Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
ObOntopic: As I alluded earlier, Iif* a certain set of assumptions holds true, it would be massively statistically improbable and deeply hubristic to assume that we are:

a) "Real" biological organisims
b) In a universe with no "Creator".

Interesting comment, with which in part, I must agree.

Mind you, if those same assumptions hold true, the motivations involved would be basically unknowable, and expecting intervention or observable proof of any kind would probably be just as unlikely. Unless it's for experimentation and/or yucks.

*Not a typo.

I believe these determinations are more subject to, the level of sophistication, the structured object, as well as the power and capability of the programmer.
Religion...always an interesting topic.

Whether you believe in some form of a god or not, one thing for sure, you can use the bible a loose guideline.

Just don't take anything in it as fact.

The only thing I know for sure about god and car racing is when someone says 'God that car was fast"
God wagered my whole afterlife on a battle between,
  • The reasoning he gave me.
  • The ability of other humans to convince me he exists.

Feels bad, because I want to believe but I genuinely can't be convinced and I will surely burn for eternity. I even read his e-book. :nervous:

I find it hard to even see him as a loving God worth worshiping, when his greatest crime is to not be convinced of his existence.

If I just pretend to believe and attend mass & pray alot, is that worth anything to him? Or must I truly be convinced in order to receive the eternal gifts he offers?

This picture sums up how I feel:
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We should probably question our sources,
It's also possible that Hell has been subject to biased review.

There are some interesting people in Hell;
George Carlin,
Albert Einstein,
Carl Sagan,
Isaac Asmiov,
Ernest Hemingway,
Thomas Edison,
John Lennon,
Bad People,
Good People

We can look forward to Penn & Teller showing up too.

Hitler wanted to burn Anne Frank,
God wanted to burn both Hitler & Anne Frank. How cruel that they will be placed together for eternity.

In heaven you might expect to meet;
David Koresh (Assuming he asked for forgiveness)
Pedophile Priests,
Bad People,
Good People

How people are split in the afterlife seems to be the decision of some jealous teenager that realised one of their peers doesn't want to hang out with them.

Let me fix that photo for you:

I'm seeing the same image rendered in each post though, are you seeing something else?
Until the middle ages there was no hell, just a place with out god.
The church created it to frighten the locals.
So don't worry about going there.

I swear there aint no heaven,
but I pray there aint no hell.

Blood, sweat and Tears.
Whether you believe in some form of a god or not, one thing for sure, you can use the bible a loose guideline.

Meh. I'd rather not have a book with so many horrible acts and down right stupidity in it be any sort of a guide just because it has a few good bits in it. Especially when the good bits are pretty well common practice things, most of which (if not all) predating the bible anyway.

"A better bible: Don't be a dick." -I don't remember who.
In the Qur'an, it states that Muhammad (PBUH) lived in the dessert and he guessed what an ocean looked like. Turns out, he is correct. Lots of proof in the Qur'an.
In the Qur'an, it states that Muhammad (PBUH) lived in the dessert and he guessed what an ocean looked like. Turns out, he is correct. Lots of proof in the Qur'an.

How exactly is that proof of anything?

Its not exactly as if everyone in the region was utterly unaware of what an ocean was! Given that large number of the people of that area traveled and had contact with people from seafaring nations knowledge of an ocean would be far from rare, particularly for someone who was a merchant for part of his life.

The region had trade links with India (which sits on a rather large ocean) and the Med (which opens into a rather large ocean) since the Romans and the first century, a good 400 years before Muhammad.

I notice that you have also utterly ignored the rather inconvenient "its not a photo of real trees but a painting", some comment on that would be appreciated.
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The man lived in a Cornetto and still guessed what an ocean looked like. I'd like to see you do that with creamy vanilla obscuring your vision.

The man was a trader. If you meet the variety of people you meet during trading, as Mohammed did, you can learn a whole lot of things about things you would never see otherwise.

It would be much different if he took a look at a beam of light hitting a wall in a dark room and declared that light must be a wave. :P
I apologize, an article told me this was a picture.
Then I strongly suggest that you develop a more critical approach to information you come across and actually validate it and check it yourself. It will make you much better placed to understand and deal with the world at large.

For example.....

Exactly. He didn't pull it out of his ass.

You need a rather large lesson on history for the time period involved. The concept of oceans would be well known, particularly to a merchant who dealt with trade between the med and India (both on large oceans).

So no he didn't pull it out of his ass, but him being aware of an Ocean is about as surprising and miraculous as me being aware of a website call GT Planet.
Exactly. He didn't pull it out of his ass.

That was a joke. You said "dessert" (a sweet treat often eaten as the last course of a meal) instead of "desert" (a desolate area of land). So I joked that Mohammed lived in a creamy vanilla Cornetto (a popular flavour and brand of ice-cream).

Personally I think religion is a load of rubbish.
Continue arguing but please don't insult anything, it can hurts some people like me... And, do I have to come again, the subject is starting again so I think We can continue our discussion about Islam with you, no?
Thanks photonrider but I actually have no point of view about islam, i'm muslim. On this thread talk about if you believe in God or not. I do believe and we had a strong debate with famine, but this thread is starting Again so it Will be interesting if we continue.