As has already been pointed out, you've got the age of the universe wrong. Massively.
While it may not matter what you believe the age of the universe to be, it does matter if you make wildly inaccurate statements as if they are facts.
At the very least, you ought to realise that what you believe and what is actually true might be two different things. If you really believe the universe is a mere few thousand years old, then you have an excellent example right there. If you believe this because that's what you've been told, then that is unfortunate - but it's not something that cannot be rectified. But, if you continue to believe this despite a full consideration of the evidence, then you've got a serious problem. Being in error because you've been misled is unfortunate, but being in error through wilful ignorance is not worthy of sympathy or respect. Of course, I trust (and hope) that you are of the former variety, and as such I hope that you are atleast willing to consider the possibility that you are in error on this matter.
First, "age" of the universe, and, life as we know it, are two different entities, in my estimation.
Likewise since science is basically a process of trial and error, your assumptions based on current evidence, with regaurd to age of the universe, could be overturned tomorrow, so they are suspect as well.
You, nor science, nor anyone else, has a conclusive evidential lock on origins of the universe, or life as we know it, so you can keep your self determined comments of "willful ignorance", "sympathy and respect" to yourself.
Educated to some extent, it's still a guessing game and you know it.
Now, I am not completely opposed to the possibility of your universe accessment, since there is evidence for it.
However, there are too many unknowns, and details left out of the Biblical account,
to accurately determine exactly, how, who, what, where, and when.
I am of the the current opinion, that it is possible there is a distinction not being made between, the Biblical account of the Earth as we know it now, or current arrangement, and raw material that could have been present and used in the process to create the current arrangement.
Ultimately , I know God is who he said he is, and there is a way to consistently reconcile his account with whatever real evidence is present.
There is a on going controversy, currently concerning this, surrounding Hugh Ross, a Astrophysicist who is a Christian.
While I do not agree with all his views, his likewise insistence on the age of the universe, is something to consider.