You know buddy, all the answers are in the bible. God made everything good, perfect in the beginning.
God allegedly made a tree that he knew would mess everything up, a serpent/fallen angel who would tempt humans, and humans gullible enough to listen. This is demonstrably imperfect.
God instructed them not to eat of the fruit of good and evil. How can you blame God for mans actions?
God is supposed to be all knowing and all powerful. All that had to be done was to not plant the tree, or to make humans smart enough to avoid error. Instead God must have chosen to make people fail his own [seemingly pointless] test intentionally.
If you say, why put that tree there, then what choice does man have.
There is no need for a choice in the first place. The choice doesn't make free will, free will makes free will. If humans had free will with the tree, they would have had it without. The entire test in Eden is one of those things that gives the Bible a bad record when it comes to morals. It shows that God cares about trivial things to the point where he would unjustly harm people for doing nothing wrong. No one was hurt eating the fruit, yet God found it necessary to punish people who did not even exist at the time.
God has then just created humans to forcefully serve and obey Him.
That is the God of the Bible. "Worship me or go to hell".
No, this Is not the God we serve. He is Holy and just. He has given all of us a choice. Homeless children, is not Gods fault. It's selfish adults. Famine is not Gods fault. It's selfish human beings.
God being all knowing knows about the homeless and famine. God being all powerful can cure homelessness and famine without overwriting free will. For homeless and famine to exist, God must be unwilling to end suffering. Or he's simply not all powerful.
God is also shown to be less than good or powerful by maintaining heaven but sending people to earth instead.
When you try to understand just what Jesus went through, just because he loved you, forget about the world, think of yourself here. Think of what He offers just you. You would never give your child up for the world.
I would never needlessly sacrifice anyone, no. If I were God I would have just done it right in the beginning. Everyone goes to heaven. If somehow things needed fixing, I would snapped my all powerful fingers and fixed it.
I would never, but God did it, because this was His only way to give you a chance to re-unite with Him. It's great because you are not forced to. You have your own choice and free will to make, and you don't need man to dictate that for you. If you choose not to believe in all of this, it is exactly that, a choice made to live by. Everyone knows about Christ.
Easter and Christmas, to main holidays of each year is one way of knowing, asking, and seeking.
If Jesus was the only way to reunite with God, it implies that God is quite limited in power. Besides, it was God that kicked people out of Eden in the first place. All he had to do was let them back in (or just not kick them out).
Israel in the news almost daily. Why, such a small country surrounded by most continents, are so significant?
A large portion of the population believes in an old book, while the nation's neighbors believe in a slightly different book. Each side is so strong in their belief that they're willing to kill each other over it. The situation doesn't imply anything special about the books.
How did they become a nation again, when completely destroyed 2000 years ago.
The culture survived the destruction of the country. Similar things have happened in other cases, as with Greece and Rome.
Which other book prophesied about this happening.
It was a self fulfilling prophecy, which isn't all that special. Since people wanted it to be true, they made it so.
I don't know what news you watch, but I'm shocked at what's happening in Missouri, Middle East, Africa, France etc.
The amount of natural disasters in the last 3 years is hectic. Saw on the news that a typhoon is ready to hit again soon.
Next blood moon is approaching. I believe something is about to change, AGAIN.
The same was said about the Black Death, which was far worse than most things going on today. 700 years later and nothing has come of it.
Which ever way you look at it, we are not going to be here forever, and if there is life for the soul, it would be one really bad choice to give it up to the losing team.
What is the losing team? It's not a binary choice. Many Christians phrase this as a choice between atheism and christian God. What about Hindu gods? Allah? Zeus? What about gods that no one has ever heard of? If the god of the Bible is a legitimate choice, so are all the others. However, this means two very significant things. The first is you have a 0% chance at picking the right side. The second is that believing in gods is as likely to pay off as not.