I see you've been a busy man here.
It was really just a sort of "perfect storm" in my personal life - lots of bad things lining up right at the same time. Nothing others have not also been through.
Just curious how it turned out and also how you are so sure he didn't help you in some way.
Yet He didn't send me anything. I did not expect God to appear in a blaze of His glory and solve my sordid little problems, nor did I say that I did. I asked for a sign that he was listening and some small gesture of support and direction. None appeared - no comfort, help, or teaching. Working my way out of the situation was the result of my own thinking, initiative, and effort. That is flawed indeed, but I can take credit for all of it.
You know for being such a Scientific fellow you puzzle me as to how you expect to get the independently repeatable result when you don't follow the
But it's not repeatable and verifiable. Large numbers of people have convinced themselves of some remarkable things over the course of history. That doesn't make those things universally true.
It is repeatable and verifiable but only on an individual basis.
I agree on the rest. Although it certainly doesn't indicate something is untrue.
The thing about evangelists is that it's always the humans that let God down, never vice versa. It's like people who say "communism is the perfect system if only everyone participates the right way". They don't consider that it is a very wrong system and it's not the people who lack faith who are failing..
As we discussed previously, we do have our fallibilities.
No, because it is simply a claim. Anyone can claim anything, but as stated above, correlation is not causation. It's really, no matter how fundamentally you feel it, nothing more than your horoscope happening to be correct. Did the planets align just so and cast good fortune on me? Or did God? How can you show either is true?
You left out the living walking proof part.
So even faith doesn't offer predictability and repeatability. You pray every time and sometimes you get what you want, sometimes you just get what you can accept, and sometimes you get nuthin'. With no offense intended, that sounds a lot like the people who fervently believed that you could get the prize car you wanted in GT3 by pressing the X button as the prize wheel was spinning. When they got the car they wanted it was incontrovertible proof that the system worked, and when it didn't, it only meant they didn't get the timing right.
Maybe the faith wasn't so good sometimes or you asked amiss.
How? What single thing in the history of the universe can absolutely and unequivocably be shown to demonstrate the existence of God?
In order to do the kind of "research" you mean, I would need to subvert my intellect. I would have to tell it to ignore all the rules, theories, and observations that make logical sense, in order to pursue an unseen, unknown, and quite probably non-existent goal.
No you don't, you just have to be objective.
Which, unfortunately, means it is not proof no matter how earnestly you believe it.
No, it just means you don't consider it proof.
According to your interpretation of your book. I've got other books (and other interpretations of the same book) that disagree. Prove them wrong.
I don't need to, but maybe you do?
Prove it. Prove that I will be damned if I don't believe.
I don't need to prove that either, because I didn't say it. You could be in trouble, though, since the one who did, also said, he can not lie and he is always faithful.
All in due time.
Because it is an open door to the infinite, and not in a good way. Once you subvert the reasoning powers of your mind, it is then logically incapable of making valid analytical comparisons. No matter how much you wish to deny it, the issue comes down to feelings. You feel God is real to you, but every single point comes back to that being the only proof you have.
I'll say it again, you don't subvert your reasoning and it is not feelings but if that is what you choose to believe, then by all means do so. However nothing could be further from the Truth.
Predictability != faith.
Because once something has been repeatably demonstrated to be true (tomorrow the sun will rise in the east, this road leads from my house to work, there's a desk at work with my name on it, if I go there every day for a week they will pay me) it no longer needs to be proven each and every time in order for me to act on the prediction that it will remain true until further notice.
Contrar! Contrar! There is no proof of repeatability in any of those things. Well except one, God has said day and night and seasons will remain until the end, so that one won't remain forever but until then its assured.
As for the others, you could have an accident and be maimed, killed, disabled, or end up comatose. You could get to work and the door is padlocked, or you may not get paid, or get fired. You could get robbed, shot, run over, incur a terminal disease, keel over with a massive coronary, who knows what could happen. Aliens may abduct you. With the exception of one, these things happen to people everyday.
While predictability may help bolster your confidence, its not proof. The truth is you
choose to believe and continue on in spite of the fact there is absolutely no
proof(confirmation) of the outcome today or tommorrow.
While you tried to maneuver around it, you likewise did the same thing when you got married. Your chances were even less on that one, 50/50.
Proof Hah! Thats not even decent predictability yet you
chose to believe anyway. I bet you have a mortgage too. Your odds were a little better on that one but where was the
PROOF you would be able to pay it back.
Your life in reality, like everyone elses is lived out by shear faith, void of proof, less death and taxes. Furthermore your faith is based in what? Pride and predictability. Theres no proof of anything in that.
"there's a desk at work with my name on it"
Oh this one is really rock solid. Your job can be sent to China, India or Mexico tommorrow like millions of others, not to mention another dozen termination possibilities.
"will remain true until further notice"
Where's the
proof in that statement?
Ultimately your life is based in faith with no proof of anything.
But yet your going to demand that GOD show you proof, He exsists?
I would be worse off because I would be living my life in thrall to an invisible and probably nonexistent Being, and in purposeful denial of real existence here on Earth, by sheer force of suppressing my own intellect - all in pursuit of a probably imaginary goal that someone else has set for me.
That's how I would be worse off. Frankly, and with no offense intended, that sounds like Hell to me.
How you arrive at that assessment is beyond me, nevertheless........hell is alot worse.