Like the world being made in 6 days, a mere 7,000 years ago? Is that explaining it with any degree of accuracy at all?
I don't know for sure if that is literal. On the other hand I think it is more likely than evolution.
You mean, correlatable, like the parts of the Bible that directly contradict each other?
These apparent contradictions are clearly explained.
Or you mean correlatable, like where we were forbidden to eat shellfish and required to stone homosexuals to death, but now we can chow down on lobster and just tell the homos to not be gay?
All men are called to repent and be saved. Homo, Hetero, Shmomo, or other wise. Your predisposition, flavor, or brand of sin is irrelavant. All have sinned and according to him,(GOD) must be saved to inherit (have a part) in the Kingdom he has claimed he
will establish.
What has religion ever solved? What?
Again I don't know about religion, but even so, you are quick to point out any shortcomings, but do you ever stop to consider the positive restraining and orderly influence it has and has had in the World.
Has it ended sin? Has it ended conflict? Has it solved disagreement?
Not yet. Sometimes. Sometimes.
I maintain that religion has created more of those things than it has ever "solved".
I don't agree. I have no doubt it would be a lot worse without it than with it.
Yeah, burning the Library of Alexandria enlightened people real well. You do realize that little bit of faith-driven vandalism set the human race back about a thousand years in terms of technology, medicine, science, and art.
Ask Galileo how good it feels to be "enlightened".
Again that is a single incident, Obviously carried out under false pretenses.
Oh, you mean "fit", like the Creation story "fits" the fossil record? Like the animals mentioned in the Bible "fit" the existence of dinosaurs? Like 2 of every species on Earth (which number in the millions for insects alone) "fit" in a wooden boat made by a guy and a couple of his sons?
I could go on, but I assume you get the point.
For you or me it sure is improbable, but if he
is who he says he is then I don't see the problem.
What has faith provided in the big picture? Has faith provided peace and plenty? Has faith provided understanding? Has faith provided technology and medicine?
Yes, I believe it has.
Faith has provided some individual people with perceived security and insulation against the difficulties of life. But on a much larger scale, it has also provided utterly pointless warfare and conflict. And it has done nothing about disease or hunger.
Quite the contrary, yes it has.
I'll try to explain this one more time:
- There is no physical, measurable evidence that god exists in any form.
- The only evidence that the Judeo-Christian God exists is found in the scripture of the Bible, and this is not evidence at all, but merely a written assertion that He exists in this form.
- Other religions also have holy texts that assert that their version of God is correct.
- The amount of physical, measurable evidence in favor of each version is equal: zero.
- Therefore, in choosing to decide for the existence of one version, you have absolutely no data to choose against any of the other version.
And I will repeat once again, since he(GOD) clearly states he is a "Spirit" being and no man has seen him, other than as represented in the person of Jesus Christ, you will have to adjust your criteria to accommodate him.
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
John 4:23-25
Once you choose to believe in one thing without any data, you have no logical reason not to believe to believe in other things without data.
So you are saying, all Data is the same, and there is no way to discern between it,
or you are saying the content of what is written is inadvertently unanalyzable and/or undiscernable. Neither sounds objective or logical to me.
As a smart man once said: "Once you truly understand why you dismiss everyone else's gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
I'm not dismissing anything, I'm only testifying about the one I know. the Bible. With no evidence other than the Bible itself. With no strength to the claim other than the claim itself. With no proof the Bible was not written by plain, ordinary men, without divine inspiration. Man defined the God and defined sin, so of course they defined the way to avoid their sin as following their God.
Either that ....or..... GOD did define it just as he claims he did.
So we're bad because an uppity angel with horns and a tail tricks us into being bad? It doesn't seem to me that the author of that story knows anything about human psychology.
It doesn't sound like you do either.
He tricks you by the very thing you think is so strong and impenetrable.
When in fact it is often weak, frail, and powerless.
According to GOD the problem started when they ate the fruit from the tree of
knowledge of good and evil.
Therefore acquisition of knowledge and discernment with application of it are obviously two different things.
I know you're gonna love this next one:
Proverbs 3:5 (Amplified Bible) Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
Why do you think he would make such a statement as that?
Almost the entire population of the world used to believe the Earth was flat and the sun revolved around our planet. Why should that massive quantity of belief affect the reality of the truth in any way?
It didn't. Although I think you may have just answered my question.
But it is self-referential: it only exists within the system of religion you happen to believe. You cannot demonstrate the existence of God with anything other than your repeated assertion that He exists. You read a book that proclaims itself to be true, and say that claim proves itself to be true. It is a closed system of circular reasoning that goes nowhere beyond itself.
To a degree you are correct. I said its up to each person to determine for themselves whether it is true or not. The only way I know to do that is read it for yourself.
My assertions are strictly what I have determined based on the content of what is written and why. Certainly at this point for me, it is a foregone conclusion. My perspective is no longer from examination, but from the reality I now enjoy in it. In that respect your right, its a closed system, but only because I know him and those outside the relationship do not. However it is not of reasoning now as during examination, but rather of relational progression.