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Well who's name calling now and using high tone with violent verbals. You guys you see are taking this so serious and yet you get so annoyed you start to shout like little children on a tantrum. Like I'm stopping science from advancing. Well look at all the poverty. Violence, famine, disease and destruction and illness in the world. Look at how our world is being destroyed more everyday. Wow humans have really figured out solutions and answers to the world and society greatest problems. But science has only kept all the diseases and viruses etc etc at bay. Without energy gas or electricity which is in fact 1900's technology we would be back in darker ages. Yes we are OK for as long as this tech and creature comforts are here for us. Yes guys I'm no scientist but it doesn't give you a reason to scream verbal vitriol at me. So think what you like. I can still hold a world view of disgust and at the same time agree and disagree with our sciences and advancements. It does not make me an idiot. I said I'm no scientist and no I don't have degree in any major sciences. But man human beings continue to play and mess with things and play with nature with no understanding of what the real cost could be. Once again theory and models. Only god or the angels have higher wisdom, higher spiritual maturity, god has named every body in the heavens, has intelligence higher than any human being. Yes we are all mortal beings warmth limited knowledge of the real understanding of things. Even after all the words I have said, you will still call verbal vitriol at me because you people and even science geniuses don't realize what damage is done until it's too late. And after all is said and done I'm still glad that what intelligence humans, scientists and mathematicians and he physicists have achieved is amazing and I thank them for that and the creature comforts of technology. But as I just watched San Andreas movie suddenly none of that matters anymore when all is left is the people you love and the earth and the world around you can be destroyed so easily. The Bible actually holds lots of wisdom and wise proverbs believe it or not. And it warms of things and destruction. My opinion is that the human race has no where near the superior knowledge of higher beings and the creator. The creator is described as being eternal the beginning and end, alpha and omega. Timeless and outside of space and time itself. A conscious spirit and entity which should be worshipped with spirit and truth. Our physical bodies are just a temporary vessel in which we are children experiencing life. So I still love life m, I m grateful that everyday could be my last and I am kind and. I think you guys need a bit of love right now if nothing else and to calm down over what I said. Even the smartest people can say silly stupid and regrettable things without thinking things through. But no say to you guys I am still grateful for humans and science and to have the gadgets and tech. As for laws and principles using maths putting things into a theory and concept. The overwhelming knowledge we have compared to higher beings is not even close.
Well look at all the poverty. Violence, famine, disease and destruction and illness in the world. Look at how our world is being destroyed more everyday. Wow humans have really figured out solutions and answers to the world and society greatest problems.
You've just dismissed other folks' personal testimony about God, while painting me as closed-minded for being skeptical of yours.
Let's say that we accept non-objective evidence. So we accept evidence from our own experience that others cannot witness. And we also accept evidence that potentially cannot be experienced by ourselves, but can only be experienced by others.
Why should I believe in something that cannot be experienced by myself? I really shouldn't believe in what Jimmy on the bad trip in the corner tells me about spiders all over the walls, and aliens coming to probe me. It may be very real in his mind, but it's no part of my world.
Likewise, he shouldn't bother believing in anything that I might tell him that I've experienced that he cannot. I may be filled by the love of God, but if he doesn't feel it then there's no reason for him to believe.
And so we end up at the point where humanity as a group can only really agree on things that they can all experience. If you've got a personal experience, then you may have to treat that as real. Jimmy on the LSD trip is probably going to behave as though the spiders and aliens are real, simply because if he doesn't and they do happen to be real, invisible aliens and spiders that only he can see then he's :censored:ed
But you can't and shouldn't expect others to believe in your subjective experiences. The only time anyone else should care about your subjective experience is if they can experience it too. At which point it's objective, and everything's fine.
So many people don't understand this. If you're the only person that can experience something, nobody else could or should give a rat's arse. If they can experience it too, then it's objective and no problem.
So, are we all just meat puppets here to create an illusion for you, the true consciousness?
If natural causes are a sufficient explanation, then it's not proof of God. Proof, in any sense, is something that narrows the possible causes down to a small subset. If an event doesn't rule out natural causes as a possible explanation, then it cannot be proof of God.
What would convince a skeptic that God exists is an event that only God or something very similar to God could cause...
...There's plenty of time for that when the evidence for it whacks you between the eyes.
Considering that the Sun is only 6x10^3 years old, that's a long way off into the future!
Cool story...No god didn't create all those things. Their sinning and free will and taking the bad fruit rather than sticking with the tree of life as well as the devil intervening and causing mutations and sickness and destruction and all things to get out of hand and out of balance once he took charge and is no longer in god's control. God limited our DNA so that we would be prone to disease, illness and other things that would come about with imperfections. So we would age and die eventually.
But it's simple. Here's a parable or example. Mummy and daddy say be a good boy, if you obey your mum and dads command and do your homework you will be given privelages, if you don't do your homework and disobey your mother or father, there will be repercussions and things taken away from you.
The way the world has gotten like this is because Satan the devil is ruling and he is causing the imbalance and destruction along with our own sinful ways we are also to blame. We are suffering because of Adam and Eve disobeying command. God knows what's good for us and what is bad but we with free will were enticed by the lust and desires of the devil. They followed lusts from the devil because it was too tempting.
Because if this god revoked Adam and Eve from living forever, never getting old and never dieing, also with perfect DNA we would not get sick or I'll. They followed the devil and their eyes were opened to knowing good and bad and that introduced us Knowing things we shouldn't because our eyes are bound to be open having knowledge that only god knows how to handle and control.
So we know that time scale is something like an example 1,000 years, on earth, is a day or two to the angels in heaven or to god.
They are roving about the earth stirring up trouble between the kings of all four corners of the earth, north, south, east, west, causing division, unrest, unpeace, unrest, greed amongst other problems.
I don't think humans can be the fix for the problems unless they come to have a personal relationships with the one true creator God and worship him not the devil. Only he has the power, to do anything. The one true god wants all humankind to know him and pray but importantly live by god's standards and principles set by him for us.
God knows us inside and out. Anything is possible with god. God does say that he will fix everything because only he can if he created and set things in motion, other bodies in space will have been created with the help of god's first born son, Jesus who then went on to help create all the stars of the heavens, and then all the millions or billions of Angels in heaven.
So we know that time scale is something like an example 1,000 years, on earth, is a day or two to the angels in heaven or to god.
Too many people ruling the world are worshiping the devil for wealth, power and glory. The Devi and the demons are not to be messed with, they can possess a human being and control us and make you levitate.
They are roving about the earth stirring up trouble between the kings of all four corners of the earth, north, south, east, west, causing division, unrest, unpeace, unrest, greed amongst other problems.
So back to your question. The meteorologists need to live a life pleaseable to god by living by his standards and principle set out to Moses in the tablet and 10commandments or the later fewer commandments changed by god later on.
God can't fix things until the time is right and when he handed the rule of the world over to Satan the devil. The time has to play out and god's answer is partly how we all turn to god and look up-to him not Satan.
God has given us plenty of time since Jesus spirit was born into a human being so that Jesus was the perfect image of the one true god creator.
The stories in the Bible of real people, encounters with god and the prophets. We have had a long enough period of time to come to know god's standards and principles.
Although god is kindness, love, patience, wisdom and many other emotions and principles and standards. He is a god of justice too. Remember the story about the bad apples and rot when it sets in it spreads until eventually the whole apple now bad.
Things were getting bad on the earth in Noah's day, no one listened, they all laughed at Noah and him family. Also the nephilim giants were about and causing trouble, the offspring of the fallen angels, demons when they lust after the women of the earth.
So really all the signs in the Bible are what is happening more and more today. The clock is ticking and I believe the next war will be all the armies of earth vs god sending Jesus with all the angels of heaven to lock up Satan the devil and his legions.
So Jesus can take control of the earth and restore it and bring it back to how it was. This means all the people living by god's standards and worshipping him and everyone on earth will have an opportunity to learn about god's kingdom which is coming.
The kingdom god originally gave and intended Adam and Eve to have will become available. There will be no more pain, no more suffering, the former things will be wiped from our heads. Badness won't even come into our heads.
We will all eventually live forever with no more illness or diseases those people god sees fit who are meek and pure and kind hearted to look after the earth and live in peace.
Only gods kingdom will work. Man has tried many different ways to rule the earth or live peacefully but none have succeeded.
No, not annoyed and we don't think you are stopping science from advancing (not helping either, though). But I think you are utterly clueless as to how insulting your remarks are.Well who's name calling now and using high tone with violent verbals. You guys you see are taking this so serious and yet you get so annoyed you start to shout like little children on a tantrum. Like I'm stopping science from advancing.
Almost none of that makes any sense, but umm good to know that eventually there will be no more illness or diseases, when will "Gods kingdom" come and sort it out?
You gave the impression that you were certain that the 2nd Coming would be last Month and you did not mention those seven years the past six Months or so (as far as I can remember). When did you learn about those seven years, before or after Jesus failed to show up again last Month?7 years after the peace treaty between Israel and Palestine. As to when this peace treaty is going to happen. Judging from the chaos going on there, I would say soon, while others might say never. Opinions don't matter, as this was written thousands of years ago.
7 years after the peace treaty between Israel and Palestine. As to when this peace treaty is going to happen. Judging from the chaos going on there, I would say soon, while others might say never. Opinions don't matter, as this was written thousands of years ago.
You gave the impression that you were certain that the 2nd Coming would be last Month and you did not mention those seven years the past six Months or so (as far as I can remember). When did you learn about those seven years, before or after Jesus failed to show up again last Month?
Oh well if it was written thousands of years ago then clearly it must be true right? It's not like we have made any discoveries or progress in our understanding of the world/universe since then right?![]()
I see. So it was only the Rapture that was expected to have happened last Month?It's always been the case, hence your memory is quite bad..You are confused between the Rapture (catching away of the faithful Church), and the return of the Messiah to set up His Kingdom in Jerusalem, His City, and remove all evil and wickedness in this world. Two very different prophecies.
I see. So it was only the Rapture that was expected to have happened last Month?
These things have happened and reported throughout history. Nothing special about those that have occurred since 1967.Count these things since 1967, where the Jews reclaimed their City, Jerusalem. Since then, wars, earthquakes, pestilences, unrest, lawlessness, blood moons, signs in the heavens.
These things have happened and reported throughout history. Nothing special about those that have occurred since 1967.
I think a biblical generation is something like 70 years or so. The fig tree is Israel, which began to blossom in 1948-49.
You're missing the point, these things have happened and will happen all the time. You don't need to be a prophet to know this, just a little knowledge about history and the workings of the galaxy will do. If these things only started to happen after Israel's rebirth, than you could be onto something.AAh, but that's the main point. Before Israel being reborn, no prophecies could be fulfilled, or even be valid.
It still boggles my mind that you think that he was talking about your generation and not his own. As far as I'm concerned, this prophecy failed the moment his generation passed away. If he meant what you believe he means, he could just have said that all events will happen within one generation. But then there would be no time indication, making it a worthless prophecy. He gave that time indication by mentioning that the Rapture would happen during his own generation (or rather, the generation of those who he was speaking to at that moment). And why would Jesus wait so very very long with His return? Two thousand years is a very very long time. It would make a lot more sense if it happened within a few years after His death. And that matches nicely with the way I think the Prophecy should be read.34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
You're missing the point, these things have happened and will happen all the time. You don't need to be a prophet to know this, just a little knowledge about history and the workings of the galaxy will do. If these things only started to happen after Israel's rebirth, than you could be onto something.
It still boggles my mind that you think that he was talking about your generation and not his own. As far as I'm concerned, this prophecy failed the moment his generation passed away. If he meant what you believe he means, he could just have said that all events will happen within one generation. But then there would be no time indication, making it a worthless prophecy. He gave that time indication by mentioning that the Rapture would happen during his own generation (or rather, the generation of those who he was speaking to at that moment). And why would Jesus wait so very very long with His return? Two thousand years is a very very long time. It would make a lot more sense if it happened within a few years after His death. And that matches nicely with the way I think the Prophecy should be read.
I know you are referring to that. It is just that nothing out of the ordinary has happened that even remotely resembles a God-worthy sign.What I was referring to, was that the signs must be looked at after Israel's rebirth. Off course wars and famines etc happened before that. It's part of the fallen creation.
Ah yes, my favorite "I don't get it / don't know" cop-out.Also, how do you know Jesus is waiting for 2000 years.. He is not limited by time like us, and besides, one day for the Lord is like a 1000 days on earth. His only gone for 2 days if you want to get technical, who knows. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.
The prophecy failed, so you resort to reinterpretation. How typical.Again, why would he not talk about our generation, since it's clear no Rapture happened during their generation.
The Jews were not in control at the time, the Romans were. I wouldn't call that blossoming.Look at the verse before (32). If his talking to the Jews who have completely blossomed, why would he tell them about the Jews re-blossoming?
What I was referring to, was that the signs must be looked at after Israel's rebirth. Off course wars and famines etc happened before that. It's part of the fallen creation.
Also, how do you know Jesus is waiting for 2000 years. He is not limited by time like us, and besides, one day for the Lord is like a 1000 days on earth. His only gone for 2 days if you want to get technical, who knows. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.
Again, why would he not talk about our generation, since it's clear no Rapture happened during their generation. Look at the verse before (32). If his talking to the Jews who have completely blossomed, why would he tell them about the Jews re-blossoming?
His will be done, not ours. Off course you free to see fit how you want it to be. Your will, and nobody else...![]()
So where did he go? Is he on holiday? You would think he would care about us enough to check in from time to time given that he created us and everything.... He must be super busy with God stuff.
His within you, and has never left you. Perhaps You've denied Him, or don't need Him. I don't know bro. That's between you and Him personally.