Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
Acts 2:
20The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:

Read the verse properly. The word "before".

Also, the apocalypse takes place after the 7 year tribulation. Don't mix them up.

The first part is the same as saying "It'll definitely happen during a week with a Tuesday in it".
The first part is the same as saying "It'll definitely happen during a week with a Tuesday in it".

I think the "sun shall be turned into darkness" bit means that it'll be after the sun has become a black dwarf, so several trillion years at least. I mean, God would know that the sun doesn't really go dark when it sets.

I suspect that I shan't be alive to see it. Le damn. I stocked up on popcorn already.

How long does popcorn keep for?
How long does popcorn keep for?
Well that depends... Are we talking generic brand, Orville, buttered, low fat, glutten free, ethanol free....?

But when/if it does happen...

I think the "sun shall be turned into darkness" bit means that it'll be after the sun has become a black dwarf, so several trillion years at least. I mean, God would know that the sun doesn't really go dark when it sets.

I suspect that I shan't be alive to see it. Le damn. I stocked up on popcorn already.

How long does popcorn keep for?
Actually it would only take 4.5 billion years for that to happen.Firstly it will swell into a red giant engulfing both mercury,venus and earth possibly.After that it will begin to shed the outerlayers leaving its small core i.e white dwarf which will cool down to become black dwarf.
And life span of a star is given by life=mass/luminosity.And by that time I think humans will be doing space wars to conquer planets.
Actually it would only take 4.5 billion years for that to happen.
Mmmm, no.
Firstly it will swell into a red giant engulfing both mercury,venus and earth possibly.After that it will begin to shed the outerlayers leaving its small core i.e white dwarf
That might take 4.5 billion years, sure. But this:
which will cool down to become black dwarf.
... will take an inordinately long time. No black dwarfs are currently known and it's thought that it's impossible for them to exist at present as the lower bound for the time taken for a white dwarf to cool is far in excess of the age of the universe.

The Sun's estimated time to cool into a black dwarf is in the order of 1x10^15 years.
Considering that the Sun is only 6x10^3 years old, that's a long way off into the future!
Sun has already completed its half life and sun is 5 billion yes old.Currently the most massive star discovered is R136a1,it has a mass of 260 SM and is the most powerful star ever discovered.Do you know if you are at sun you would weigh 28 times as much as you weigh on earth.But mass will remain constant.
Sun has already completed its half life and sun is 5 billion yes old.Currently the most massive star discovered is R136a1,it has a mass of 260 SM and is the most powerful star ever discovered.Do you know if you are at sun you would weigh 28 times as much as you weigh on earth.But mass will remain constant.
Not all creationists believe the earth is 6,000 years old. I know some friends and family creationists but they don't throw out or claim that earth is 6,000 years old. They just leave the Bible to explain since numbers and timescales are something only God knows if he exists considering grand universe and millions upon millions or billions of years. I believe the earth is much older but I aren't going to guess because I'll never know and neither will any other human being. Also don't go believing what the scientists don't know. Throwing out stupid improbable numbers on the age of a sun or trying to predict it's death is stupidness to the highest degree. I don't believe any scientific instrument and method can predict or age test anything accurately. Carbon dating is one of them where scientists throw out silly stupid numbers I don't believe them for one minute. Science has done a lot to try to understand space, time, matter, the universe the physical elements and conditions we live in to the point we have a certain understanding of it. But models that try to predict things might work on a small scale with small factors to small degrees but other than what the scientists are throwing into these prediction models are probably missing ingredients and things we still don't know about on Nani scale or smaller. The elements we don't know about yet and there is a LOT we have probably yet to discover which could change our theories.
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Not all creationists believe the earth is 6,000 years old. I know some creationists but they don't throw out or claim that earth is 6,000 years old. I believe the earth is much older but I aren't going to guess because I'll never know and neither will any other human being. Also don't go believing what the scientists don't know. Throwing out stupid improbable numbers on the age of a sun or trying to predict it's death is stupidness to the highest degree. I don't believe any scientific instrument and method can predict or age test anything accurately. Carbon dating is one of them where scientists throw out silly stupid numbers I don't believe them for one minute. Science has done a lot to try to understand space, time, matter, the universe the physical elements and conditions we live in to the point we have a certain understanding of it. But models that try to predict things might work on a small scale with small factors to small degrees but other than what the scientists are throwing into these prediction models are probably missing ingredients and things we don't know still yet about physics.

...I don't even know where to begin with how wrong all this is.

What appears to you to be stupid improbable numbers are only so because you don't understand how they were arrived at. There are simple reasons why something like carbon dating is generally accepted to be a reasonable estimate of the age of certain objects.

Maybe if you educate yourself a little you'll gain a new appreciation for all the things that we can see, and the inferences that we can make from those. But probably not. It fairly clear that numbers too far from unity terrify you.
The fact that you're even considering the use of carbon dating to determine the age of planet is silly stupid.

Carbon dating is only used to determine the age of once LIVING objects, hence when they break down the remains decompose into carbon and other elements/compounds...
Maybe I umderstimate our scientist's. However it still does not mean that we are correct no matter how much the boffins know.
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It's guesswork at best.

Welcome to science. It is, always has been and always will be highly structured and rigorous guesswork. We make a "guess" (we call them hypotheses), and then try to prove them wrong. If we can't, then it was probably a pretty good guess.

Fortunately, these "guesses" turn out to be highly applicable to the real world, and thus very useful. Which is the whole point.

They can not predict things accurately. No matter how smart you think you are or the scientists think they are.

Define "accurately". It's more accurate than anything else available. Like, say, the Bible.

If you knew any science you'd know that absolute accuracy is currently considered to be impossible in almost all cases, and so no one ever claims absolute accuracy. That's why we have margins of error.
Exactly is all I was trying to say. We can't be accurate but as close as possible. Now let's leave it at that. I didn't really plan on trying to disown history but thanks for making me feel bad @Swagger897. I love what science has done for us and all the technology we have because of it. Now go look at my forza
pics and like them please lol.
However it still does not mean that we are correct no matter how much the boffins know.

Maybe you don't understand what you're talking about, because nobody except idiots has ever claimed to be correct no matter what.

Believe me, scientists are far more aware than you of how often they're wrong. They spend nine tenths of each day intentionally being wrong just to eliminate all the wrong ideas. What's left is stuff that we don't know enough to be able to say why it's wrong yet, and so we assume it's right until we have evidence to the contrary. If it can't be proven wrong, then it's close enough to be useful at least.

I love what science has done for us and all the technology we have because of it.

Like many people in this thread, apparently you love the way that science has made your modern life possible, but you're still willing to throw it under the bus when you don't like the conclusions that it comes to.
@Swagger897 yes because I don't want to start Commotion or have conflict or any indifference with you guys. I like the last statement Imari has made. I'll just leave all this worry and discussion to the guys that try to work everything out. And let them think they are close. It has nothing to do with me putting down science and I'm not against it. May the human race forever endeavor to make advancements in scientific discovery.
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I'm bored. And you keep replying so why do you think I'm here still commenting. Why does it bother you so much? I still have differences of opinion and I'm not necessarily wrong either with some parts of my statements even if it wasn't well thought out the message I was trying to get across. I'm not about to argue with some guy who is out on a big ego trip to shoot everyone down.
That's not my point to shoot everyone down. You falsely claimed with now basis at first the use of carbon dating, claiming it and the scientists who use that method clearly don't know what they're doing for their job and just make up random numbers and get paid.

Then, you completely turned your story around to make it out as if they do in fact have purpose and what they do is the best method and there's nothing else to compare it to.

What bothers me is someone who dives into something with absolutely no background knowledge and throws out accusations and claims in order to make their stance seem most true, which in fact is false on the very basis of what it stands upon.
I like the last statement Imari has made. I'll just leave all this worry and discussion to the guys that try to work everything out. And let them think they are close. It has nothing to do with me putting down science and I'm not against it.

Wow. What an arse.

"I'm not putting down science. If scientists want to think that they're figuring stuff out that's fine with me."

You know what? Screw you.

Some of us are actually doing work to figure out new things that might be useful to people. We don't think we're figuring stuff out, we are figuring stuff out. We have a better idea how things work today than we did yesterday, and in ten years it'll all be products that you'll use without even thinking twice about it.

You don't think about all the work that went into developing your car, your computer, or your house, because you have no idea how any of this stuff works. You just use them, and then brush off the scientists and engineers that spent years figuring out how it should work as "thinking that they're close".

You might as well just go back to cavorting druids, death by stoning and dung for dinner...

I still have differences of opinion and I'm not necessarily wrong...

Yeah. You are.

You think that somehow you can't be wrong when you say that scientists are wasting their time because nothing can be done accurately.

And yet scientists are wrong because they've spent years trying to prove that what they're doing is wrong and have failed.

You're obviously very young, and haven't figured out yet that the world is not black and white. Just because you can't have absolute knowledge doesn't mean that there's no point trying to learn a little more. I'm never going to be the greatest scientist in the world or win a Nobel Prize. Should I just give up because I'm obviously wasting my time?

Hardly. I'll do what I can, and that will be fine. If I never discover anything of note, then 🤬, at least I tried. Better than sitting with my thumb up my butt saying "I'll leave that to someone else, they seem to think that they're onto something".

May the human race forever endeavor to make advancements in scientific discovery.

The human race won't. A few humans will, and we'll do it if we have to drag the rest of you kicking and screaming out of the dark ages.

Enjoy not dying of the plague. :rolleyes:
Well who's name calling now and using high tone with violent verbals. You guys you see are taking this so serious and yet you get so annoyed you start to shout like little children on a tantrum. Like I'm stopping science from advancing.

Well look at all the poverty. Violence, famine, disease and destruction and illness in the world. Look at how our world is being destroyed more everyday. Wow humans have really figured out solutions and answers to the world and societies greatest problems.

But science has only kept all the diseases and viruses etc etc at bay. Without energy gas or electricity and all the world's tech and inventions which is in fact 1900's technology we would be back in darker ages.

Yes again we are thankful for technology and creature comforts that give us all a clean and warmer life. We do still thank clever brains, inventors, scientists, physicists, mathematicians for these things. But at what ultimate cost.

But climate change, earth pollution, oil, and mining all earth's resources, more earthquakes every year, more floods, more tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes errupting. Shortening of food supplies. Things are really getting better while ultimately getting worser in the background.

Yes guys I'm no scientist but it doesn't give you a reason to scream verbal vitriol at me. So think what you like. I can still hold a world view of disgust and at the same time agree and disagree with our sciences and advancements.

It does not make me an idiot. I said I'm no scientist and no I don't have degree in any major sciences. But man human beings continue to play and mess with things and play with nature with no understanding of what the real cost could be.

Only god or the angels have higher wisdom, higher spiritual maturity, god has named every body in the heavens, has intelligence higher than any human being. Yes we are all mortal beings warmth limited knowledge of the real understanding of things.

Even after all the words I have said, you will still call verbal vitriol at me because you people and even science geniuses don't realize what damage is done until it's too late. And after all is said and done I'm still glad that what humans, scientists and mathematicians and the physicists have achieved with their intelligence is amazing and I thank them all for engineering genius, our creature comforts even I know the way we live is killing the world.

I just watched the San Andreas movie, suddenly none of that matters anymore when all is left is the people you love and the earth and the world around you can be destroyed so easily. The Bible actually holds lots of wisdom and wise proverbs believe it or not. And it warns of things happening and things to come like earth shaking, earthquakes and more destruction because of what we are doing.

My opinion is that the human race has no where near the superior knowledge of higher beings and the Creator. The Creator is described as being eternal, the beginning and end, alpha and omega. Timeless and outside of space and time itself.

A conscious spirit and entity which should be worshipped with spirit and truth. Our physical bodies are just a temporary vessel in which we are children experiencing life. So I still love life and I am grateful that everyday could be my last and I would like to think I am a kind and loving hearted person.

I think you guys need a bit of love right now if nothing else and to calm down over what I said. Even the smartest people can say silly stupid and regrettable things without thinking things through. But guys I am still grateful for our science and inventions that we can't do without because would be hard to get by and live without them seeing as Wed gave been conditioned to live in this type of society.

The overwhelming knowledge we have compared to higher beings is not even close considering we were created. I'm willing to bet you can't man up and apologize for using verbal aggressive violent and vitriol words at me. No wonder humans will take a long time to mature spiritually, all they know is attack, kill, more violence and more killing.

Everything that has happened on our earth is not god's fault but our own with the help of fallen spirits who also took to lust over human beings because the devil charged he could do a better job of ruling over out earth and over the human race better than god but everyone should know and was warned by god that the devil is a deceitful lieer and promises good things when only bad things will follow.

God is holding devil to his word for a short time. But with all our intellect and tech, science and inventions the world and chaos still gets worse and worse. If god went and killed the devil who would win the argument?God has more wisdom and faith and discernment than the angels and it sets everything in motion.

Also the millions or billions of angels would see god's justice, wisdom and none cruelty in the way it handles tests of faith and answers Satan. It knows all and knows everything and knows how to wisely win the battle over time to prove to the devil that humans can't look after ourselves or our world without god's or his righteous angels intervention.

1,000's of years is nothing to god to prove and settle a charge brought against him about whether or not we can rule and look after the earth and ourselves or whether devil says we can rule ourselves when in fact the devil is part of the cause of such chaos.

Just take a look at all the news and all the badness. And by the way their is only one spirit, one creator and one truth. And actually the false religions have nothing to do with the supreme being but in fact worship of a fallen angel, bow down and do obeisance to the devil for money, power and glory and success.

Yeah the demons have powers to do Miracles and all kinds of wonders to deceive people into thinking its good until they get involved with the occult, spiritual or paranormal things or louiga boards or contact mediums or fortune tellers. Once the devil gets a hold of you he can take your soul at anytime and your life is in his hands.

The devil is a spiritual being and held a high position in heaven, but not as high as Jesus, along with the rest of the fallen ones who decided to serve him and be cast down to the earth with him.

He doesn't really care about us humans he just wants to see god's creation not be successful and turn against god for they are eternal beings but he knows his time is short and he can not win. Eventually god will lock him up so he can not cause any more trouble in the minds of humans and neither stir up trouble with the earthly creatures or cause destruction on the earth or cause catastrophes.

Wide is the gate leading off into destruction, narrow is the gate leading to life. Yeah we humans really think we got everything figured out but one day, god will intervene and at that Point you guys who don't believe will be know there is a god because god says it will make every human know that it is I.

If you start getting bad apples, you want to remove them before the badness spreads to others. God gave us free will, didn't want to give is famine, mortal lives, and thought not badness.

But as soon as the devil interrupted he put desires into the first man and Women's hearts and gave them something to lust over which went against what god had told them they would lose if they misbehaved or ignored there father.

And so they did miss behave and so this is why god limited us from perfection for their sins and through turning to the devil. Imperfect meaning things will either and die and not last. Thorn's and thistles will grow, they would get old and have all the disease, pestilence, illnesses enter the world because it's no longer in god's care.

God was still generous giving them ability to prosper, subdue the earth and fill it and he still gave them a long life just not the perfection he promised them if they had obeyed him.

The devil isn't taking care of humans or the world anymore. The human race could have gone down a totally different path.
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