You're aware that Islam shares a huge amount in common with Christianity? Like, almost all of their prophets are the same, and they draw from a lot of the same texts. Islam even recognises Jesus as the Messiah, although they're essentially unitarians instead of believing in the Trinity, which is a development that didn't come to Christianity until well after the time of Jesus anyway.
If Islam is a pagan religion, then so is Christianity. And probably Judaism as well.
You should probably read a bit more about Islam and understand how many things are shared between the two religions. The differences are really pretty minor on the grand scale, although if you compare any two specific sects of Christianity and Islam you'll likely see big differences in interpretation. Although that can be the said between any two sects of Christianity also.
I think it would help if you explained what you meant by "pagan", when you call something a pagan religion. It sounds awfully like you're using it as a pejorative.