, it comes to 0.BTW, just in case you have any idea of applying that example, to the existence of God,
you better make sure, you check all the available probability statistics on it first.
Whats throwing you off?
In short you can't use probability as a source of evidence, its simply a tool for determining how probable an event is based upon the (existing) evidence that is placed into it, making it useless for proving the existence of god.
Uh.... nothing? Like I said, whether or not Jesus lived isn't important to me. He could live, sing, dance, be a carpenter, and be married to Mary Magdalene while cheating with her sister. Doesn't make a difference to me. I don't believe in God anyways.
It does, however, seem very important and a nit-picky subject to you.