Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
It mentions nothing of the laws of physics (unless you wish to be rather generous with the word 'power') and a desire to fly was hardly borne out of the Koran.

Let be honest the Greeks beat them to the punch a good few centuries earlier with that, and its a fairly safe bet that a desire to have the 'power' of flight predates them.
Okay, but are you asserting the entity known as jinn has an equivalent to the classical Greeks? I don't believe it does.
Okay, but are you asserting the entity known as jinn has an equivalent to the classical Greeks? I don't believe it does.

I think that @Scaff's comparison was to the expression of desire for flight.

I guess one might look at Daedalus/Icarus? There's clear orbital advice in there :)
While the "God says it's OK" stuff is clearly nonsense, I'm kind of with him on there being some roads where driving 100mph really isn't particularly dangerous. Australia has big long straight roads in places, a bit like what I hear Texas is like. Driving down those at 60 or 65 mph in a good car is about as challenging as walking down a hallway.

You pick your time and place obviously, and going faster is always going to entail some element of increased risk, but on some roads that increased risk really isn't that large.

Back in the day, when it was legal to drive very fast on certain roads in Australia, I confess to having done some cruising a long way from anywhere at sustained speeds of 260kph. When a car approached, which was seldom, I would slow to less than half that speed.

"God" had nothing to do with it.

You need to take the 4 from the end of that address for it to work for all users ;)

The article seems quite flawed and makes some poor translations. For example, they translate " يَا مَعْشَرَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ إِنِ اسْتَطَعْتُمْ أَن تَنفُذُوا مِنْ أَقْطَارِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ فَانفُذُوا ۚ لَا تَنفُذُونَ إِلَّا بِسُلْطَانٍ " as "O You jinn and men, if you can penetrate zones of the heavens and the Earth, then penetrate! You will never penetrate them except with (the) power (of science)."

Except that there doesn't seem to be a mention of science in there; the word used is " بِسُلْطَانٍ " which, at least to my poor Arabic, translates as "power" or "higher authority" (or applies to a thing/person that has been given such blessing). There's no translation that relates to science that I can see.

Then there are the honey-bee facts;

In Verses 68-69, we are told that it is the female bee that makes honey, a very recent bit of knowledge for humans. We know now that male bees die after mating with the queen and live only for about 90 days. Only female bees survive to be the workers, which gather nectar and make honey. This bit of knowledge could never be known to humans before the invention and use of microscopes. It is another piece of evidence that the author of the Holy Quran could never be a human being about 1428 years ago. Rather, He is the All Knowledgeable One.

It's slightly factually incorrect as it leads one to believe that drones are only female; that isn't true although it's true that male drones don't survive mating. They drone away up until that point though. We're then told that you need a microscope to understand these things. Fortunately the Egyptian honey-farmers didn't need them 4500 years ago, they managed perfectly well to understand. And they were definitely human, no divine intervention required.

The ant fact (a female ant speaks in the Qu'uran therefore it was known that all ant workers are female) is just too much of a leap of credibility, I'm afraid, definitely nothing to see there and notably the Qu'uranic passage itself makes no claim similar to the article's author.

Then we move through the facts that plants can reproduce, that water comes from clouds, and that it's dark underwater.

It's an article that tries very hard to make something from nothing, at least that's how it seems to me.
Arizona pastor predicts ‘AIDS-free Christmas’ if all gays are killed, as God commands

You can't make this stuff up!

God also commands that those who work on the Sabbath be killed as well. And quite a few other reasons.

I'm beginning to see the start of a solution to this planet's overpopulation.

Blasphemy is probably a good catch-all, since many gods require unbelievers to be bumped off, and you only need two opposing gods to justify complete annihilation of humanity.
Some child star I've never heard of from a film/series I've never heard of is Saving Christmas... "Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas!", soon to be showing at a stonily-silent picture house near you.

Apparently he explains away the ridiculous notion that yuletide is somehow pagan, right down to where Christmas Trees are referenced in the bible. Really? Can't wait for the reviews :)

I so want to see this, he's unintentionally hilarious.

It's not doing so well on Rotten Tomato. I want to see it too :D
Random thought: I have a fear of Christians and Muslims uniting against the godless and the homosexuals.

If Muslims ever united in a Caliphate, you can be sure the godless and homosexuals would be doomed. The secular Muslim dictators like Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad are falling one by one, so this is a possibility.

I don't see much threat to the godless and the gay from Christians, since Christianity is a very weak force, getting weaker all the time.
I don't see much threat to the godless and the gay from Christians at this time, since Christianity is a very weak force, getting weaker all the time.
Hadn't we heard reports of Christian fundamentalism being on the rise though?
If Muslims ever united in a Caliphate, you can be sure the godless and homosexuals would be doomed. The secular Muslim dictators like Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad are falling one by one, so this is a possibility.

I don't see much threat to the godless and the gay from Christians, since Christianity is a very weak force, getting weaker all the time.

I don't know, which religion's doctrine (or effectors) has suppressed the use of prophylactics through the work of their African missions?

I think you're also talking about a very particular Caliphate in the present moment, not sure that extrapolates across the whole idea.
If Muslims ever united in a Caliphate, you can be sure the godless and homosexuals would be doomed. The secular Muslim dictators like Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad are falling one by one, so this is a possibility.
At least one past Caliphate brought the golden age, with cooperation and the sharing of knowledge will all faiths, so that's not actually an accurate claim at all.

I don't see much threat to the godless and the gay from Christians, since Christianity is a very weak force, getting weaker all the time.
LGBT Groups in christian Africa will be overjoyed to hear that the persecution they are facing as a result of the intervention of US based Evangelical groups is something they are just making up. That's without the Catholic church not knowing what the hell its doing in this regard at all.

Sorry but plenty of evidence exists to make a nonsense of your claim.
I don't know, which religion's doctrine (or effectors) has suppressed the use of prophylactics through the work of their African missions?

I think you're also talking about a very particular Caliphate in the present moment, not sure that extrapolates across the whole idea.
Yes, I'm talking about a particular Caliphate that is threatened at the moment. What else, silly?

There has been a cultural change in the west which leaves Christianity behind in a weakened and feeble state, no question about it. So the godless and gay are in excellent shape in the west.

Cultural change in Africa is a job that remains to be done. That's a job for western NGO's, culture heroes like Tony Blair, and military intervention if necessary. Africans can certainly not be counted upon to change their culture rapidly enough to suit us. Their culture is retarded, retrograde, and wrong. They need a new culture, and we will issue them one.:rolleyes:
I was just reading some pages of a portuguese poet and I thought I should share this:


There lived, I know not when, never perhaps -
But the fact is he lived - an unknown king
Whose kingdom was the strange Kingdom of Gaps.
He was lord of what is twixt thing and thing,
Of interbeings, of that part of us
That lies between our waking and our sleep,
Between our silence and our speech, between
Us and the consciousness of us; and thus
A strange mute kingdom did that weird king keep
Sequestered from our thought of time and scene.

Those supreme purposes that never reach
The deed - between them and the deed undone
He rules uncrowned. He is the mystery which
Is between eyes and sight, nor blind nor seeing.
Himself is never ended nor begun,
Above his own void presence empty shelf.
All He is but a chasm in his own being,
The lidless box holding not‑being's no‑pelf.

All think that he is God, except himself.

Fernando Pessoa as Alexander Search (lived between 1888-1935)
You can't make stuff up like this! Talk about delusional.

So the Pope thinks that dogs go to heaven no doubt with all of god's other creatures as stated in the Bible.

That would include box jellyfish, scorpions, rattlesnakes, the plague, the influenza virus, Ebola virus and so on.

The next question is "does the virus called HIV make it to heaven? It is, after all, one of god's creation, he made it to punish gays, but since gays won't make it heaven...
No I don't believe in god. I don't understand that god has created a better place. Every religion has there own god but they seem to fight about it saying theirs is better like Islam and all that nonsense. I for one don't want to find out how the earth was created. Weather it be this "GOD" or another one. I can choose to believe in what I want. But through evolution we became who we are. From dinasours to this. In the future humans will become extinct then start the next evolution of life form whatever that maybe. Nothing lasts forever. At the end of the day your belief is what keeps you going in life.
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No I don't believe in god. I don't understand that god has created a better place. Every religion has there own god but they seem to fight about it saying theirs is better like Islam and all that nonsense. I for one don't want to find out how the earth was created. Weather it be this "GOD" or another one. I can choose to believe in what I want. But through evolution we became who we are. From dinasours to this. In the future humans will become extinct then start the next evolution of life form whatever that maybe. Nothing lasts forever. At the end of the day your belief is what keeps you going in life.
Everyone has his or her opinion and can say what they want. The choice between Christianity or another religion is totally up to you. Genesis 1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Yes, people do say, then who created God? It is very hard for our earthly human minds to wrap around that. Every Chrisian has one thing in common, we all have faith. We must trust in the Lord our God. He is our creator and protector. He sent His son Jesus to die for your sins. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life."
Everyone has his or her opinion and can say what they want. The choice between Christianity or another religion is totally up to you. Genesis 1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Yes, people do say, then who created God? It is very hard for our earthly human minds to wrap around that. Every Chrisian has one thing in common, we all have faith. We must trust in the Lord our God. He is our creator and protector. He sent His son Jesus to die for your sins. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life."

Nice, good to see the classic irrational argument start up again. God doesn't answer a thing about the universe; if God can appear with no cause, so can the universe. Before our universe existed, matter and energy were not bound by our current laws of physics, because reality wasn't a closed system.

Of course, that means a God could come into existence as well, but why would that God then spread lies about the nature of our existence, punish people arbitrarily, then offer no proof of its existence once we have the means to properly document it? The Bible is full of examples of people who allegedly communicated with God directly, and even in some cases saw him. Why these primitive people? I see three reasons: they were stupid enough to believe Yahweh's lies, Yahweh was stupid enough to think we'd believe even after we could prove things were nonsense and find no evidence one way or the other for others, or it was a book of earlier myths and the occasional new one, created solely for the purpose of controlling the poor, illiterate commoners.

Therefore, whether there is a supreme being or not (i think not, due to lack or proof), it's not Yahweh as described in The Bible (He can't lie, remember?).
To be honest I could never wrap my head around that whole concept. What does the death of a man (or god, or man-god) some two millennia before I was even born have to do with me and/or my sins? Or vice versa?
God sent His son Jesus to die for your sins. The burden of the WHOLE earth's sins were upon Him on the cross. In Genesis, the world is exposed to sin when Eve ate the apple from the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil.
Everyone has his or her opinion and can say what they want. The choice between Christianity or another religion is totally up to you. Genesis 1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Yes, people do say, then who created God? It is very hard for our earthly human minds to wrap around that. Every Chrisian has one thing in common, we all have faith. We must trust in the Lord our God. He is our creator and protector. He sent His son Jesus to die for your sins. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life."

“Whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death" Exodus 21:15

"From there Elisha went up to Bethel. While he was on his way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him. "Go up baldhead," they shouted, "go up baldhead!" The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two shebears came out of the woods and tore forty two of the children to pieces." 2 Kings 2:23 - 24

Anyone can quote verse, that doesn't make it true, right or even sane.
God sent His son Jesus to die for your sins. The burden of the WHOLE earth's sins were upon Him on the cross. In Genesis, the world is exposed to sin when Eve ate the apple from the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil.
Thank you for your reply. Now please answer my question instead of just repeating the statement?
Anyone can quote verse, that doesn't make it true, right or even sane.
And I can quote you too. :P
“Whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death" Exodus 21:15
"From there Elisha went up to Bethel. While he was on his way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him. "Go up baldhead," they shouted, "go up baldhead!" The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two shebears came out of the woods and tore forty two of the children to pieces." 2 Kings 2:23 - 24
But, God did not break his own moral law. The Bible says do not murder. Murder is the unlawful taking of life. But, all people have sinned against God and are worthy of death (Rom. 3:23; 6:23). So, God had them killed according to the Law.

To be honest I could never wrap my head around that whole concept. What does the death of a man (or god, or man-god) some two millennia before I was even born have to do with me and/or my sins? Or vice versa?
Does the death of a leader change a country? Yes.

When Lincoln/JFK was assassinated, did that change security views? Yes.
- Did they happen in your lifetime? No. (Well...maybe JFK) Point is, the past affects YOU.
And here in lies the issue I have with Christian dogma.

I didn't say that he lied or broke his own law (no way am I going to refer to it as moral).

I used it as an example that its not always true (as in creation - not a bit of evidence to back that one up), right (either of my examples and many more) or sane (either example again).

I mean you do realize that you have just defended the mass murder of 42 kids for the crime of calling someone bald and done so claiming it was moral?

Do you seriously believe that killing a child for striking a parent is a moral law (and Leviticus 20:9 takes it even further - you only have to curse them to be killed)?
And here in lies the issue I have with Christian dogma.

I didn't say that he lied or broke his own law (no way am I going to refer to it as moral).

I used it as an example that its not always true (as in creation - not a bit of evidence to back that one up), right (either of my examples and many more) or sane (either example again).

I mean you do realize that you have just defended the mass murder of 42 kids for the crime of calling someone bald and done so claiming it was moral?

Do you seriously believe that killing a child for striking a parent is a moral law?
I defend His decisions. "Murder" is unlawful killing...
You seem to try to bring up dark moments that were needed. Did God flood the world? Yes. The world was corrupt, and evil. That caused way more deaths.
I defend His decisions. "Murder" is unlawful killing...
You seem to try to bring up dark moments that were needed. Did God flood the world? Yes. The world was corrupt, and evil. That caused way more deaths.
It did indeed, so you have now gone from defending mass murder to genocide, all based on the writings of a bronze age tribe breaking away from a pantheon of gods to claim their one is the one real one!

That's without the consideration that the book you are using to defend this is validated by almost no evidence at all (and an exodus that even Jewish scholars acknowledge no evidence exists for and almost certainly didn't happen - ergo rules made up for a situation that was made up).