I didn't bring it up, you did.
True enough, but only in the context of pointing out areas where the Bible is not 100% correct, as you claim. Not as an opening to discuss evolution.
Simple, prior to that which was perfect (the perfect sacrifice in the person of Jesus) there was a temporary system to punish sin under the law. Once the perfect was established, all sin was put under the Son(Jesus) or is now dealt with through the Son.
I thought the Bible was 100% perfect? That was your claim a few days ago. If the New Testament is perfect and replaces the "temporary" system, why is the Old Testament still part of the Bible? And why was the punishment just under the Old Testament but not under the New Testament? Did God change his mind and decide to lighten up a little?
They didn't need a Religion do to that?
No, they didn't. Why would they? As I said, they most likely invented religion to scare the locals into following the rules, but they did not need a deity to create the rules in the first place.
In reality, all ethics and human rights have originated from and through Religion. One in particular.
This is a wildly unsubstantiated statement, and completely inaccurate. It's no wonder you think that the US is a Christian nation.
I think you err considerably on that first part.... and the second part as well.
It's my considered opinion that I'm right. Of course, this is a mere opinion on my part and I can't calculate an exact date upon which religion became more bad than good.
False in the "True reality" sense, not in the belief of those who carried out. (They truly thought they were doing the right thing)
I know they thought they were doing the right thing. And since you only have your own belief to say they were not following the True Reality, who are you to say they were wrong?
Sometimes it astounds me how you can make a statement, and then totally ignore the implication of it.
If he is the one thats omnipotent, guess who gets to call the shots, and it ain't you.
If He expects me to believe in Him, then He can show me some proof of His existence. He is the one claiming to be God, not me. The burden of proof is on the claimant, not the one hearing the claim. If I claim you owe me a thousand dollars, is it up to you to prove that you do not?
The tradeoff might be well worth it.
Might being the operative word, here. I don't see any possible benefit in it. I already have every advantage that people tell me their faith offers. And I see zero evidence of an afterlife, so I see zero reason to bet on its existence.
Frankly, if I was God, I wouldn't want a whole bunch of followers who were willing to throw away their own integrity and everything they thought was good and right and true on the merest chance that it
might be worth it.
You know, if somebody betrays themselves once, they're likely to do it again.
I guess I've been under an illusion all these years. I thought the purpose of language and words was to "say something' or "communicate something".
It is. Your Bible and numerous other holy books all communicate that they are the words of their respective gods. But that's all they do. None of them actually
demonstrates it; they just
claim it.
I believe you are the one that has it reversed. Your conclusion that all religious or Deity references are as valid as any single one is "weighing all things with equal merit". In objectivity, the object must project the validity "without regard to the frame of reference" and apart from the partiality or bias of the individual's thoughts, feelings or logic.
It's weighing them with equal merit because the amount of proof and evidence supporting each one is equal: zero. That's different from giving all types of criteria (rational and non-rational) the same weight.
You have stated that 5 of the ten commandments you agree are beneficial. You then immediately turn "Subjective" and attempt to part them out and refit them within your "reguarded frame of reference" or logic bias. The majority of your statements are from this same MO.
But that's because logic is impersonal and functions the same way for everyone. If it is not functioning the same way then it is not pure logic. If you insist that relying completely on rational criteria is being subjective I cannot agree with you. Once you step into the non-rational realm,
everything becomes subjective, and there's no way to be objective and subjective at the same time.
I haven't dismissed them. I can find some level of validity in most of them. I just can't find the same complete depth, length, and breadth of validity in but one.
Fair enough. Just understand that I do not see any more validity in yours.
Probable with reguard to what or who? On what scale or standard?
Remember you must maintain Ojectivity.
Probability will require additional examination.
See above. You are fundamentally mistaken in what objectivity is.
Thats the whole point isn't it. If you are a people, then you are subject to misapplication. Logic is still logic whether its right, wrong, good, bad, or indifferent. It likewise is not the all powerful end all, do all, answer to eveything, as it appears you think it is. I'm suddenly reminded of Famine's statement about the Gun. Its the same principle.
What, that the fault is not in the gun itself but how you use it? Logic is the same way. You can misuse it. The only difference is a gun is still a gun no matter what you point it at, whereas logic is no longer logic if you misuse it.
I think your assesment is way off here. This is merely a mirror image of the "Parent-Child" relationship. He was instructing them from the " I know something about these things" or Parent perspective, just as we experience growing up. Likewise it was given from a care and love vantage point, but also knowing that ultimately they will have to decide for themselves. I believe that if the original course of obedience had been allowed to progress, the introduction of knowledge and discernment of it would have been at some point an inevitable part of the process. Thats JMO on that aspect.
Why? God didn't tell Adam and Eve not to eat the Fruit of Knowlege
YET. He didn't give any indication at all that they might later be allowed to eat it when he deemed them ready. It was the strictly the
Forbidden Fruit. Permanently off-limits.
Certainly over the ages many have sought to enforce that method for their own alterior motives. It does not however inadvertently confirm motive in everything.(post #1098) Although, it is one reason why I say read it for yourself.
True, it does not guarantee or prove that was the motive. But it certainly casts doubt on it. Why would this one instance be different from all the others? Others have claimed to be divinely inspired as well.
How so? The truth in something, is not dependent on or altered by who (numerically) may or may not recognize it as such. Although the more that do numerically claim it does lend some credence to the possiblity and even probability of truth being contained therein. However it is still no guarantee.
Correct. So the social fact that a lot of people
believe in the Bible cannot outweight the physical fact that there is no real evidence that the Bible is true.
I think you just contradicted yourself as to the prior statement.
Otherwise with the exception of your use of the word "Like", I would say: Exactly.
As you, I and others have pointed out, you are not necessarily going to "like" everything it says. But then again that doesn't have any bearing on the "truth" of it. If anything it may add validation to it.
How have I contradicted myself? See my statements about objectivity versus subjectivity above.
Oops, I think you may have just slipped into subjective cynicism.
Possibly. I never said I didn't have an opinion on the matter. However, that opinion was arrived at as logically and rationally as possible, not jumped to and then post-rationalised.
So you are your own GOD, so to speak. Tell me, if you are your own GOD then why do you need a moral code and from where did you derive it?
I need a moral code to guide my actions through life and navigate through my dealings with other people, the same reason anyone else does.
I derived it from the basic inalienable rights I have, of which the Founding Fathers made a fairly accurate description.
Every other person on Earth has those same rights. Simply recognizing those rights for others and defending them for myself generates a framework of ethics that can be used to answer any moral question that arises.
Also tell me how you deal with these failures you speak of, and how you came to be an expert involving matters of fairness?
I deal with failures by trying to rectify the situation wherein I failed and return it to fairness. And every person who follows the logical process I outlined above can become an expert in fairness. There's no magic to it.