You're just stating that this is the case over and over again, but you're not demonstrating it.
It's being demonstrated through out this thread.
But you have to have the identity of the Holy Spirit to understand and comprehend it.
As one poster already said, much of what I post is incoherent, and as I told him, yes it would be to him.
You're just stating that this is the case over and over again, but you're not demonstrating it.Nope.Nope.Why? Demonstrate that there is a difference. @Danoff asked you the same and you completely ignored it.The one you ignored completely because I said it was in the Islam thread and you said Islam has nothing to do with it - thus not bothering at all to read a Christian citing a Bible verse claiming that it means he doesn't need to learn anything, when several other translations read in different ways.
Is this what you are referring too?
"Put all your trust in God, and lean not onto your own understanding.
Confide in Jehovah with all thy heart, and lean not unto thine own intelligence.
Have confidence in the Lord with all thy heart, and lean not upon thy own prudence.
Hope in Lord Jehovah from your whole heart and do not trust upon the wisdom of your soul."
No, I have no preconceptions about the existence of any deity. I will accept the existence of any deity that passes a falsified test. That's why I didn't limit it to individual deities, Biblical or not.
How you do not realize that is a preconception, I'll never know.
You are qualifying the acceptance on your own preconcieved terms.
So if the test is other than on that basis, you will never know about it.
Thats the whole point.
Only in the sense that you carved up my post, responded to nothing and then didn't bother to respond to the request to state your method step-by-step yet again, despite quoting it.
What is it about that which is so secretive that you cannot lay out, step by step, right here in this thread like you have been repeatedly asked?
This is is the last time I'm going to tell you,
"it's not my method, it's God's method".
I just tested following his method.
There is a secretive aspect in that it is a covenant relationship, and has similar personal conditions like marriage does.
I'm just making the introduction, it's up to you to pursue it, or not, and it's between you and him from here on out.
He's very interested in the relationship,(with everyone) so the ball is in your court now.
Why do you keep on just saying "read the New Testament", despite me pointing out over and over again that there is no such thing as a reference New Testament due to translation changing the raw meanings of individual verses all over the place?
Why can you not just give a straight, step-by-step method that leads from "atheist" to "Christian" for anyone?
For the same reason I would not try to tell you how to get married.
Let me reiterate that any test must start with the assumption that you are wrong. I would do a test on anything on the assumption that I am wrong. This is why we create our tests to give ourselves the best possible chance of proving ourselves wrong. This is what falsifiability is - the ability to test on the basis that what you know is false.
I've already explained that is for physical tests, which don't apply to a spiritual test.
But I am intrigued here.
So lets skip down to this:
What on Earth does that even mean?
What it means is:
What is your falsifiability test for your "no belief" system that you claim, that proves it is not false?
Actually it was your entire paragraph (and all of your posts, to be frank). You're just ramming adjectives and adverbs into the middle of your sentences regardless of their suitability - rendering just about all meaning lost.
Well I guess you will have to take that up with Dictionary.com.
Please read the reply below.
"The problem is, what phenomena could you observe that would lead you to conclude there is no God? Name one.
Well I will answer that with a question to you.
What person to you know the most intimately?
OK, now tell me what phenomena could you observe that would lead you to conclude they don't exist?
"So here's the kicker. If you already believe in God before you do any "tests", why don't you just stop there since you already believe?"
I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I am you asked that question.
For many people, maybe even most people, that would suffice.
But I'm not most people.
That just flat-out ain't good enough for me.
I want to
Or believe unto knowing not just beyond reasonable doubt, but shadow of a doubt.
However, like many of you I was convinced that the confirmation was in a intellectual or carnal knowledge of some kind.
That held me up for a long time.
But thats only natural, because it is our only cognitive resource or ability that as some have said, we rely on and have always relied on, for establishment of reality.
It's our only M.O. and as such, others as well. So it is extremely difficult to imagine anything else or an additional way to operate by.
That is what is so absolutely extremely difficult to get your head around.
As I said, I guess I'm not like most people.
Once I was convinced there was something to it, I am going to pursue it until I do get an understanding of it one way or the other.
And I'm not going to stop at anything until I do, and I don't care what it takes or how long it takes.
Besides, I mean think about it.
Here is this claimed living God of the Bible and he is appealling and actually challenging each of us to test and prove him.
What other pursuit could possibly top that as far as the ultimate experience.
None that I know of.
Fortunately, even though it took quite a while before getting the understanding of it, I did get it.
And it is spiritual and relational.
you have not even demonstrated that this spiritual dimension even exists, or that you know what rules are required to get information from it."
It is being demonstrated through out this thread, but you do not have the identity of the Holy Spirit to understand and comprehend it.
You respond to doubts about your claims by making the claims again. Start demonstrating your claims or drop it.Then it isn't a test and it isn't falsifiable.
Falsifiable is irrelvant to this application.
If I told you there was some aspect of reality you were missng, and that all you had to do to find the truth was trust me and beleive with all your heart that a certain dimension exists and contains beings who are strongly invested in our universe, would you do it?
Not necessarily, but I would take it under advisement.
The reason "why not" is I would have to investigate and analize it for myself and personally reach a determination.
As I just explained above to Famine, it is a very personal aspect to it, in that is between you and the Lord, so it has to be pursued personally and worked out accordingly.
You're pretending your point is the only one and that mine isn't there at all.
Not really, I understand your point completely.
And I pointed out in an earlier post, it is not without justification.
Whatever your point is, you have not addressed mine, so I'll ask again: If your method leads to a false positive when applied to Santa, unicorns, or anything else, how can you claim it is a reliable method?Possibly, but you're abysmal at demonstrating that.I don't know what step comes after that. Perhaps you could tell me?It's your job to demonstrate these things. When every response is another claim, you will not help anyone.Yes, simple as.I chose to tell myself God existed. It didn't work. If there is another choice you are going to have to be very specific in describing what it is.Once you can explain why, maybe you'll understand.
Hopefully, my reply to your second question above, will help answer this.