Don't you wish you could prove that.
No, it wouldn't change anything for me, so I don't really care.
Yes on the EDOB; those violations would by definition be miracles
Which is yet another concept which has not been demonstrated to even exist; yet another layer of assumption that your viewpoint is built upon.
( Although I think she mostly lets the universe roll it's dice freely, but reserves the right to influence the roll);
An aside here - Then you don't believe in divine omniscience?
and she does not purposefully hide herself,
So she's hidden for reasons beyond her control? What happened to the whole omnipotent thing?
but reveals herself in non verifiable ways
Another layer of assumption.
to preserve our free will, allowing us to believe whatever we want.
More fodder for the omniscience question above. Have you ever given much thought about the contradiction between divine omniscience and human free will? I'd be very interested in your thoughts on that.
If there is no objective evidence for the existence of something, then refraining from believing in that something is the
only way to proceed without making any assumptions.
The first scenario runs into the scientific method itself, which is silent on the existence/non-existence of deity (no objective data either way),
The scientific method is "silent" on everything. It's a method. Why do theists insist on anthropomorphizing it?
And that there's no evidence either way is exactly my point. In the absence of evidence, refraining from belief is the only logical move to make.
and also assumes that our reality-as-we-see-it is in correspondence with, and is indeed representative of the full spectrum of reality-as-it-is.
@Imari Covered this quite adequately already.
We cannot know if this is true. Because we cannot know this, the GIGO (garbage in...) principle comes into it. We cannot even be certain what is garbage.
I'm not going to follow you down that tired old rabbit hole too far, just suffice it to say that the best thing that we can do is follow the evidence (or lack thereof) and act accordingly.
The entire scenario is an unfounded assumption.
No it's not. It can't be as assumption at all, because no claim is being made. Scenario 1 is simply refraining from believing anything at all. It's a lack of action of any kind.
Then we're done here, right?
Oh, I guess not.
No she doesn't. There are people who have witnessed events that they don't understand (perhaps often don't want to understand), and decided to attribute those events to her.
Many, including myself have had experiences which we believe are personal interactions with God.
Believe being a key word there.
I do know this is subjective, but none the less, we are witnesses,
Not to what you think you are.
and it is not hearsay evidence.
That's exactly what it is. You heard somebody say that unexplained things are God's work, and you then perpetuate that rumor by claiming the same. Pretty much the dictionary definition of hearsay.
I don't know if this has been investigated, but it seems like someone would have. I can make some predictions: there would be some similarities in the various experiences (repeatable),
Not really. I've asked countless Christians to provide me with the process to have my own date with God. She always stands me up.
and ultimately, inconclusive (unverifiable).
Most definitely.
I don't really need to. You've done my job for me here (thanks!) and provided numerous examples of the assumptions baked into your viewpoint. As the opposing side makes no assumptions, we've established which scenario is, given the current evidence, the more likely.
Because Invisible Pink Unicorns, Flying Spaghetti Monsters, and those pesky Flying Jackal Demon Monkey things we were threatened with a while back don't have a comparable history of witnesses.
In fact they do - they've got the exact same number of witnesses as God.