Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
Please take the time to more thoroughly read my post. I never said SCJ was correct with the 40 billion, but given the current numbers of believers in God, as defined by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, it really isn't hard to imagine a third of the people who have ever lived believed in this God.

Especially when you consider almost half of the current world population believes in one of those faiths.

I did , I get your point . But we're talking about complete historical population , and regardless of modern day population explosion my point being in regards to the Christian representation of God only . The God that SCJ was referring too , which was the whole point of my post .

I respect your opinion on the matter , I was looking for confirmation , or in the very least , SCJ to back up his numerical value with some form of evidence on the matter .

It is good to know that you believe it to be possible , I was looking for proof .

( I.E. - Where did he get this number from ? ) 👍
You are overlooking the whole concept and process hfs.

The proof.............. is through personal faith.
And he can be proven using it.
It's that simple.
Science ain't never gonna do it for you, because, like a lot of other things, it can't be done that way.

Which is a pity because the scientific method is the only way to describe the entirety of existence - and you owe the entirety of your existence to it. Apparently it fails, but only when it suits you. Which is unfortunate, because that would be subjectivity and the scientific method doesn't care whether it suits you or not.

Proof and faith are fundamentally opposed concepts. Faith cannot prove anything and proof denies the requirement for faith. All these years of this thread and you're still missing this point utterly.

All of your concepts of God, heaven, hell, the perfection of the Bible, creation, the afterlife are non-falsifiable. They cannot be falsified - so they cannot be tested and they cannot be proven.

You can take them on faith if you wish - everyone's happy for you to do that - but they are unproveable. Moreover, if you have faith in them you shouldn't even be seeking to prove them because proof denies the requirement for faith.
I think now would be a great time for thread lock in this never ending, headache inducing argument cycle. :lol: Can we agree to disagree? No? Okay, carry on.
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Well if you went to infinity then success/trials matches the probability. But you were right to correct me since I didn't specify that.

However, in this case (God) the only way to calculate the probability is success/trials, which is 0/N, or 0. It is a Bernoulli random variable.

Also, the 1/3 probability for rolling 1 is only wrong because we know the probability of rolling one for a fair six sided die is 1/6. If experimentally, you rolled 3 1's out of nine, the probability would be 1/3 to a certain percentage of certainty.

I agree with this part. IF we went to infinity, but we can only approach it. Also, we would have to continue trying for infinity with the success/trials to prove there is no God.

This has nothing to do with determining if God exists based on past claims. It's not even correct for determining how likely a specific kind of God is. For that, you get 1/infinity (assuming there are an infinite number of ways to image god).

I based it on all proven ways to image gods or the lack of them (all unproven in the matter of God's/god's/gods' existence as no-one can say there is absolutely no god anywhere), as was God's existence too. If we took unproven, we would pretty much have either 1/∞ (if we gave only one view for God's existence) or ∞/∞, in which the denominator is a larger infinity than the numerator.

So? Can you go through 30 apples? What if you have none. 3/0 like 3/.1 is just a ratio. You said 3/.1 means 30 apples to a man, but you only have 3. How are you going to give 30 apples to anyone?

You don't have to, because it's a ratio.

Indeed, unless there were men we were supposed to hand out the apples.
(There indeed is no problem with division by zero if we view it as a ratio.)
And, fortunately, the dude's only a left foot and shin, so he won't notice.


I think now would be a great time for thread lock in this never ending, headache inducing argument cycle. :lol:

I disagree with disagreeing with you.
Feel free to use any other maxim in an opinion--


Here is a Maxim again should anyone disagree with me in this matter. :lol:


That is no Maxim. A little common knowledge wouldn't harm you.
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I agree with this part. IF we went to infinity, but we can only approach it. Also, we would have to continue trying for infinity with the success/trials to prove there is no God.
But probability isn't about proving God, it's about probability.

I based it on all proven ways to image gods or the lack of them (all unproven in the matter of God's/god's/gods' existence as no-one can say there is absolutely no god anywhere), as was God's existence too. If we took unproven, we would pretty much have either 1/∞ (if we gave only one view for God's existence) or ∞/∞, in which the denominator is a larger infinity than the numerator.
I'm not sure I follow. There is no proof for god(s) anywhere, and whether there is or isn't, it wouldn't change the probability calculation. The calculation being

number of times god(s) has been contacted or seen or done something that can only be explained by the presence of a god / number of times everyone has tried to contact god(s) or attribute any kind of event to god(s)

However many ways there are to imagine god and whether they're "proven" or not won't change that. The probability that a certain version of god is correct is 1/infinity, or 1/the number of gods ever imagined by people if we only include gods that people have worshiped.

Here is a Maxim again should anyone disagree with me in this matter. :lol:


I believe that my maxim is bigger and fires anti tank rounds. It's also spelled GAU-8.
Once again the volume of people who wish to believe in a thing has no bearing at all on its actual existence.

We have already been down this route with regard to every other deity that other religions follow, not to mention Santa and Unicorns.

Not exactly.
It's not a gaurantee, however, if the thing, does actually exist, it lends credibility to that, and is consistent with what would be expected under real existence.
Likewise I think you would be hard pressed to find 2.1 billion people alive today, or appox. 40 billion historically, who hold any belief in your last two.
How about tightening up your example comparison, with something in the same Galaxy as the existence of God.

Your unwillingness to actually look into matters such as this is quite disappointing, as is your desire to then repeatedly misrepresent matters such as this.

I can make the same accusation regaurding you.
So what does that prove?

Lets take a look at the example you proposed, Atoms. The basic rough concept for them was first put in place by Greek and Indian philosophers as far back as 6BC and subject to much heated discussion and debate, however this was mainly limited to the philosophical side of discussion rather than scientific.
It was primarily picked by by scientists in the 17th century (namely Boyle - who I will come back to in a while), culminating in 1869 with the publication of the first periodic table (Dmitri Mendeleev), however its wasn't until 1897 that J. J. Thomson proved the existence of electrons, overturning the current theory of the time that the Atom was the smallest unit. 1913 brought about the discovery of the nucleus, and so on and on and on we go.
Quite the opposite of what you have stated (incorrectly as fact), science does not dismiss the existence of the unknown. It hypothesis it and then sets out to prove it (well technically it sets out to disprove it as much as it can and if it fails then it meets the scientific standard - falsability is critical), using a well proven standard of evidence (of which probability is not one) that includes falsability. It demands peer review to ensure that the work is sound and should new facts come to light they are tested and review and if valid accepted, often rewriting and refining existing knowledge.
So quite the opposite of science saying that nothing exists until its proven, science took the hypothesis of atoms and has spent two millennia testing and refining what we now know today as atomic theory.
Now the Atom is an interesting one, because the length of study in this field is roughly the same as has passed since Jesus was said to be around. In all that time the evidence that has amassed (to a scientific standard) in this field is colossal, yet in that same time period the evidence (to a scientific standard) for God amounts to zero

Now the Atom is an interesting one, because the length of study in this field is roughly the same as has passed since Jesus was said to be around. In all that time the evidence that has amassed (to a scientific standard) in this field is colossal, yet in that same time period the evidence (to a scientific standard) for God amounts to zero..

I don't think you have a clue, how contradictory your explanation is.
Philosophy, theory, and hypothesis, is still by your standard, probability 0.
At conclusive discovery, is breakpoint.
The only difference is the atom graduated to above 0 in the late eighteen hundreds and evidence for God is (according to your reckoning) is still 0.

Now the reason why I said I wanted to come back to Boyle is that as well as being a brilliant scientist in his day he was also a religious man (also a rabid anti-Semite and islamaphobe), I do not automatically dismiss the religious from a scientific view, I only do so when the religious dismiss how science actually functions.

While I am sure Boyle would admire your religious devotion, I'm equally sure he would be horrified by your refusal to accept the scientific method (something he held in high regard)..

I have never stated, that I am aware of, that I said I do not accept scientific method where applicable.
You don't have to convince me, the atom bomb works, planes fly, cars run, etc. etc. etc.

However science is not applicable in spiritual matters, and I hold no illusions, it ever will be.

What I'm testifying too, has nothing to do with religion, although it is labeled as such.

I certainly don't approach the world from a single view point, science doesn't work that way.

Do you have any idea what you just said?
You really do need to get out more often.

.Now I have neither the time nor the desire to document my entire journey to atheism, however I am more than happy to share a few key points (for me).
I have no major issue with what people believe, that you believe in God is o more an issue for me than children believing in Unicorns or Santa (my own kids are past that thankfully).
What I do take issue with is when religion is used as a tool to control, subjugate, injure and/or kill others. All things that have been carried out (often gleefully) in the name of religion.
Now none of the above says that all people of faith automatically fall into the latter category, my own wife certainly doesn't. I have however experienced the so called religious morals in a dangerous and harmful manner on too many occasions to easily dismiss it. You may counter that you get militant atheists and that is most certainly true, however the most dangerous they tend to get is in throwing metaphorical rocks and asking unpleasant questions, militant christians, muslims, etc tend to go for the actual rocks and a lot worse.
My biggest issue with religion is however when it is as a substitute for science. In a nutshell science takes facts and finds the conclusion based upon those facts, adapting what we know to what we can now prove (as Atomic theory changed due to the new discoveries that were and are made). Religion takes a conclusion and bastardizes information to make it fit, ignoring what doesn't fit (no matter what the evidence) and making up what doesn't exist to fill in the blanks. As the source of its conclusions are religious texts that 'can never be wrong' it is never amended or corrected. Now that to me is living in a one dimensional place.

I probably should start with an apology here, since I think you are about to get offended again.

You just got through singing the praises of science and the atom, which, oh joy, got us something we can blow everybody on the planet up with.
And then you badmouth religion, which at least with regaurd to Christianity, has a beneficial ratio about the same as your the insurance example of 98%.

How you do not see the flagrant hypocrisy in that is beyond me.

They are not merely religious texts.
That is your assumption, made under the influence of unbelief.
There is a reason why, the Bible is referred to as the "Word of God".

So if he is who he claims to be and if he has done what he says he has, there is no appeal to anything higher.

Since you are married, I'd like to ask you this question:

Other than the obvious biological, and to some extent the psychological aspects, what does science have to do with your relationship to your wife?

.A wealth of evidence, proven to the highest standard, subjected to falasbility to a huge degree and peer reviewed over decades shows the true age of the earth to be around 4.5 billion years. Yet because a book gets interpreted in a certain way as to say its only 6,000 years old we get an totally unproven pseudoscience that has never been subject to falsability or true peer review presented as fact.

Aren't you the one that declared by fiat, a few pages back that this subject matter belongs in another thread,

Well which is it?
Does it, or doesn't it?

What deeply disappoints and disturbs me about this is that throughout history (with the exception of a few periods) many religious men were able to separate their faith and science and make remarkable breakthroughs, yet in the 21st century most religious scientists (and I use that term loosely now) have little to no interest in true science and only focus on attempting to prove (with no scientific method) faith as fact.
While I know that Boyle and I would certainly differ on our religious views, I have a feeling that this would be an area that would concern him as much as it does me.

Science and religious faith two entirely different dimensions.
The credibility of Scientist with Religious convictions, was openly, challenged with the proposal of Evolution.
For the first time an atmosphere of ill-will and contention was instituted that unfortunately still exists.
1st of all, religion DOES NOT RESULT IN CONFLICTS! well, maybe the god that the US and israel are talking about GOD (GOLD, OIL, DRUG) thats all they want.

i beleive in god, and i'm a christian, most of my friends are muslims and we respect that.

the only thing i will never respect, accept, or even like in any kind of way are the jews.

as a christian you have to accept everyone, well guess thats where i am wrong..

but yes i beleive in jesus and god.
The crusades?

ok have to be honest, you've got me there.. didnt knew people actually were smart enough to think about that.

yes that was a conflict, but it was caused by the jews at the beginning, the muslims wanted and still want to destroy the jews, the christians ( most powerfull back then) underpressed the muslims so they coudnt harm the jewish.

jews shouldve been vanquished ages ago, now israel is leading the US in another war with iran only for oil, no nuclear program thats BS!
mark my words, soon therll happen a 9-11 like accident cause by ''iran'' ... sure.. US murders ther own people for oil only.

religion doesnt kill, stupid people following ther ****ed up government do.
Not exactly.
It's not a gaurantee, however, if the thing, does actually exist, it lends credibility to that, and is consistent with what would be expected under real existence.

It does not matter whether it exists or not, the amount of believers means nothing. As I said before, even if everyone believed in atoms for no reason, their belief would be pointless as they would lack evidence. The belief would give no creditability to atomic theory even if it was correct. That's because despite being correct, the believer don't know if they are correct.

I don't think you have a clue, how contradictory your explanation is.
Philosophy, theory, and hypothesis, is still by your standard, probability 0.
At conclusive discovery, is breakpoint.
The only difference is the atom graduated to above 0 in the late eighteen hundreds and evidence for God is (according to your reckoning) is still 0.
The probability of atoms being correct at a given time was above zero for thousands of years. It was probably never at zero as the idea originated based on observation and evidence. Of course all along the probability of atoms was 1. It's clear example of what many have been trying to say, probability is not evidence.

I have never stated, that I am aware of, that I said I do not accept scientific method where applicable.
You don't have to convince me, the atom bomb works, planes fly, cars run, etc. etc. etc.

However science is not applicable in spiritual matters, and I hold no illusions, it ever will be.
Then you don't understand the scientific method. As long as humans are able to detect and interact with spiritual whatevers, the scientific method must apply. You are misunderstanding because of the scientific in scientific method. That does not mean it's limited to use by people in white coats. It's the only method there is actually verifying something. Faith cannot do that, faith leaves you open to error, very large error.

Do you have any idea what you just said?
You really do need to get out more often.
What he said is that he has a scientific view, which automatically implies open minded and a refusal to just accept something for reason. This is the opposite of faith which is closed to evidence.

You just got through singing the praises of science and the atom, which, oh joy, got us something we can blow everybody on the planet up with.
And then you badmouth religion, which at least with regaurd to Christianity, has a beneficial ratio about the same as your the insurance example of 98%.
There is nothing that religion provides that can't be found elsewhere. Religion doesn't really do much except provide another excuse for war or hatred. Science on the other hand is responsible for all our knowledge and understanding, which we then make use of. In other words, you can't blame science for anything people have done. It does not have an ulterior motive. Religion however, very often wants people to think or act or live a certain way. Then there is the even worse part, it might want you to think or act or live in a way that defies logic or evidence.

They are not merely religious texts.
That is your assumption, made under the influence of unbelief.
What you typed is simply your belief. There is no evidence that the Bible is anything more than another book.

There is a reason why, the Bible is referred to as the "Word of God".
Because people believe it for whatever reason. I could call anything I wanted the Word of God and it would be no different from the Bible. A thing with a label.

So if he is who he claims to be and if he has done what he says he has, there is no appeal to anything higher.
And there's no reason to care because if he's him, he's unfalsifiable. Even if he wasn't, the evidence for him is missing. To take God as known is a bit silly.

Science and religious faith two entirely different dimensions.
Only insofar as one works for knowing things and the other doesn't.

And remember that the instructions you've given have failed. Members here used to be members of a religion. Some had all the faith in the world, and God never appeared.

ok have to be honest, you've got me there.. didnt knew people actually were smart enough to think about that.

yes that was a conflict, but it was caused by the jews at the beginning, the muslims wanted and still want to destroy the jews, the christians ( most powerfull back then) underpressed the muslims so they coudnt harm the jewish.

jews shouldve been vanquished ages ago, now israel is leading the US in another war with iran only for oil, no nuclear program thats BS!
mark my words, soon therll happen a 9-11 like accident cause by ''iran'' ... sure.. US murders ther own people for oil only.

religion doesnt kill, stupid people following ther ****ed up government do.

The Muslims were the ones in the golden age. They were more developed in math and science and it showed.
ok have to be honest, you've got me there.. didnt knew people actually were smart enough to think about that.

yes that was a conflict, but it was caused by the jews at the beginning, the muslims wanted and still want to destroy the jews, the christians ( most powerfull back then) underpressed the muslims so they coudnt harm the jewish.

jews shouldve been vanquished ages ago, now israel is leading the US in another war with iran only for oil, no nuclear program thats BS!
mark my words, soon therll happen a 9-11 like accident cause by ''iran'' ... sure.. US murders ther own people for oil only.

religion doesnt kill, stupid people following ther ****ed up government do.

I'd advise you to step back from those words, mister. And to learn a little more about history. Racism is frowned upon on these boards. There will be no other warnings.
Which is a pity because the scientific method is the only way to describe the entirety of existence - and you owe the entirety of your existence to it. Apparently it fails, but only when it suits you. Which is unfortunate, because that would be subjectivity and the scientific method doesn't care whether it suits you or not..

The entirety of physical or carnal existence, not spiritual existence.

The plan of salvation, has nothing to do with suiting me as well,
it is what it is.
As a matter of fact my carnal man rebels against it, just like yours does.

Proof and faith are fundamentally opposed concepts. Faith cannot prove anything and proof denies the requirement for faith. All these years of this thread and you're still missing this point utterly.

Thats because they operate in two different dimensions.
One is for proof in the physical, (scientific method)
the other for proof in the spiritual, (faith)

That is the complete differentiation in a nutshell.

Thats why they also appear contradictory from the carnal viewpoint.

All of your concepts of God, heaven, hell, the perfection of the Bible, creation, the afterlife are non-falsifiable. They cannot be falsified - so they cannot be tested and they cannot be proven.

With scientific method, you are correct, they can't be, and I just explained why.

With faith they can be and I just explained why.

You can take them on faith if you wish - everyone's happy for you to do that - but they are unproveable. Moreover, if you have faith in them you shouldn't even be seeking to prove them because proof denies the requirement for faith.

Your missing the whole point Famine.

Science does not work in the spiritual, but the physical.

Please include a source to back up this wonderfully inaccurate claim , as last time humanity checked , there were 7.042 billion people on the earth.

Thats a guestimate, of all believers, under the Jewish and Christian covenants, since the beginning of time, or about 5000 yrs.
Accuracy may vary depending on calculation used.

One question. How?

Let's say I want to verify this for myself. What specifically will indicate to me that it is true? A message from God? A strong feeling? A vision? Something else entirely? It would be very helpful to know this so that I could actually tell if what I experience through faith is actually proof or if it isn't.

Because as you know, I could have faith in things that aren't true. And for faith to be useful for determining truth, there would have to be a specific indication of truth when I have faith in God, but faith in untrue things must lack that indication (or else I could believe in things that aren't true, and then faith would fail as a method).

Using your faith, get saved and baptised with the Holy Spirit.
It's similar to getting married, or at least thats the closes thing I can relate it too, or that you might can compare it too.
It's simple in concept, but obviously not something you can take lightly.

Its very difficult to explain, because there is nothing exactly like it.
I would'nt try too strongly to make intellectual since of it at first, because it's not about that initially.
Doing so hindered me for quite a while, not realizing it's all about relationship, which is generally something guys are not adept at.
We are visual, physical, logical oriented, which doesn't always apply well to matters of relationship.
They are not merely religious texts.
That is your assumption, made under the influence of unbelief.
There is a reason why, the Bible is referred to as the "Word of God".

If it were in fact the Word of God, then we shouldn't be ignoring the inconvenient parts. Like eating shellfish, women wearing trousers, or bashing infants' brains out.

Also, this is a very minor thing and not related at all to the rest of this thread, but could you please note that "reguarding" is actually spelled "regarding"? Normally I wouldn't mention this, but after seeing it several times it begins to grate. Thanks, no offense intended.
The entirety of physical or carnal existence, not spiritual existence.
No, just like Famine said. Entirety of existence. Spiritual matters are a-OK for science as long as they can be detected, which you claim they can.

The plan of salvation, has nothing to do with suiting me as well,
it is what it is.
As a matter of fact my carnal man rebels against it, just like yours does.
Or this is what was made up hundreds of years ago to make Christianity stronger against losing members. Why would God make people who don't want to obey him and then demand they obey him without evidence and then punish them for not obeying?

At the very least, test your idea. I'm sure you'd be upset if the whole of Christianity was written by the devil after he kill God in Eden. As far you know, that's what happened, you've only ever taken religious matters on faith.

Thats because they operate in two different dimensions.
One is for proof in the physical, (scientific method)
the other for proof in the spiritual, (faith)

That is the complete differentiation in a nutshell.
There is only proof. Science uses it. Faith does not. Tell me, what exactly limits science to physical proof? And how did science discover energy, which is not physical? Actually, how does math even fit into science? No one has ever physically discovered a number, they're completely abstract. Might as well be considered to be in a completely different universe than our own.

The difference in a nutshell is science relies on evidence. Faith ignores evidence. This makes faith unusable for discovering anything.

Science does not work in the spiritual, but the physical.

You been corrected every time you mistakenly wrote this. Please reflect on this. Why is science limited to the physical?

Using your faith, get saved and baptised with the Holy Spirit.
It's similar to getting married, or at least thats the closes thing I can relate it too, or that you might can compare it too.
It's simple in concept, but obviously not something you can take lightly.

Its very difficult to explain, because there is nothing exactly like it.
I would'nt try too strongly to make intellectual since of it at first, because it's not about that initially.
Doing so hindered me for quite a while, not realizing it's all about relationship, which is generally something guys are not adept at.
We are visual, physical, logical oriented, which doesn't always apply well to matters of relationship.

Done. Didn't work. There is a problem with your explanation. I wasn't even hindered about making sense of it. God was real of course. I knew it and so did everyone else. At least until I stopped to consider what all of it would mean. In all the years from baptism until then, there was no instance of God appearing in any form. Be it a glowing figure, a burning bush, a feeling, a sound. Nothing that wasn't better explained by common sense. So at that moment, I decided to do what was in my and everyone else's best interest and stop believing. It's not going to change without evidence.
Thats because they operate in two different dimensions.
One is for proof in the physical, (scientific method)
the other for proof in the spiritual, (faith)

"Different dimensions"? Hasn't this argument been tried a while ago...? Oh, yeah ... about 500 years ago by Martin Luther:

"All the articles of our Christian faith, which God has revealed to us in His Word, are in presence of reason sheerly impossible, absurd, and false." and "[That] Reason in no way contributes to faith. [...] For reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things."

Hang on a second, you refered to "proof in the spiritual". What proof would that be, and do you have any arguments for faith that aren't over ... say ... 400 years old?
Ok so we're back to bible = word of god?

Can you answer the posters asking how you deal with the contradictions in the bible?

And they do exist.

Also what about people who had faith but lost it? Youll say it wasn't genuine, but how do you know what they felt?

We should get a flow chart going its been round a few times this way.
Not exactly.
It's not a gaurantee, however, if the thing, does actually exist, it lends credibility to that, and is consistent with what would be expected under real existence.

It does not matter whether it exists or not, the amount of believers means nothing. As I said before, even if everyone believed in atoms for no reason, their belief would be pointless as they would lack evidence. The belief would give no creditability to atomic theory even if it was correct. That's because despite being correct, the believer don't know if they are correct.

Conversely, you don't know if your correct in assuming, they do not know it exists.
Perhaps they know something you don't.

The probability of atoms being correct at a given time was above zero for thousands of years. It was probably never at zero as the idea originated based on observation and evidence. Of course all along the probability of atoms was 1. It's clear example of what many have been trying to say, probability is not evidence.

It's evident and probable, this statement is rife with conjecture and assumption.

Then you don't understand the scientific method. As long as humans are able to detect and interact with spiritual whatevers, the scientific method must apply. You are misunderstanding because of the scientific in scientific method. That does not mean it's limited to use by people in white coats. It's the only method there is actually verifying something. Faith cannot do that, faith leaves you open to error, very large error.

Sorry Exorcet, but you got to leave the confines of the carnal mindset in the remote Science lab to discover on the spritual level.

What he said is that he has a scientific view, which automatically implies open minded and a refusal to just accept something for reason. This is the opposite of faith which is closed to evidence.

I wasn't talking about his reason for saying it, but his single minded approach to another dimension, wherein his reasoning is unapplicable.

There is nothing that religion provides that can't be found elsewhere. Religion doesn't really do much except provide another excuse for war or hatred. Science on the other hand is responsible for all our knowledge and understanding, which we then make use of.

Yeah, like the atom bomb.
I don't know how we managed, before science gave us that gem.

In other words, you can't blame science for anything people have done. It does not have an ulterior motive. Religion however, very often wants people to think or act or live a certain way. Then there is the even worse part, it might want you to think or act or live in a way that defies logic or evidence.

Believe it or not, to a degree, I can agree with that.

What you typed is simply your belief. There is no evidence that the Bible is anything more than another book.
Because people believe it for whatever reason. I could call anything I wanted the Word of God and it would be no different from the Bible. A thing with a label.

According to science and the carnal mindset, you are correct.
However, from a spiritual standpoint, there is no other book like it that I know of.

Because people believe it for whatever reason. I could call anything I wanted the Word of God and it would be no different from the Bible. A thing with a label.

I guess you could, but there's only one that I know of.

And there's no reason to care because if he's him, he's unfalsifiable. Even if he wasn't, the evidence for him is missing. To take God as known is a bit silly.

Is it, in reality or just carnally?

And remember that the instructions you've given have failed. Members here used to be members of a religion. Some had all the faith in the world, and God never appeared.

The instructions I am giving are, to and for, entering into a personal relationship(covenant) with God, not joining a religion.

The Muslims were the ones in the golden age. They were more developed in math and science and it showed.

Certainly, everything has it's beneficial to detrimental ratio.
As matter of fact, given that facture, I would have to expect you and most of the other science proponents here, would be tremendous fans of Natzi Germany.
It was by far the most advanced scientifically of any era of late, and provided the basis for most of the scientific advancement to date.
Ok so we're back to bible = word of god?

Can you answer the posters asking how you deal with the contradictions in the bible?

And they do exist.

Also what about people who had faith but lost it? Youll say it wasn't genuine, but how do you know what they felt?

We should get a flow chart going its been round a few times this way.

Who are you directing this to? You've quoted and named no-one.

Edit: Oh dear. Don't tell me you read the Martin Luther quote and thought it was a biblical reference. If that's the case, try reading what you're responding to. You've missed the point--by a large margin--and missed the position by 180 degrees.
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Yeah, like the atom bomb.
I don't know how we managed, before science gave us that gem.


Science is the method by which we come to understand and explain the world around us - neither science nor scientists are responsible for the fact that, if you break atoms apart, they release an incredible amount of energy - a process that happens everywhere in the universe without any help from anyone. Nor is any person responsible for the fact that if you have a big enough piece of pure plutonium, it will explode with colossal force. Science merely allows mankind to discover these facts and understand the processes involved - it doesn't create them. How people choose to exploit these natural phenomena does not in any way make science or the scientific method bad or worthy of criticism, just as atomic weapons are not inherently evil either...

Seriously, silly and ignorant comments like the one I've quoted doesn't help your credibility one iota.
"Different dimensions"? Hasn't this argument been tried a while ago...? Oh, yeah ... about 500 years ago by Martin Luther:

"All the articles of our Christian faith, which God has revealed to us in His Word, are in presence of reason sheerly impossible, absurd, and false." and "[That] Reason in no way contributes to faith. [...] For reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things."

Hang on a second, you refered to "proof in the spiritual". What proof would that be, and do you have any arguments for faith that aren't over ... say ... 400 years old?

I part I can agree, In whole I do not.

Luther failed to distinguish the real difference between the two.
However he was right in his assesment that "carnal" reasoning will not come to the aid of "faith".

This thread is a "classic" example of that.

Likewise if reason was not involved, albeit non carnal exclusive, how can God make this statement:

Isaiah 1:18
Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.

BTW, where do you think, reasoning came from.

To answer your last question, Yes I do.
Inumerous amounts of people are getting saved and filled with the Holy Spirit,
even as we speak.
But you won't find out about it, hold up in the remote science lab.
The entirety of physical or carnal existence, not spiritual existence.

Nope. The entirety of existence. If it were subdivided, the word "entirety" would make no sense.

If it is within existence, the scientific method is the only tool for uncovering and describing it. If it is outside existence, there is no tool for uncovering and describing it.

Thats because they operate in two different dimensions.
One is for proof in the physical, (scientific method)
the other for proof in the spiritual, (faith)

That is the complete differentiation in a nutshell.

Except proof denies faith. You cannot have faith in something of which you have proof - you don't need to believe in something that exists.

It's fine to believe in something outside of existence, because there is no proof of it.

Your missing the whole point Famine.

Science does not work in the spiritual, but the physical.

"Science" is "knowledge". If you're stating there can be no knowledge of the spiritual world, you'll find we're furiously agreeing.
Conversely, you don't know if your correct in assuming, they do not know it exists.
Perhaps they know something you don't.
And I'm open to being told about that something. I just won't believe anything without evidence.

It's evident and probable, this statement is rife with conjecture and assumption.
Certainly some, I'm not a historian. However there is a clear difference between God and the atom. One can be supported by evidence, the other can't. In the case of God, no evidence exists, and finding it would be difficult (unfalisifiability).

Sorry Exorcet, but you got to leave the confines of the carnal mindset in the remote Science lab to discover on the spritual level.
I've told you, I've tried it. For quite a number of years. The ironic part was that having a religious mind set led to extreme close mindedness and illogical thoughts. I'm a lot less closed in now then I was then.

I wasn't talking about his reason for saying it, but his single minded approach to another dimension, wherein his reasoning is unapplicable.
You don't seem to understand that humans don't necessarily have the ability to see everything. We need a way to test ideas and our senses. The scientific method handles this for all things we can prove.

Yeah, like the atom bomb.
I don't know how we managed, before science gave us that gem.
Quite useful for producing energy, potentially stopping asteroids, or even ending a war in order to save lives. I'd say it's quite a gem. As long as people don't use it for the wrong reasons, giving up knowledge of atomic weapons would be idiotic. Given the last half century, it seems like we're fairly good at keeping them in check.

Believe it or not, to a degree, I can agree with that.
Yeah, you've been saying already that faith is incompatible with reasoning. But that's not a good thing. Without reasoning, we have nothing.

According to science and the carnal mindset, you are correct.
However, from a spiritual standpoint, there is no other book like it that I know of.
Assuming spirituality is anything like you think it is. Though I'd imagine every other religion has the same to say about their artifacts.

I guess you could, but there's only one that I know of.
Don't forget Islam and Judaism. Also don't assume that uniqueness doesn't mean anything. It could have been the only thing called the Word of God, but that doesn't make it right.

Is it, in reality or just carnally?
In reality. Everything we can perceive lacks a pointer to God.

The instructions I am giving are, to and for, entering into a personal relationship(covenant) with God, not joining a religion.
I'm aware.

As matter of fact, given that facture, I would have to expect you and most of the other science proponents here, would be tremendous fans of Natzi Germany.
It was by far the most advanced scientifically of any era of late, and provided the basis for most of the scientific advancement to date.

I do have great respect for the scientific accomplishments of Nazi Germany and I think some of their ideas should continue to the modern day. In particular, the Nazi Youth Aviation camps resonate with me. Unfortunately, the Nazis were not so far advanced in other areas. Example, their belief in the idea that Jews were the problem with the world. Faith in ideas like that is not needed. Faith isn't needed at all.
Richard Dawkins
Out of all of the sects in the world, we notice an uncanny coincidence: the overwhelming majority just happen to choose the one that their parents belong to. Not the sect that has the best evidence in its favour, the best miracles, the best moral code, the best cathedral, the best stained glass, the best music: when it comes to choosing from the smorgasbord of available religions, their potential virtues seem to count for nothing, compared to the matter of heredity. This is an unmistakable fact; nobody could seriously deny it. Yet people with full knowledge of the arbitrary nature of this heredity, somehow manage to go on believing in their religion, often with such fanaticism that they are prepared to murder people who follow a different one.

And this sums up each and every theist. Not one of them can claim that they chose their religion as it was "the best of all religions". Worse than that, not one of them can claim, honestly, that "god" alone directed them to this religion without cultural--and in most cases, familial--influence. Not one! Each one of them is aware of this fact, and yet they're all completely oblivious to the ramifications of it.

You believe in your particular superstition due to one of two reasons:

1. Your parents did.

2. Cultural influence got to you in a time of personal crisis.

How often do you hear of random, spontaneously-arising Christian children professing their faith in Jesus Christ, the "god," in societies that have no knowledge of Christianity? -If Jesus Christ was truly a god, shouldn't occurrences like this be happening every day, everywhere?

Science is the method by which we come to understand and explain the world around us - neither science nor scientists are responsible for the fact that, if you break atoms apart, they release an incredible amount of energy - a process that happens everywhere in the universe without any help from anyone. Nor is any person responsible for the fact that if you have a big enough piece of pure plutonium, it will explode with colossal force. Science merely allows mankind to discover these facts and understand the processes involved - it doesn't create them. How people choose to exploit these natural phenomena does not in any way make science or the scientific method bad or worthy of criticism, just as atomic weapons are not inherently evil either...

Seriously, silly and ignorant comments like the one I've quoted doesn't help your credibility one iota.

Well now, another country heard from.
Hey TM, wondered if you might "kick in" somewhere along this most recent line.

So if I understand you, correctly, science plays no role in the responsibility for the atomic dilemma.

I'm not sure I can agree entirely on that, but like the saying "guns don't kill people, people do", I cant very well declare it, meritless.

However, I am very glad you pointed that out, seeing it points directly to the moral side of the life equation.

Which is in part, why I made that statement in the first place.

As usual, it is somewhat of a challenge to influence the spiritually challenged here to breakout and seriously consider other known and applicable dimensions and perspectives, present in the reality of life.

At any rate, good to see that you are alive and kicking.
I part I can agree, In whole I do not.

Luther failed to distinguish the real difference between the two.
However he was right in his assesment that "carnal" reasoning will not come to the aid of "faith".

This thread is a "classic" example of that.

Luther said the same thing you are saying 500 years ago. You've either not read enough of his words, or you're misunderstanding his words.

Likewise if reason was not involved, albeit non carnal exclusive, how can God make this statement:

Isaiah 1:18
Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.

God didn't say that. It was written by men. You don't really believe the bible to be written by a god now do you?

-Why would an omnipotent being need to write down his message? Why wouldn't he simply install it in the minds of the beings he created?

-Why are there inconsistencies and mistakes in the bible? -How could an omniscient being make mistakes and forget what it "wrote" earlier?

But this is all just fluff. You have no reason for believing in your religion other than the fact that your parents do. If they believed in a teapot orbiting Jupiter, you would too.
So if I understand you, correctly, science plays no role in the responsibility for the atomic dilemma.

Science is a concept and a vague one at that. It bears no more responsibility for the atomic bomb than faith does for the molestation of children under the care of priests ... around the globe every, single day.
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Who are you directing this to? You've quoted and named no-one.

Edit: Oh dear. Don't tell me you read the Martin Luther quote and thought it was a biblical reference. If that's the case, try reading what you're responding to. You've missed the point--by a large margin--and missed the position by 180 degrees.

Nice guess but wrong, you loved that chance to try and put me down didnt you, lol.

SCJ mentions word of god, if youd followed the thread youd see that, granted i didnt quote anybody but im happy for you for managing to create, participate and win an argument all by yourself.

Incidentally SuperCobraJet, where should i begin my spiritual quest? At the top of some peak? Because apparently the science lab is the one place I cant find the holy spirit?
Nice guess but wrong, you loved that chance to try and put me down didnt you, lol.

SCJ mentions word of god, if youd followed the thread youd see that, granted i didnt quote anybody but im happy for you for managing to create, participate and win an argument all by yourself.

Incidentally SuperCobraJet, where should i begin my spiritual quest? At the top of some peak? Because apparently the science lab is the one place I cant find the holy spirit?

I ... don't know who you are and am therefore not interested in "putting you down". :rolleyes: The fact that, as you admit, people have to "guess" who you are referring to says something about your posting habits.

The natural inference, when a poster doesn't quote another poster, is that they are referring to the person who posted before them. In this case, it was me. If you want to direct you comments to a particular person, it's quite easy to quote them.