Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
In the present enigma, we are merely trying to decipher whether Patrik's 'God' ('him') exists - as challenged in the OP.

Actually the discussion has over the years evolved well past that, even if it hadn't its still the Abrehamic god being discussed and as such Allah fits the bill.

Thanks photonrider but I actually have no point of view about islam, i'm muslim. On this thread talk about if you believe in God or not. I do believe and we had a strong debate with famine, but this thread is starting Again so it Will be interesting if we continue.
You have no view on Islam but are a Muslim?

How exactly (aside from fanatical blind faith) does that work?
You have no view on Islam but are a Muslim?

How exactly (aside from fanatical blind faith) does that work?

I mean, i'm muslim so its comprehensible. A muslim won't judge islam because he's following the religion. If really you want words, then, what can I say... The truth? Or the real religion? Or the religion of God?
I mean, i'm muslim so its comprehensible. A muslim won't judge islam because he's following the religion. If really you want words, then, what can I say... The truth? Or the real religion? Or the religion of God?

Just like Catholics don't judge Catholicism? I honestly have no idea what you're saying here.
Just like Catholics don't judge Catholicism? I honestly have no idea what you're saying here.

I didn't talk about catholicism. Sorry but I have no other words, how to say... How can I judge islam if i'm following it? I won't say that its false.

I believe in the existence of God but I am as able as an atheist to discuss the belief in God.

I am a Catholic and I am as able to discuss the catholic church as an atheist or a follower of any other religion is.

So, of course you are able to discuss your own faith and the human religious structure that you belong to.

I believe in the existence of God but I am as able as an atheist to discuss the belief in God.

I am a Catholic and I am as able to discuss the catholic church as an atheist or a follower of any other religion is.

So, of course you are able to discuss your own faith and the human religious structure that you belong to.

This is why I didn't talk about catholicism. Islam in no way is a religion of zig-zag. In no way we can't ask ourselves if it is the true religion.
This is why I didn't talk about catholicism. Islam in no way is a religion of zig-zag. In no way we can't ask ourselves if it is the true religion.

Catholicism or Islam it doesn't matter. Why can't you discuss your own belief?
This is why I didn't talk about catholicism. Islam in no way is a religion of zig-zag. In no way we can't ask ourselves if it is the true religion.

Can't be a hero without knowing what fear is , can't be a faithful without knowing what doubt is.

But that's just me, the zig-zagger :D
That's good, you just make that up?

The whole phrase is I think mine. The relationship between heroism and fear isn't (heard it many times in many forms), and I just "applied" it to faith and doubt. Nothing much I guess, sometimes I take "liberties" with foreign languages to try and make myself better understood. Doesn't work always though ;)
"The earth rotates on its axis at one thousand miles an hour; if it turned at one hundred miles an hour, our days and nights would be ten times as long as now, and the hot sun would then burn up our vegetation during each long day, while in the long night any surviving sprout would freeze.

Again, the sun, source of our life, has a surface temperature of 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and our earth is, just far enough away so that this 'eternal fire" warms us just enough and not too much! If the sun gave off only one-half its present radiation, we would freeze, and if it gave half as much more, we would roast.

The slant of the earth, tilted at an angle of 23 degrees, gives us our seasons; if it had not been so tilted, vapours from the ocean would move north and south, piling up for us continents of ice. If our moon was, say, only 50 thousand miles away instead of its actual distance, our tides would be so enormous that twice a day all continents would be submerged; even the mountains would soon be eroded away.

If the crust of the earth had been only ten feet thicker, there would be no oxygen without which animal life must die. Had the ocean been a few feet deeper, carbon dioxide and oxygen would have been absorbed and no vegetable life could exist. Or if our atmosphere had been thinner, some of the meteors, now burned in space by the million every day would be striking all parts of the earth, starting fires everywhere.

Because of these, and host of other examples, there is not one chance in millions that life on our planet is an accident."
Because of these, and host of other examples, there is not one chance in millions that life on our planet is an accident.
Life evolved in a location that it was ideal for life to evolve from.

Accidents and deities need not be invoked.
What "they"?

Incidentally, the specious reasoning of "Earth is ideal for us so must have been made for us" has been visited several times in this thread. You might like to look it over.
That's been covered too. The atheists think humans descend from apes, apes from other less evolved apes, and back you go to mammals, less evolved life forms, no life at all, no Earth, no Universe, nothing.

It's a miracle of sorts :D
Some scientist think that all these stable values of our solar system, the fact that everything is 100% on its good place are there maybe to have something to do on earth, there is another muslim, I'm very happy because before i was alone only with God. Now, if you prefere, we can prove why islam is the truth by givin you multiple miracles after the ones before that you denied.
That's been covered too. The atheists think humans descend from apes
It's little to do with atheism, thinking or coming from apes.

We have significant evidence that says that humans and apes have a common, earlier ancestor.
apes from other less evolved apes
We have significant evidence that says that the human-ape ancestor has a common, earlier ancestor with a monkey ancestor.
and back you go to mammals
We have significant evidence that says that all existing mammalian species have a single common, earlier ancestor species.
less evolved life forms
We have significant evidence that says that all existing species of life have a common, earlier ancestor species.
no life at all
That's now biochemistry rather than evolution, but there is strong evidence for abiogenesis.
That's now cosmology rather than biochemistry, but we have significant evidence that says the Earth was formed as the result of an accretion disc.
no Universe
That's now Big Bang theory rather than cosmology, but we have good evidence that says the universe as it is currently structured arose from a rapid expansion of a singularity region of space-time.
And that's not true.

Oddly, despite all the opportunity afforded by all time, no evidence has ever been presented that contradicts any of the above evidences.
The agency NASA has confirmed that the universe contains large quantities of gas. They brought from space dust and it turned out after laboratory analysis it is a gas that comes from the origin of the universe. They said that the best word to describe these small particles is SMOKE

Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Surah 41 verse 11
The agency NASA has confirmed that the universe contains large quantities of gas. They brought from space dust and it turned out after laboratory analysis it is a gas that comes from the origin of the universe. They said that the best word to describe these small particles is SMOKE
[Citation needed]

"Space dust" isn't gas. Smoke isn't gas. And selectivity isn't evidence.
? What are you smoking?!
We're animals - we're in the Kingdom of Animalia.
We're chordates - we're in the Phylum of Chordata.
We're mammals - we're in the Class of Mammalia.
We're primates - we're in the Order of Primates.
We're dry-nosed primates - we're in the Suborder of Haplorrhini.
We're simians - we're in the Infraorder of Simiiformes.
We're downward-nostrilled simians - we're in the Parvorder of Catarrhini.
We're apes - we're in the Superfamily of Hominoidea.
We're great apes - we're in the Family of Hominidae.
We're hominine great apes - we're in the Subfamily of Homininae

There are three genuses in homininae - gorillas (Gorilla), chimpanzees & bonobos (Pan) and humans (Homo) - and while there's several species and subspecies of Gorilla and Pan remaining, Homo sapiens is the only living species of Homo left.

Humans are apes, primates, mammals and animals. So I'd suggest he's smoking "reality".
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