Please, for the love of all that's holy, take some well meant advice and spend a little time educating yourself. It will be time well spent.
If you keep posting like you have been you've got a forum full of people who are simply going to rip the obvious falsehoods in your posts apart. Do yourself a favour, do some reading, and think about what you want to say.
Then do some more reading, and think about whether it's really true or whether it's just something you've accepted all your life without really thinking about it. Then post.
There's a lot of people in here with a lot more experience and knowledge than you. You're not expected to have that from the get go, but now that it's been pointed out that there are serious gaps in your knowledge of Islam you are expected to attempt to do something about them before you continue.
Otherwise you're just going to be the target for snarky, sarcastic jibes. Which is unlikely to be fun, and is either going to result in you putting a lot of people on ignore, you leaving the forum entirely, or you exploding in rage and getting banned. None of which are exactly desirable outcomes.
Christianity and Islam
Jesus in Islam
Abrahamic religions
That's going to be heavy going if you're really only 14, but you've gotta start somewhere. I suggest the Christianity and Islam articles, or Jesus in Islam. It'll probably be more interesting if it's related to something you know already, and then you can work from there.