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- England
@wraith of horus From reading through some of your posts it's become quite obvious that you are clueless about reality. You're just making up this imaginary world where we somehow make earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis happen more regularly and where we can't do anything about famine and disease. So it comes as no surprise that you believe in god and angels, etc, and that they're going to magically fly down here and fix everything.
However in reality scientists will continue to solve the worlds problems, even the ones we can't control we can limit the human casualties by predicting when volcanoes are going to erupt and producing early warning systems for tsunamis and hurricanes, etc. They will continue to cure diseases, fight @Famine (oh not that one, although you never know), and generally improve everyone's health and life expectancy, whilst making the world (and the rest of the universe) easier to explore and giving us a lot technology to keep ourselves entertained.
On the contrary. I see the world as it is. Not some magical island where everything is perfect where you live in this bubble and nothing is wrong or bad about the world? Believe it or not more and more volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados and flash floods get reported year upon year. With them these bring unclean and dirty water so more famine also and will damage crops and foods. More and more are recorded every year, so are hurricanes and floods. More and more. It's only going to get worse. The bible warns you will hear more signs and more reports of wars aswell as these catastrophes.
I never said what we can do with our science and instruments is a bad thing and more than not I am glad that we can control certain problems in the world to a certain degree and warn people with our scientific instruments. And as for all the physical and none physical diseases, illnesses and mental conditions, there are likely thousands of viruses and diseases that science still can not cure. Being able to foretell when an earthquake will hit or a Tsunami is going to hit is progress and knowledge and making good use of science for once.
I never said we are the soul culprit as you pointed out, you made it sound like I said we are completely to blame, I actually said that we are partly to blame and we are not the only cause. But due to our actions and limited knowledge, we don't see the repercussions of our actions until its too late. The world is dieing and anyone can see that when you take a look at the out of balance seasons, bad weather, all the chemicals man is throwing into the seas or waters and into the skies, or being mined out of the earth constantly. Then there are the trees exhale oxygen into the atmosphere and exhale carbon dioxide at night and etc etc it doesn't help the earth. All the drilling for natural oil, coal and gas among mining for thousands of other minerals day in day out is not good for the earth either and neither is fracking.
We are supposed to have clean energies and non combustible and fuel able energy sources by now. As I pointed out we are all living slave to the bug oil, big gas companies, macro economic petroleum industries that want to keep us in control and the secret governments, the bankers and the cooperate behemoths. What about all the hydrogen, water, magnet powered motors, wind or solar powered are still not cheap enough for the common family on low wages to afford. Neither is housing prices. Man is greedy and everything is way too expensive for anyone to afford. Yet we still rely on electricity and gas. Our electronic instruments are designed old 1900's technology and wired power sources. We could be do far ahead by now. We could have fuel cells to power laptops for the duration of their life and other instruments. Its all money making world but mainly because these people strive only for absolute control and power. To keep is needing our energies from them.
It is known that spirits are always acting out events in recorded history and people describe their story as going back in time. And there are places where you can see where wars or huge deaths have occurred or really bad things. The Angels and the fallen angels are already here and have been a long long time. There are more and more horror / paranormal films on TV and the cinema these days I wonder why? its hard not to see that the devil and the demons do not exist. Most people I know realize there are ghosts / spirits in their houses or know people that have had experiences so I wouldn't call that imaginary. The whole alien agenda also gives hints to it being a paranormal source. There are millions of abductees around the world and millions of people around the world believing in the paranormal existence of supernatural entities.
The devils best trick is making people believe that he doesn't exist. Because science can't explain and detect these intelligent entities? Maybe they can Our scientists can't see into another dimensional reality whereas they the spirits can come into ours. If you watch certain paranormal films like The Moth man, or Knowing etc.. you will see that it mirrors and reflects actual real life. Why the bible warns against Tarro cards, divination, spiritism and Ouija boards, witches or other people who are in contact with demonic entities. These entities can know when a catastrophe is going to hit or some big event. Why because God made them higher than us, with higher senses and abilities, much more power and knowledge than we have. Some people claim that they have been told a specific event will happen and give the exact day and date and year in which the event will take place. They like to mess with our minds and with the world and as I said divide us against each other. While its clear without them we do just as good a job aswell to disagree, fall out, form enemies and cause wars. Everything is an influencing factor to a degree.
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