I shouldn't have to spell it out: the tooth fairy.
Well perhaps you can explain how you got a reward from something that purportedly does not exist?
This is so far from the original point you tried to make, so let's cut right back to it:
Thinking "I've spoken to God" is not confirming anything.
Under that assumption, then I would agree.
However, if it is more than what is being assumed, which is what I am claiming, then it is more than just thinking.
Victims of Stockholm Syndrome do tend to see things as a relationship, yes.
Thats an excellent analogy.
In comparison we are in the same situation spiritually, and don't even realize it.
And likewise we similarly identify with our situation as somewhat at least, OK, secure and satisfactory.
I'm reminded of someone I once heard recall an event from the past, wherein this lady's best friend told her she had accepted Jesus and got saved, and this lady immediately responded, "saved from what"?
I'd call that the ultimate expression of "Stockholm Syndrome".
Still doesn't answer why you've called this "relationship" you have something that can be tested and repeated, yet plenty of people have had religious dealings in the past without becoming quite so blinkered.
It is testable and repeatable from indivdual to individual, because that is the only way it can be experienced.
It is recievable and impartible by no other means.
Now as to a religious dealing or experience, this is much more than that.
It is not a blinkering experience, but rather a confirming one.
Trust me I am not blind to your objections, I know all about them.
"I believe I'm being talked to. Therefore, I am."
Get ready.
Let me ask you something.
Do you believe we are and have been conversing via written lanquage?
This has nothing to do with "carnal minds", either. It has everything to do with thinking on one's own.
That's precisely what exercise of the carnal mind is.
Perhaps that was a bad analogy. "Verbal diarrhea" is more apt.
I think I like your shotgun assessment better.
A synonym for "rumour" is a good choice to use in this situation. I agree.
And all "rumours" are not necessarily untrue.
Again, you are ignoring the part of the situation where this someone is the reason for the impending critical circumstance.
Again that is subject to interpretation.
Let me ask you a series of questions.
If you had a son and he murdered someone.
Would you hold yourself directly responsible?
Or further, would you hold yourself indirectly responsible?
Or would you just take the easy out and hold God responsible?
No need, I take responsibility for my life every day.
And how do you go about that?
Reality does not require choice. Especially a choice in following an imaginary figure.
God contends that a quality reality does require it.
Upon a lengthy and complete evaluation of the circumstances, even though I am reluctant to a degree,
I see his point.
Further like almost everything else "it is what it is", further analysis won't change that.
A dead end that he himself would've put me on. A dead end that he himself created.
No, in that he did not put you on it.
Yes in that he did create it.
But again, would you rather be a Android, Automaton, or some such thing.
Of what value is choice and reality if it does not encompass all reality?
This is where I'll hear he's a loving god again, right?
Thats what he claims.
Considering all the circumstances I can't argue with it.
Referring back to the son scenario, if that were to happen, you would still love your son wouldn't you?
Not what he did of course, but him?
You're forgetting the part where they made Bernie what he is, and they were originally close business partners until Bernie wanted to go solo. Oh, and they also have no proof of this good return, I'm told to just believe it'll all work out.
Not exactly.
Like everyone else Bernie had a choice and he made it.
Now he can blame God if he wants to, but God didn't make the choice, Bernie did.
And if Bernie had inquired as to God's advice, he would have found God advises against making that choice.
So is it really God's fault?
Already sick with something he gave me, in this situation.
Well no not really.
You inherited it just like other things that are attributable to inheritance.
For what, the third or forth time now, I'll repeat myself: my paycheque is physical. It exists.
But how does that prohibit you from having spiritual paycheck, or establish that it does not exist?
You've already confirmed you don't have a strong grasp on what the word factual means.
Perhaps, that is the case.
or perhaps, that is not the case.