Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
At 40 plus pages of explanation, no, we are way past explanation.

But you haven't spent 40 pages explaining. You've spent 40 pages avoiding explaining, fobbing people off to other sources, debating terminology, and generally attempting to weasel out of giving it an honest effort.

Not once in those 40 pages have you made a clear, concise explanation of your method that could be given to a five year old. If you think you have done so, just quote it. I don't think you can.

That is it's own limitation, I'm not imposing it, just recognizing it for the reality that it is.

No, that's your own invention.

The scientific method is the best method humanity has come up with to learn about stuff we're not sure about. That includes things that are spiritual, things that are otherworldly, things that are alien, and things that are just plain weird. It includes everything that we don't know about, and were there to be things that it was unsuited to then new techniques would be devised and added to the list of tools that we call the scientific method.

If you say that it can't be used to learn about spiritual things, then that's your claim and you need to explain it. Because the scientific method has no such limitations on what it can be used to learn about. People used to think that all sorts of things were magic and beyond the physical, and yet somehow we used the scientific method to learn about them anyway.

The limitation is on your side, in that you believe Science is the only knowledge.

Nobody has ever said this. It's a strawman.

The scientific method is the best way we have to learn stuff. It's not the only way. Trial and error works, but it's time consuming and prone to, well, error. Simple observation works, but is prone to error as well. Making stuff up out of thin air occasionally works too, on the same basis as a million monkeys at a million typewriters producing Shakespeare, but it's enormously prone to error.

If you have a better method, explain it to us. Clearly you think you do, and we've been asking you to explain it for (apparently) 40 pages now. I don't feel that you've explained what your method is to the extent that I have any understanding of what you're talking about, and nor do many other people I suspect.

Mostly you keep referring to your own authority and that of the Bible. Is that is that it? The words of SCJ and those in the Bible are necessarily true? Because that's a pretty poor method for learning about new things.
At 40 plus pages of explanation, no, we are way past explanation.
You haven't explained a single thing at any point on any page. You've been way past explanation since the start.
You are resolutely refusing to aknowledge the method, with more excuses of explanation.
Uhhh... what method? You've still not given a method - you've only managed a first step, after a boatload of coercion, and are refusing to explain why that is the first step.
It is time to embrace the method.
When one is forthcoming.
You have already stated I am the expert, so at this point you need to answer the question on the first precept.
No, it's the expert that answer the questions. I don't know anything about the method to answer any questions...

Why is step 1 of your method 3 chapters into the third book of what you say is the instruction book? Why is chronologically earlier information and instruction placed before it if that is the first step?

Most important of all, why can you not provide a robust method, step-by-step from atheism to a personal relationship with God and just keep obfuscating instead?
Physical or carnal knowledge, is the knowledge of Science.
That is it's own limitation, I'm not imposing it, just recognizing it for the reality that it is.
Actually, you made that up much earlier in a thread to weasel out of providing your methods. It's not a limitation of "Science" whatsoever. It was explained to you at the time that the word "science" literally means "knowledge" and the scientific method is the tool we have for acquiring knowledge by discerning fact from fiction.

Not specific types of knowledge, but knowledge. You've persisted with this fabrication and are refusing to explain why you think this limitation exists.
Since you do not know what belief is, I'm not surprised you don't know what a lie is either.
A lie is when you state something you know to be untrue and pretend it is true.

You stated that you have provided everyone with a test you performed to prove that God doesn't exist. You have never done this - and you both know that you haven't and know that you wouldn't perform such a test, having already stated that you don't need a test to show that God doesn't exist:

However, it's a bit rude of you to ask this of me without having shared the tests that you performed to show that God doesn't exist like you've been asked for the last month or so.
I've given them, you just haven't paid any attention to them.

Bear in mind that your account cannot take the consequences of persisting with this lie (or ignoring it) and I have already given you two chances to recant it, make your next response extremely carefully...
They would have kept on praying because up until the last survivor they believed that they were that Generation. The prophecy failed to come true, and each believer since, believed/believes that they are that Generation. You are no exception. You believe the Bible to be infallible and your mind will find ways to make 'things' fit again.

Why again are you so certain about that? Every sign can be there, but you know very well that only the Lord knows when His Plan comes to fruition. When will you admit that your interpretation of this particular prophecy failed too, October 1st 2015? Or sometime next year, maybe? Oh, and when you are right after all, feel free to mock me from Up There. I'll be a sport while my nuts are burning.

Or, they were smart enough to realize that they were conned.

The Messiah fulfilled the prophecies on the appointed times of His first coming.
The Bible says that God is the same, yesterday, today and forever more.

I truly believe that, which means I believe that the return of the Messiah is very near, considering the feast day of Tabernacles falls on the final of the blood moon tetrad in September 2015.
Off course consider Joel 2:30, that the moon will turn to blood BEFORE the great day of the Lord comes.

I noticed you haven't grasped that Israel needed to become a nation again, and needed to re-capture Jerusalem again.
In 70AD Israel was destroyed, so how can the disciples then, think that its their generation.
Interesting video I just stumbled upon, as a link, with a light language warning:

Disproving Gods with History and Science (Richard Carrier)

I truly believe that, which means I believe that the return of the Messiah is very near, considering the feast day of Tabernacles falls on the final of the blood moon tetrad in September 2015.
Off course consider Joel 2:30, that the moon will turn to blood BEFORE the great day of the Lord comes.
Oh, good, then you might shut up next year, since your belief will be debunked.
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Physical or carnal knowledge, is the knowledge of Science.
That is it's own limitation, I'm not imposing it, just recognizing it for the reality that it is.

Why do you think this? I've asked this about a 6 times now.I have no idea why you think that the scientific method (the method of learning about reality) is limited to only some aspects of reality and not others. It's like you've said math only works with numbers less than 100. I don't see any reason to think that it won't work anywhere.
But you haven't spent 40 pages explaining. You've spent 40 pages avoiding explaining, fobbing people off to other sources, debating terminology, and generally attempting to weasel out of giving it an honest effort.

To the contrary most of that is responding to objections.
And it still continues on just as your statement above clearly indicates.

Not once in those 40 pages have you made a clear, concise explanation of your method that could be given to a five year old. If you think you have done so, just quote it. I don't think you can.

It's God's method not mine.
And I can't do it for you.
You have to do it for yourself.
Likewise again all the instruction is in the New Testament.
I've stated that repeatedly, only to be met with more objections, that it is not a complete enough.
It's his method not mine.
Maybe that will sink in at some point.
Likewise the main reason I am referring to this instruction is:

Romans 10:17 [Full Chapter]
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

To me that is obviously needed here to proceed.

Here is something I already posted regarding this:

OK to answer the question involving the correct tool............
In reality it would be tools.

The first basic tool needed is the same one used in everything, perception.
Then using perception, apply objective examination and evaluation.
However first you will have to cleanse your perception of any preconcieved judgements or ideas, at least with regard to this area of examination.
The biggest reason of necessity for that is the quest for determination of a different dimension cannot be bound by the borders of the physical dimension. They are wholly unapplicable.
That is precisely why Science as a tool cannot help in this examination, except perhaps as a correlation at times.
You cannot apply physical boundaries to the spiritual dimension in an effort to establish it.
Otherwise you are wasting your time.
The spiritual will never fit within the limitations of physical or carnal concepts and realities.
God does not reside in the physical, but the spiritual.
Therefore, you must be able to get your head around that and again put aside all physical concepts in this application.

Now assuming you can get that far,
The next tool that will be needed is faith.
And before you get all shaky on me, just here me out.
A different dimension requires different tools, just like different dimensional systems of a car do.
You may not be versed at using it, but to go further you will have to start.
And it's not that foreign in reality. It is just a realization of something that you cannot see, like wind or gravity.
The difference is the Holy Spirit is not universal as far as, it is only perceptable and operable among those
that have it, or have recieved it.

Just a note here: Thus far you may find throughout the process, that belief is of assistance as an additional or companion tool.
I think a little objective logic at times helps as well.
Also, keep in mind that God's method and intention here is one of personal appeal and challenge.
Or it is primarily in the relational aspects, to you personally as well as to everyone publically.

So they are the tools you will need.

No, that's your own invention.

No, it's not my invention, but God's invention.
And by doing so, he can supercede the physical realm, and appeal to each individual exclusively for acceptance or rejection of his proposal.
As I've said, that way it is just you and him.

The scientific method is the best method humanity has come up with to learn about stuff we're not sure about. That includes things that are spiritual, things that are otherworldly, things that are alien, and things that are just plain weird. It includes everything that we don't know about, and were there to be things that it was unsuited to then new techniques would be devised and added to the list of tools that we call the scientific method.

Thats your assumption.
It cannot be added to Scientific method, because again it is exclusively "apart from", "separated from" the carnal physical realm.

If you say that it can't be used to learn about spiritual things, then that's your claim and you need to explain it. Because the scientific method has no such limitations on what it can be used to learn about. People used to think that all sorts of things were magic and beyond the physical, and yet somehow we used the scientific method to learn about them anyway.

Again you keep assuming that has appication here.
It does not.

Nobody has ever said this. It's a strawman.

I disagree.
40 plus pages of discussion and explanation, are met with 40 plus pages of the same assunptions and objections.
Based on that record, and your statements in this very post, you still assume Science is the only knowledge.
If you didn't believe that, you would not be continuing attempts to shoehorn this application into the Scientific method.

The scientific method is the best way we have to learn stuff. It's not the only way. Trial and error works, but it's time consuming and prone to, well, error. Simple observation works, but is prone to error as well. Making stuff up out of thin air occasionally works too, on the same basis as a million monkeys at a million typewriters producing Shakespeare, but it's enormously prone to error.

Well if it is not the only way, which you are correct, it is not, and it is prone to error, which it is, then please stop insisting on appying it where it is unapplicable.

If you have a better method, explain it to us. Clearly you think you do, and we've been asking you to explain it for (apparently) 40 pages now. I don't feel that you've explained what your method is to the extent that I have any understanding of what you're talking about, and nor do many other people I suspect.

First, it is not my method.
Second. as far as being better, it is better ultimately in every respect, but it is not competing with Science, except in establishment of priority of authority and trust.
Third, you do not know what I am talking about because you do not have the Holy Spirit.
And you do not have it, because to get it, you must believe, trust and rely on Jesus Christ as the person he said he was, and your personal savior.
Although thats already been mentioned before, perhaps this time it is enough explanation.

Mostly you keep referring to your own authority and that of the Bible. Is that is that it? The words of SCJ and those in the Bible are necessarily true? Because that's a pretty poor method for learning about new things.

I am only testifying to the authority of it from again the "within" position.
There is only one thing to learn initially.
The realization that the Bible is the authority.
Once that is known, the learning of new things will begin in earnest.
You haven't explained a single thing at any point on any page. You've been way past explanation since the start.Uhhh... what method? You've still not given a method - you've only managed a first step, after a boatload of coercion, and are refusing to explain why that is the first step.When one is forthcoming.No, it's the expert that answer the questions. I don't know anything about the method to answer any questions...

I disagree.
40 plus pages of discussion and explanation, are met with 40 plus pages of the same assumptions and objections.

Why is step 1 of your method 3 chapters into the third book of what you say is the instruction book? Why is chronologically earlier information and instruction placed before it if that is the first step?

In my respose above to Imari I realized something that I think we should address before this precept.
So perhaps we should back up from this and establish something else first.
Do you agree that Scientific knowledge is not the only knowledge?
Or is it possible for knowledge to exist outside of the Scientific?
Most important of all, why can you not provide a robust method, step-by-step from atheism to a personal relationship with God and just keep obfuscating instead?Actually, you made that up much earlier in a thread to weasel out of providing your methods. It's not a limitation of "Science" whatsoever. It was explained to you at the time that the word "science" literally means "knowledge" and the scientific method is the tool we have for acquiring knowledge by discerning fact from fiction.

Although I have already answered this multiple times, I need your answer to the proceeding question before I can comment further on the rest of this.

BTW made what up?

Most important of all, why can you not provide a robust method, step-by-step from atheism to a personal relationship with God and just keep obfuscating instead?Actually, you made that up much earlier in a thread to weasel out of providing your methods. It's not a limitation of "Science" whatsoever. It was explained to you at the time that the word "science" literally means "knowledge" and the scientific method is the tool we have for acquiring knowledge by discerning fact from fiction.

Not specific types of knowledge, but knowledge. You've persisted with this fabrication and are refusing to explain why you think this limitation exists.A lie is when you state something you know to be untrue and pretend it is true.

Perhaps you are answering the above question here.
Definitively, Science(knowledge) does not imply or assume "all knowledge" or "exclusive discoverer of any and all knowledge"
So thats an assumption on your part as to the exclusiveness of Science.
Likewise under that assumption, you are seeking to claim there is no knowledge, except as dictated by Science, which is an unprovable assumption.
Science does not even make such a claim.

Further since you have no concept, understanding, or perception of anything outside the carnal, physical realm, it may likely appear something outside of that jurisdiction is an untruth.
That only makes it a lie by your belief, and not by conclusive evidence.

Therefore it is not a fabrication, but rather a claim of knowledge gained from other than Scientific means.
It's neither a lie or necessarily the truth, to one in which the concept is unknown and unconventional, but a claim to be investigated as to validity nonetheless.

Once again for the record, the spiritual realm is unaccessable as far as I have determined, except through the person of Jesus Christ.
There is accessibility there for anyone who wants it.

Bear in mind that your account cannot take the consequences of persisting with this lie (or ignoring it) and I have already given you two chances to recant it, make your next response extremely carefully...
My conclusion there, is based on 40 plus pages of explanation, met with the same assumptions and objections, and your repeated attempts to insist it is "my method" after repeatedly being told "it is not my method".
As well as repeated accusations of incomplete explanation of steps of the test, after repeated posts wherein they were listed, which is still being continued above.
So you tell me, what other conclusion can be logically drawn from that?

BTW threats only serve to imply your argument is too weak to stand on it's own merit.

Why do you think this? I've asked this about a 6 times now.I have no idea why you think that the scientific method (the method of learning about reality) is limited to only some aspects of reality and not others. It's like you've said math only works with numbers less than 100. I don't see any reason to think that it won't work anywhere.

The biggest reason I think that, is because the spiritual reality I know, was not and is not garnered through Science.
Again it's not within Science's jurisdiction.
You can't find it there.
You can't learn about it there.
Its just that simple.

It's purposely designed exclusively to be an individual decision, not a matter of scientific discovery.
Further since you have no concept, understanding, or perception of anything outside the carnal, physical realm, it may likely appear something outside of that jurisdiction is an untruth.
That only makes it a lie by your belief, and not by conclusive evidence.
It is in fact demonstrable that you have never posted any test you have done to prove God is false, by quoting every one of your 2000+ posts and finding no such details therein. So the claim that you have posted it is a lie.

BTW threats only serve to imply your argument is too weak to stand on it's own merit.
Actually it wasn't a threat.

Sadly you've chosen to ignore me for a third time and the site's acceptable use policy for a fifth time. Both of these prove to also be a last time.
Forgive me for butting in, but since I have, well, let me play the roll of a Devil's advocate for a little while.

The more I read about the argument between SCJ and other members regarding the so-called limitation(s) of carnal/physical knowledge i.e. science, I get a stronger feeling what SCJ is trying to say (but somehow failing to say it) are that our scope of knowledge is still fairly limited, that there are lots of gaps, things, that scientific experiments can't yet explain.

From that point of view, maybe it is easier to "fill in" those gaps with mystical beings, out of a book two millenia old. (Hell, even I would buy that. It's more... romantic that way.) :sly:

What needs to be explained explicitly though, is that science is evoloving. What we know now, and can prove via calculations and experiments, can and will evolve into something even more complete, down the line.

If there are things that can't be explained by science, like a miraculuos recovery of terminally-ill patient, or a baby surviving a ten-storey fall, then that's because of science, or our knowledge of the inner workings of universe, is not complete yet.

I mean, in terms of evolution of knowledge, we are still somewhat in its infancy, right? There are tons of stuff we don't know, and we are still discovering new things and stuff as we speak.

Just the other day, I was reading about a man residing in Thailand, who, for the last couple of decades or so, discovered over twenty five brand-new marine species that were unknown to the wider world.

What the... can't believe I typed this much letters in one sitting. Damn. I'll stop now. :embarrassed:

The realization that the Bibleis the authority.

How did you reach that conclusion? What process did you use? How did you determined that the Bible is has any value at all (if you went from a stage of not thinking that way because you weren't born with that assumption I guess)?

ps: From the last 40 pages I'm not expecting a straight forward answer. But at least you can try to think about it. Maybe one day you'll thank these people for challenging your position. I was in a similar place as you and now I'm an atheist (all my family is still evangelical christian though).
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Well if it is not the only way, which you are correct, it is not, and it is prone to error, which it is, then please stop insisting on appying it where it is unapplicable.
It's not the only way, but it is not prone to error provided it is used correctly.
First, it is not my method.
You claimed you knew the method and that you've described the method in detail (when you haven't). You should be able to describe every step of the method, and more importantly, how you know the results of the method are accurate, regardless of who actually came up with it. You claim the method works, you must demonstrate it.

Edit: So far it seems like you expect using the method to prove that the method works. If you can't see the circular logic there, then good riddance.
In my respose above to Imari I realized something that I think we should address before this precept.
So perhaps we should back up from this and establish something else first.
Do you agree that Scientific knowledge is not the only knowledge?
Or is it possible for knowledge to exist outside of the Scientific?
Science is knowledge. Nothing about the scientific process is specific to the physical world. It's based in logic, meaning it's designed to draw conclusions from information we have, regardless of where it came from. The problem with this spiritual method is you have yet to show that the conclusions it reaches are actually correct. You just keep assuming they are, and claiming they are. You trust this method because the result it gave you apparently proves that it works. Except it doesn't prove anything.

If you use this "method", presumably the result of belief and faith and understanding the bible is some sort of phenomenon. A sign from above, a very strong feeling that God must be real, or any other number of things which lead you to a conclusion. The problem is, nothing about the method ensures that the phenomenon you experience is evidence of anything. It's just evidence that you made a conclusion. Any phenomenon has explanations which may or may not be God. One explanation is faulty logic, leading to a false sense of knowledge that god exists.

The worst part of this is that, as I already pointed out, this method demonstrably leads to false conclusions. Which renders the entire thing null. No information you gain from this method can be assumed true. If it can lead to a false conclusion in one test, nothing is guaranteed. This bizarre method doesn't follow any principles of logic, it fails to understand cause and effect, it draws faulty conclusions from the wrong axioms, and science can handle it easily just through logic and the process of drawing conclusions which is actually guaranteed to not make false claims.

This is all based on your vague "steps" which starts with belief (which ought to be the end result) and ends with some kind of vague personal experience that proves god is real, but which you won't tell us what it is.
Perhaps you are answering the above question here.
Definitively, Science(knowledge) does not imply or assume "all knowledge" or "exclusive discoverer of any and all knowledge"
So thats an assumption on your part as to the exclusiveness of Science.
Knowledge is things you know. If those things are spiritual of physical, they are still knowledge. Knowledge is knowledge. Spiritual knowledge is knowledge. Therefore a process which can uncover knowledge (and science can) is capable of dealing with spiritual knowledge, provided that knowledge is attainable. If it isn't, no method can uncover it. Though people can pretend to have uncovered it.
Likewise under that assumption, you are seeking to claim there is no knowledge, except as dictated by Science, which is an unprovable assumption.
Science does not even make such a claim.
If you understood why science worked you would know it doesn't need to make such a claim.
It's purposely designed exclusively to be an individual decision, not a matter of scientific discovery.
If it's a decision, it isn't knowledge. Deciding something is true doesn't make it true.
The more I read about the argument between SCJ and other members regarding the so-called limitation(s) of carnal/physical knowledge i.e. science, I get a stronger feeling what SCJ is trying to say (but somehow failing to say it) are that our scope of knowledge is still fairly limited, that there are lots of gaps, things, that scientific experiments can't yet explain.
This could make sense if SCJ was trying to explain observed phenomena with God. But instead he insists there are phenomena that none of us have yet experienced, and never will, unless we decide to believe they are true, at which point God will prove to us that they are true. And in the process he dismissed a lot of analogies as silly, somehow missing that in doing so, he made the point even more obvious.
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Why do you think this? I've asked this about a 6 times now.I have no idea why you think that the scientific method (the method of learning about reality) is limited to only some aspects of reality and not others. It's like you've said math only works with numbers less than 100. I don't see any reason to think that it won't work anywhere.

The biggest reason I think that, is because the spiritual reality I know, was not and is not garnered through Science.
Again it's not within Science's jurisdiction.
You can't find it there.
You can't learn about it there.
Its just that simple.

It's purposely designed exclusively to be an individual decision, not a matter of scientific discovery.

I suspect that it goes without being said, but just for completeness here, I'll point out that SCJ was once again absolutely non-responsive on this point. The answer to the question "why does the scientific method apply only to some aspects of reality" cannot be answered with the response "because it only applies to some aspects of reality". A more honest response would have been "because this assumption makes lots of things easier for me, and I have never thought I needed to support it". Or perhaps, "because it makes the job of compartmentalizing rational thought and irrational thought much easier".

In fact, there is no reason to apply a different method for obtaining knowledge about reality to one aspect of reality versus another. Fundamentally we learn about reality consistently regardless of whether we're talking about emotions, spirituality, mechanics, chemicals, fluid flow, heat, energy, philosophy, logic, or any other aspect of reality you can think of. We apply reason to develop an informed hypothesis, and then we attempt to falsify that hopethesis by experimenting with reality. Inductive and deductive reasoning can both be described in this way.
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I truly believe that, which means I believe that the return of the Messiah is very near, considering the feast day of Tabernacles falls on the final of the blood moon tetrad in September 2015.
Off course consider Joel 2:30, that the moon will turn to blood BEFORE the great day of the Lord comes.
So kindly let us know when the moon turns into blood. Not acquires a red tint, mind you, I mean turns into a giant ball of real, actual blood. Because that's what it says, isn't it? A blood moon?
People search for reasons for Christ's return, such as a lunar eclipse. There is a verse somewhere where he says no one knows the time...

TBH there is no reason for a Christian to concern themselves with the return, I think it's some sort of nany nany deal because they want to say 'I told you so'. Vindication lies in living a fulfilling and happy life, to hell with the rest :lol:
Undoubtable fact? Good heavens! Is that from the Bible? Citation required.

Nice, but you forget: Jesus it the Son, and only around 2k years old. You think His old man is going to let Him drive the GT40?

I suspect that it goes without being said, but just for completeness here, I'll point out that SCJ was once again absolutely non-responsive on this point. The answer to the question "why does the scientific method apply only to some aspects of reality" cannot be answered with the response "because it only applies to some aspects of reality".
I would like to point out that @SCJ's answer was completely responsive, it just came from a point of view that you do not accept as valid. You may not like it or accept it, but it was an answer. That has happened a lot in these 40 or so pages. Sincere question: do you understand his point of view?

People search for reasons for Christ's return, such as a lunar eclipse. There is a verse somewhere where he says no one knows the time...
TBH there is no reason for a Christian to concern themselves with the return, I think it's some sort of nany nany deal because they want to say 'I told you so'. Vindication lies in living a fulfilling and happy life, to hell with the rest :lol:
Don't know about the vindication part, but I agree on the rest. IMO, Revelations was not intended to scare non-believers into belief (although it has that effect sometimes), but to reassure the believers that no matter how bad things are, ultimately all those nasty guys are going to get what they've got coming to them.

This could make sense if SCJ was trying to explain observed phenomena with God. But instead he insists there are phenomena that none of us have yet experienced, and never will, unless we decide to believe they are true, at which point God will prove to us that they are true.
@SCJ may be referring to something such as 'speaking in Tongues', which is Biblical, but has some unique features and is regarded by many Christians as rather exotic. With that possibility in mind, he makes sense. IMO, all through this there is an undercurrent of things implied, but not said. Maybe he should just invite us all to his church.

Edit: Added 'that has happened...', 'unique features', and 'with that possibility in mind'.
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You may not like it or accept it, but it was an answer.

No, it wasn't. "Because I said so" is not a valid answer. You'll notice that a lot of SCJ's arguments boiled down to either "because I said so" or "because the Bible said so".

If you have valid reasons to think something, you can explain to others what those reasons are.

Just as if you've followed instructions to do something, you can explain to others what those instructions were instead of palming them off to a 2000 page book with "it's in there somewhere".

SCJ's whole schtick was parroting his own beliefs, regardless of how much sense they made, and never about trying to actually communicate with others about how he or others might reach those beliefs. When questioned, he simply restated his beliefs instead of talking about how he arrived at them.

I believe that being nice to others makes the world a better place. I can't prove it, but I can talk about why I think it's true, and why I think that it's a good thing for me to behave as though this is true even if maybe it's not. SCJ could never do this about God, and that's the whole problem. To SCJ, God is because God is, and to question it is somehow foolish.
I suspect that it goes without being said, but just for completeness here, I'll point out that SCJ was once again absolutely non-responsive on this point. The answer to the question "why does the scientific method apply only to some aspects of reality" cannot be answered with the response "because it only applies to some aspects of reality".

I would like to point out that @SCJ's answer was completely responsive, it just came from a point of view that you do not accept as valid. You may not like it or accept it, but it was an answer.

But SCJ did not answer the question. It's like being asked "Why is the sky blue?" and answering with "because the sky is blue" or "Why do apples fall from trees?" with "because apples fall from trees". A response like that does not answer the question at all, it's merely restating the question as if it were its own answer.
Is it safe to leave the fallout shelter yet?

I suppose this was the best test of the hypothesis: "If I keep posting nonsensical non-answers to moderator questions within monumental blocks of text, I won't get tagged for spamming."


But now we'll never know what his foolproof test is. I've been waiting years (and a few hundred pages) to find out.
...??? SCJ got banned? Wowsers. When did that happen? I go away for a little while and stuff keeps happening all over the place!! It must be god, sending me signs.

Man I better start believing...:boggled:
...??? SCJ got banned? Wowsers. When did that happen? I go away for a little while and stuff keeps happening all over the place!! It must be god, sending me signs.

Man I better start believing...:boggled:

Praise be to His Noodly Appendage. R'amen.
Praise be to His Noodly Appendage. R'amen.

I love ramen. It is the sustenance of the gods. You'll definitely feel that way after a late-night out and your fridge's empty...

Oh as long as it's not a Maggi. That stuff apparently is sacrilegious.
...??? SCJ got banned? Wowsers. When did that happen?
Literally on this page.
Yup. The end of a drama of this thread.

Next time this thread will be either on a 2nd page or straight up locked.
This thread existed before he was a member and will continue to exist now he isn't. I don't really follow why you think we need a new one or why it will be locked if we get one - the member in question was banned for a fifth AUP violation.
Literally on this page.This thread existed before he was a member and will continue to exist now he isn't. I don't really follow why you think we need a new one or why it will be locked if we get one - the member in question was banned for a fifth AUP violation.
Just a question. He banned pemanently or with period?