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I know right
I know rightI don't know whether your being sarcastic or not. But I don't give a hoot LOL. It's just an opinion like anyone else. But some of what I said is backed up by physicists and scientists. What is your opinion?
Obviously I was sarcastic. Everyone totally knows that our ancestors led much longer lives than we can even dream of, despite the constant threats from predators and common diseases (hint: modern medicine didn't exist back then).
Obviously I was sarcastic. Everyone totally knows that our ancestors led much longer lives than we can even dream of, despite the constant threats from predators and common diseases (hint: modern medicine didn't exist back then).
Many people believe at some time of their life (in certain parts of the world) that the tooth fairy exists. Experientially we see that there is no evidence for the truth being that the tooth fairy exists and we can also identify people who have been involved in inventing and furthering the lie at some time. The context of the lie and the reason for it are explicable through our measured understanding of human nature.
Solipsism. And it's both nonsensical and common.
It has to be adherred to because of this:
Many people believe at some time of their life (in certain parts of the world) that the tooth fairy exists. Experientially we see that there is no evidence for the truth being that the tooth fairy exists and we can also identify people who have been involved in inventing and furthering the lie at some time. The context of the lie and the reason for it are explicable through our measured understanding of human nature.
If that was a meaningful analogy, hardly anybody would be believing in God these days.
Modern society has evolved to a point where we know that the tooth fairy doesn't exist.
If you want to re-clarify why this analogy holds, sure, fire away, but make sure you're not just trying to justify your pre-chosen conclusion.
And what would the correct tool be?
Well what other tools do you have available to you?
@SuperCobraJet, why do you find it so difficult to give a simple, direct answer to a simple, direct question?
Thats funny, I ask my wife that same thing all the time.
Normally, I don't approach it that way.
It's not primarily difficulty, but rather the question of:
Is it better to attempt to establish it first, as opposed to naming it?
Or is it better to name it, and then attempt to establish it?
I just chose the former this time, I don't know, perhaps for enviromental reasons.
But my preference is usually always the latter.
Over the years I have found that there are basically two types of people in verbalizing an answer to a question.
The first type will start at the beginning and list every detail of their answer, some of which may not be relevant, until they arrive at the end.
The second type, such as myself go to the end first. Then back up as necessary and address details as relevance dictates.
I have also found that depending on the subject at hand the first type can be the better of the two.
But I have to dicipline myself at times to keep that in mind, and not get distracted or fall asleep waiting for the the end to come.
So admittedly what I did there is out of character, and I'm not really sure exactly why I did it that way.
Perhaps, God forbid, I am morphing into the first type as a result of exposure to my wife and a friend and business associate who is the first type as well.
I hope that answers your question.
Incredible, isn't it?
Yup, incredible.
Far from pre-chosen, I attended church schools as a child and from a family whose roots are strongly Christian. We had the tooth fairy too, if you're interested.
@doctorrg I think it's an "Ergo, ......." thing at play there. If believing in the God of The Bible is not equal to believing in the Tooth Fairy, it's nigh on. Though as soon as God is expanded to mean myriad things that could potentially be labelled as God, we've got a different playing field.
I know a lot of Catholics who do believe in God, and it would stand to reason that they do believe in the God of the Bible, yet, neither of them seems to believe that God is an actual personal being, i.e. a him, they simply do not take the Bible as a literal account.
Like saying "I trust in what's written in this scientific paper, but I don't take it literally"? I'm not sure that it's still the God of The Bible for your Catholics.
But it can be based on probability, and maybe that's enough for SCJ.There's no such thing as logically improbable. Something is either logically possible or it is not. Logic is a binary system, not a statistical one.
All SCJ's arguments for God are based on the assumption that his God exists. SCJ's God as SCJ has defined him is logically impossible. SCJ's God cannot exist within the rules of logic.
Oh dear this will open a can of worms again, as SCJ has already been down this route.But it can be based on probability, and maybe that's enough for SCJ.
But it can be based on probability, and maybe that's enough for SCJ.
And the point you are trying to make is what exactly?
If you want to re-clarify why this analogy holds, sure, fire away, but make sure you're not just trying to justify your pre-chosen conclusion.
Well what other tools do you have available to you?
But it can be based on probability, and maybe that's enough for SCJ.
Some particular definition has to be adherred to, not because it is the right definition, but simply because if we don't we'll all be talking straight past each other. Then again, it would almost seem like that's what a lot of the arguments within this thread are doing.
Humour me. I follow that science isn't the tool to find god in the same way that a 36-acre spanner won't re-grundle a spinion-end, or whatever, it's the wrong tool for the job. I don't know what other tools I have available to me; which would be the correct tool for the job?
Just name it...
I was saying that your warning...
...while always welcome was misplaced. I tried to explain that, if anything, my upbringing was more disposed to creating a Christian than the atheist it has. My stance on religion isn't pre-chosen, it's something I've considered at length over many years, even going so far as to study Theology at one point in order to try to understand the disconnect between the texts of my upbringing and the certainty of my conclusions.
In the tooth-fairy analogy I described a legend that has a clear social purpose and a clear social context. The perpetrators of the tooth-fairy lie are known to us but we forgive the lie as necessary in a certain time and place.
Perhaps, but do you see the connection?
You're answering the question as if Christianity applies to a non-believer.
I don't think Sins exist, I don't think God exist and I absolutely think that there is no suck thing as a saviour.
This, to me is just gibberish that I once learned in 2nd Grade,
What exactly to you mean by this? It almost sounds like you are in some kind of suicide cult.
I'd really like to know the answer to this.
So you plan to chicken-out before the party begins? You say that the Rapture is close, but you can't possibly know that:
@DCP Hey brother, I just want to run a check on something.
Do you find what I am saying to be incoherent?
In 2nd Grade, I was told I was made some random being in the sky. No one told how or why he got power or how was his life or any sources to prove heavens existence. It's because evolving comes from adaptation and is usually over an extensive period of time, we don't evolve like Pokemon. According to a documentary I watched in Science, Our ancestors were the first few apes to stand on 2 legs and the reason why they evolved to them believe it or not, to have better sex.In grade 2, I was taught that I came from a rock, and then from a monkey / ape.
Till today, no one can tell me truly, why monkeys / apes etc are not changing into humans.
They can't show us where one kind of animal changes into another, yet the bones of animals millions of years ago, were thought to have done it. It's truly shocking how the enemy deceives.
Not at all. I am remaining in the presence of my Savior, so that I am removed along with most of the children in this world, when all hell breaks lose on planet earth, all caused by man himself.
Bet your godless teachers didn't show you this one:
Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years
Signs and seasons in Hebrew mean signals and appointed times.
I'm sure you've heard about the tetrad / 4 blood moons falling on Gods appointed times. If not, look into it, if you care about your soul. If you choose to believe there is no soul, that's your free will.
Not at all bro. I'm just shocked how our enemies (spiritual), are lead into such blindness.
When the bible tells us that this world belongs to satan, and that he is the prince of the air, you can clearly see how satan is actually controlling everything wicked in this fallen world, lies, deception, mockers, scoffers, disobedience and followers of men.
When people say they believe in the big bang, but then still argue that it's not a belief, then they say "something" (Bond/Fairy) started the big bang , yet say they are atheists...
When asked where did the energy come from, where did the laws come from, where did the space come from, and time, they completely ignore it.
When asked where does right from wrong come from, or good and evil. Where did these moral laws come from, they avoid it all the time.
What is gravity or light, and not what it does? Nothing.
I have realized that people are like everyone else, protecting their religion unknowingly, and more so, holding on to their lusts of this world, not wanting God to take it away from them. The beauty of free will.
I still came to believe that God made everything 6000 years ago. Even a mature universe, which means light always shone our way, but was stretched out, just like the bible says. Everyone else is free to believe or follow "whomever" they like.
I'll leave you with my favorite verse.
Stay blessed bro.
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
In grade 2, I was taught that I came from a rock, and then from a monkey / ape.
Till today, no one can tell me truly, why monkeys / apes etc are not changing into humans.
They can't show us where one kind of animal changes into another, yet the bones of animals millions of years ago are thought to have done it.
When asked where did the energy come from, where did the laws come from, where did the space come from, and time, they completely ignore it.
When asked where does right from wrong come from, or good and evil. Where did these moral laws come from, they avoid it all the time.
What is gravity or light, and not what it does? Nothing.
There's a thought worth contemplating.God does not reside in the physical, but the spiritual.
Therefore, you must be able to get your head around that and again put aside all physical concepts in this application.
In 2nd Grade, I was told I was made some random being in the sky. No one told how or why he got power or how was his life or any sources to prove heavens existence. It's because evolving comes from adaptation and is usually over an extensive period of time, we don't evolve like Pokemon. According to a documentary I watched in Science, Our ancestors were the first few apes to stand on 2 legs and the reason why they evolved to them believe it or not, to have better sex.
All I need to do is this quoteYou missed out the "rock" part.
Please show me one animal changing into another completely different one. Would love to see the facts.
I mean, you agree that you don't know those questions, but you somehow do know we initially came from an explosion.
How I'm I suppose to take you seriously?
No I'm not, because I'm telling you this. It's what you want to believe of me.
Show me the facts of your beliefs, not evidence and theories.
No, you weren't. That you continue to peddle this nonsense shows that you still have no understanding of what you're talking about.
All I need to do is this quote