This is a serious logical fallacy. We are talking about creating light before creating sources of light and conditions for light to exist.
We all have a gift called faith. Not everyone is forced to use it though...
The city of Jericho was in ruins
before the time of Joshua. Several excavations have proven this. It didn't happen.
Always two sides to a story.
But the world is not 6000 years old. It's billions of years old. I don't see how anyone could refute that. It's a fact.
Again, fact and calculations are two very different meanings. The most intellegent minds calculate that everything we see today came from nothing. There are many that still can't see how that is fact. I bacame one of those many...
Citation required (and not the Bible - it most certainly doesn't meet the standard).
How handy, the men who created a cult that allowed them to exercise control and power over others included a clause that demands that you don't question it.
Only those who wish to remain ignorant would so blindly accept such a demand.
Because some are convinced that should then not accept that which can't be proven (and flies in the face of all evidence) then God will let them be used as BBQ.
It's amazing how only one side can be labelled, "ignorant and blind", yet not the other side.
When the theory of where the small big bang came from is resolved, then a new can of worms can be opened up.
I love it when these people turn up. So your argument is "yeah, my God is magic. So what"?
If you can't see any problem with that, then no amount of anyone else saying anything will convince you otherwise. All the information you need to start opening your mind and appreciating God on a more realistic level is right in front of you, but you'd rather believe in the magical Sky Daddy.
If it appears that the universe is billions of years old, then maybe God created it billions of years ago. The evidence for that is a lot more convincing than some dodgy math based on one old book.
Honestly, most Christians don't even get as far as making the Young Earther jump, where the theory is unscientific but at least logically sound. They just stop at "but the Bible says so". To people like me who make their living thinking for themselves, I can't imagine anything more horrible than giving up my ability to question stuff that seems poorly explained.
I assure you, what you think of me is not what I believe.
Magic is for dynamo and Troy, not God.
When they can calm the storm or heal a blind man, and a lame man, then you let me know.
Scientists believe in billions, and scientists believe in thousands. Both have evidences using the same material.
Two sides to a story. One day soon, once side will be seen right. Everyone else is free to choose which ever side, or not.
DCP said
I cleaned my home of worldy celebs, Beyoncé, Gaga, Katy Perry etc, horror movies, sex, violence etc.
Ask a normal person to do that, they will probably swear you, because they live for these things without even knowing it.
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I'm actually quite aware of the fact that sex is one of the things I live for. And I'm completely okay with that. Between consenting adults who respect each other, sex is wonderful. Why do you have a problem with it?
Ever heard of sexually transmitted diseases. Sex can be wonderfull with your ONE wife...
DCP said
So it's easy to see why other gods don't exist to me.
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It's easy to see why no gods exist to me. Tends to happen when you subject all gods to the same level of skepticism, rather than giving one of the myriad a free pass around.
Do all of those gods tell you how it began, why you sin, why you suffer, why you die, and most importantly, how you can be saved from eternal death? Do these gods passover centuries of history, for the next generation to continue, or do they just have one man come up and start a religion?
Through Jesus, the church was born, yet the entire bible, even from the old testament mentions Yeshua. Isaiah 53, spoke of Jesus, even 700 years before Christ. It is in great detail. Today my heart was emotional, because I could relate to how badly an innocent man was beaten. The bible says He couldn't even be recognised. He was innocent. I'm sure you would weep if an innocent person dear to your heart was excecuted. This is the type of love people see right through today.
DCP said
You know buddy, all the answers are in the bible. God made everything good, perfect in the beginning. God instructed them not to eat of the fruit of good and evil. How can you blame God for mans actions?
If you say, why put that tree there, then what choice does man have. God has then just created humans to forcefully serve and obey Him. No, this Is not the God we serve. He is Holy and just. He has given all of us a choice. Homeless children, is not Gods fault. It's selfish adults. Famine is not Gods fault. It's selfish human beings.
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So you don't believe that god is omniscient then?
Yes I do