I like the last statement Imari has made. I'll just leave all this worry and discussion to the guys that try to work everything out. And let them think they are close. It has nothing to do with me putting down science and I'm not against it.
What an arse.
"I'm not putting down science. If scientists want to think that they're figuring stuff out that's fine with me."
You know what? Screw you.
Some of us are actually doing work to figure out new things that might be useful to people. We don't think we're figuring stuff out, we
are figuring stuff out. We have a better idea how things work today than we did yesterday, and in ten years it'll all be products that you'll use without even thinking twice about it.
You don't think about all the work that went into developing your car, your computer, or your house, because you have no idea how any of this stuff works. You just use them, and then brush off the scientists and engineers that spent years figuring out how it should work as "thinking that they're close".
You might as well just go back to cavorting druids, death by stoning and dung for dinner...
I still have differences of opinion and I'm not necessarily wrong...
Yeah. You are.
You think that somehow you can't be wrong when you say that scientists are wasting their time because nothing can be done accurately.
And yet scientists are wrong because they've spent years trying to prove that what they're doing is wrong and have failed.
You're obviously very young, and haven't figured out yet that the world is not black and white. Just because you can't have absolute knowledge doesn't mean that there's no point trying to learn a little more. I'm never going to be the greatest scientist in the world or win a Nobel Prize. Should I just give up because I'm obviously wasting my time?
Hardly. I'll do what I can, and that will be fine. If I never discover anything of note, then 🤬, at least I
tried. Better than sitting with my thumb up my butt saying "I'll leave that to someone else, they seem to think that they're onto something".
May the human race forever endeavor to make advancements in scientific discovery.
The human race won't. A few humans will, and we'll do it if we have to drag the rest of you kicking and screaming out of the dark ages.
Enjoy not dying of the plague.