Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
Personally I do believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Without God, we wouldn't exist.

People are entitled to their own opinions, but this is just my own opinion
The main reason is by reading the Bible for yourself, and understand the Scriptures that tell you that God is real and He created everything, including people and earth.

Do you believe everything you read in books?

Had you read the Koran before the Bible do you think you'd be a believer in Muhammad now?
Atleast hes just told his belief and nothing else.
Unlike SCJ with his conspiracies and mind boggling theory for months.

My belief/no belief is mine, yours is yours. Questioning probably yes but no need to demonize each other :)
The main reason is by reading the Bible for yourself, and understand the Scriptures that tell you that God is real and He created everything, including people and earth.

I've done that, and with an earnest desire to find faith in the process. Didn't work for me. You have any idea why it worked for you, but not for me?
I've done that, and with an earnest desire to find faith in the process. Didn't work for me. You have any idea why it worked for you, but not for me?
Well, it is the point of a plain understanding of what He is saying.

But seriously, don't have to read the Bible first to become a Christian. You can just pray to God and ask Him to bring Jesus into your heart and accept him as the Savior, but if you don't want to I can understand that and I will not force you into it. :)

So what you're saying is that you believed in God before you read the bible?
No. I read the Bible for myself, and I was starting to understand what He was saying. I asked God to bring Jesus into my heart and accept him as the Savior. Ever since I've been a changed person. :)
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But seriously, don't have to read the Bible first to become a Christian. You can just pray to God and ask Him to bring Jesus into your heart and accept him as the Savior

How would you first know about God if you hadn't read it?

No. I read the Bible for myself, and I was starting to understand what He was saying. I asked God to bring Jesus into my heart and accept him as the Savior. Ever since I've been a changed person. :)

So back to my earlier question. Had you read the Koran first, would you be a Muslim by now?
How would you first know about God if you hadn't read it?

So back to my earlier question. Had you read the Koran first, would you be a Muslim by now?
To your earlier question, I already answered it. No I have never read the Koran nor have I been a Muslim.

To your second question, I have grown up around a Christian family, including my parents. Every time something like yoga or something was being taught to kids I was not allowed to watch it, since it could've gotten me into it.
To your second question, I have grown up around a Christian family, including my parents. Every time something like yoga or something was being taught to kids I was not allowed to watch it, since it could've gotten me into it.

So you did believe before you read it. Therefore not needing to read it.

To your earlier question, I already answered it. No I have never read the Koran nor have I been a Muslim.

I wasn't asking if you had read it. I was just asking you if, hypothetically, you had read the Koran first, would you have believed all that it states.
Every time something like yoga or something was being taught to kids I was not allowed to watch it, since it could've gotten me into it.
Got you into what?

What on Earth is stretching out a gateway for?

What else did your parents not want you to make your own mind up about?
To your earlier question, I already answered it. No I have never read the Koran nor have I been a Muslim.

To your second question, I have grown up around a Christian family, including my parents. Every time something like yoga or something was being taught to kids I was not allowed to watch it, since it could've gotten me into it.
I hope you don't mind me saying this, but do you think it was right of your parents to simply deny you all the information that didn't meet with their beliefs? Information that would give a wider worldview and better understanding of many things?

From what I understand they've just given you one option, option for you not to make up your own mind and instead adhere to their own beliefs.

I'd say that is very selfish of the parents and simply wrong on the behalf of the kid.
Got you into what?

What on Earth is stretching out a gateway for?

What else did your parents not want you to make your own mind up about?
Ok, well, let me back the train up a little bit and correct something I said.

When the Good Night Show on PBS Kids Sprout did yoga on there, that was the last time I watched the Goog Night Show. It of course was part of Muslim, and Muslim is a pagan religion. That's a demonstration of what they did not want me to watch, because they were afraid, as Christian parents, that I would get into that. I was only 5-7 years old when that happened.

I hope you don't mind me saying this, but do you think it was right of your parents to simply deny you all the information that didn't meet with their beliefs? Information that would give a wider worldview and better understanding of many things?

From what I understand they've just given you one option, option for you not to make up your own mind and instead adhere to their own beliefs.

I'd say that is very selfish of the parents and simply wrong on the behalf of the kid.
In my opinion it was the right thing to do. They are Christian and want me to grow up as a Christian. Now don't get me wrong, they did not force me into becoming Christian, but anything that was part of a pagan religion, especially on a kids show, they did not want me to watch.

They even spanked me when I was growing up, and it was not abuse.
Now spanking can go too far into abuse, but they never did that. God commands us that we spank our children, but of course some people take that saying too far and end up making it abuse. My parents never took it too far into abuse, and I'm glad that worked because when I did something too dangerous or disrespectful, I knew what was coming, and I never did it again.
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Nope. I do not believe in Islam or any of those pagan religions.

You're aware that Islam shares a huge amount in common with Christianity? Like, almost all of their prophets are the same, and they draw from a lot of the same texts. Islam even recognises Jesus as the Messiah, although they're essentially unitarians instead of believing in the Trinity, which is a development that didn't come to Christianity until well after the time of Jesus anyway.

If Islam is a pagan religion, then so is Christianity. And probably Judaism as well.

You should probably read a bit more about Islam and understand how many things are shared between the two religions. The differences are really pretty minor on the grand scale, although if you compare any two specific sects of Christianity and Islam you'll likely see big differences in interpretation. Although that can be the said between any two sects of Christianity also.

It of course was part of Muslim, and Muslim is a pagan religion.

I think it would help if you explained what you meant by "pagan", when you call something a pagan religion. It sounds awfully like you're using it as a pejorative.

If I go to Wikipedia (the standard first source for anything I'm not sure about), it tells me this about Paganism:

In a wider sense, paganism has also been understood to include any non-Abrahamic, folk, or ethnic religion.

Islam is an Abrahamic religion. By the common definition, it would not be considered to be a pagan religion, and so I wonder what your definition of "pagan" is.
When the Good Night Show on PBS Kids Sprout did yoga on there, that was the last time I watched the Goog Night Show. It of course was part of Muslim Islam...

A Muslim is a person who practices the Islamic faith.

...and Muslim is a pagan religion.

Dazzlingly wrong. Islam (again, A Muslim is a person, not a religion) is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion, exactly like your Christianity.

Not that any of that is relevant, as yoga traces its roots back to the Indus River valley in India. No connection to Islam, or Muslims, whatsoever.

EDIT: tree'd
You're aware that Islam shares a huge amount in common with Christianity? Like, almost all of their prophets are the same, and they draw from a lot of the same texts. Islam even recognises Jesus as the Messiah, although they're essentially unitarians instead of believing in the Trinity, which is a development that didn't come to Christianity until well after the time of Jesus anyway.

If Islam is a pagan religion, then so is Christianity. And probably Judaism as well.

You should probably read a bit more about Islam and understand how many things are shared between the two religions. The differences are really pretty minor on the grand scale, although if you compare any two specific sects of Christianity and Islam you'll likely see big differences in interpretation. Although that can be the said between any two sects of Christianity also.

I think it would help if you explained what you meant by "pagan", when you call something a pagan religion. It sounds awfully like you're using it as a pejorative.
They blocked information about every other religion other than their preferred one. That's pretty much forcing.

Also Islam isn't a pagan religion and Yoga is not a part of it.
When I mean pagan I mean a religion that worships false gods. Christianity is the only religion that doesn't do that, as it worships the only one and true God.
When I mean pagan I mean a religion that worships false gods. Christianity is the only religion that doesn't do that, as it worships the only one and true God.

That's not what the word pagan means, and Muslims worship the same god as you.
When I mean pagan I mean a religion that worships false gods. Christianity is the only religion that doesn't do that, as it worships the only one and true God.

Islam worships the exact same God as Christianity, the God of Moses, Jesus, and all the other prophets of Christianity. The only major difference is that they believe that Muhammad was also a prophet.

You may want to read more about Islam before you get further into this. Start with Wikipedia.
Islam worships the exact same God as Christianity, the God of Moses, Jesus, and all the other prophets of Christianity. The only major difference is that they believe that Muhammad was also a prophet.

You may want to read more about Islam before you get further into this. Start with Wikipedia.
Wikipedia can be changed by anyone, so false stuff can be put out there by others.

I stick to the Bible, true, non-revisionist history, and the dictionary.
They worship only one god. Same one as yours as said above. Not one more.

Even if they did, it's still not what 'pagan' is.
But they call Him Allah instead of what He should be called as: God.

In fact, Allah may be fictional! But you're entitled to your own opinions.

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