Oh don't worry, I don't. It's just, you know, the bible does say that...
Show me. I'll prove you wrong, but obviously you won't see it, because you refuse to see God in your heart.
Are you saying that "evolution and bang theories" are examples of "making 🤬 up"?
Then your "god" will be annoyed, since you have been deceived. There is overwhelming evidence to support "evolution and bang theories".
On the other hand, there is zero evidence to support any gods. That's what I mean by "making 🤬 up".
Way back, people realized the importance of the Sun, but couldn't explain it. Why does it "burn" "forever"? How come it appears every day? We didn't know, so we made 🤬 up, inventing a god. Later on, we figured out that the Sun is not a god, it's a star, so we stopped worshiping it.
You don't still worship the Sun do you,
@DCP ?
That's what evidence does. It stops us from continuing to believe 🤬 and gets us to actual understanding.
Yep, it's called deception. Accepting something so blindly, that you would die for it. Yes, I would die for Christ.
I'm dying for someone, not something.
I think it's you that worships the sun, because you agree with other men on how it works, and when it will die.
Worshiping something mortal, like the very mortal things / idols on this world. We were all made to choose to worship something, even if we don't want to see it that way. Money, woman, cars, fame, a football team etc.
I understand more clearly where you are coming from with regards to that. However you have to see that people believe differently, they have faith (be it "blind" or "scientific" or "pure" or whatever adjective you wish to place in front of that word) in different things. You believe in Christ being the son of God. Fair enough, I respect you for that and I respect your belief in that. I believe in Christ being the Prophet of God. I trust you respect my belief in that and the reasonings behind it. But with religion there are laws, rules etc of which many people either do not understand fully, do not understand at all, or understand enough to say "religion is not for me, I do not wish to be a part of it". And people of faith in God have to respect that last one, and they most likely belong to one of the first two categories. What the latter category have to lose is who they currently are. In a time like this religion is not the same as it used to be. There are religions who are closing up to all forms of science, and this could easily be a possible reason why religion does not sit well with people. After all, if a 2000 year old book says that the world shall end say tomorrow, and it does not, what does that say about the religion? Is it wrong? Is it misinterpreted? Religion in itself is a science, understanding where it comes from (and I do not mean coming from God, I mean the way it was built together, the reasoning behind laws or rules or whatever there is). And to really know a religion inside out you need to go right the way back to the start, as far as possible. The Bible says a number of things that contradict with science. Have you ever questioned why that is? It is very possible that things have been misinterpreted over the years, since the bible has been changed over and over and over. You could find that the earliest Bible may have nothing in common with the one today. And then you have to question yourself as to why things have changed so much in religion. Take Islam for an example: just over 1400 years ago Islam was started as a way of life, a final message from God etc etc. It confirmed a number of things that were said before, as well as established different foundations. Islam did not shun science, nor did it shun the pursuit of humans to learn. In fact it encouraged it to such a degree that some of the most notable universities (I use that term a little loosely) were considered core places in Islam. Places where people would debate physics, and chemistry and astronomy. Medicine, language, economics etc. Fast forward today and it seems that Islam has lost that, instead favouring a more close minded approach to any aspect of science. I know that there are a number of scholars who are trying to change this again, and I commend them for it. In a sense, Islam may originally have taken five steps forward, but it has now taken seven steps back and you see it. The one thing Islam can still hold is that the Quraan and Hadith have not been changed in any which way over the years and that lack of change is documented. But peoples ideas about it most certainly have. And that make some more in touch with Islam (and widely putting that out as religion as a whole) and others less in touch. Maybe if religion actually took the steps forward to be where they need to be again, they may have a more accepted place in this century. I am not saying they are wrong about Adam and Eve etc, that is the core of faith. But then perhaps scientists of religion could work on say disproving the theory of evolution (and I don't mean by saying "Then why are there still monkeys?". That way, instead of us just throwing random insults at each other or judging each other, we could actually have fully educated discussions. And of course, if religion is right (being unbiased here) then something like evolution will eventually be disproved because that would be the truth. This is what we should be doing. We have common goals here. We want to know everything. Humans can work together to do this, whilst respecting each others beliefs. Heck, I do not buy into evolution at all, but I am still curious about the research they do. But I do believe in the big bang and I believe that God caused it. Why? No idea. How? I may never know. But I support those who want to find out, because it is interesting and if you have that much faith in a religion you should know that whatever happens the final outcome will end up proving the existance of God. Studying science rarely involves making things up. It usually involvs making a judgement on what we know. And as we all know, until we have a complete picture we never ever can be certain of things being true. The theory of evolution is not made up, it is well studied. Is it right? My faith tells me no, and I trust that. BUT in all the research done I feel we have learnt so much more of ourselves as a species and therefore it has been (in my humble opinion) worth it. And I also have respect for those who believe it is correct, and see them no differently to any other human, which is what it should be.
Also, I mean zero disrespect to anyone who does not believe in God and similarly to anyone who does and feels I am a Looney Tune and I apologise if I have.
Take the earliest bible manuscript, and compare it to the latest bible, you'll see that nothing has changed.
On the other hand, you've heard of burn the quran day, yet you may still insist that it hasn't changed.
I respect what all people choose to believe, no problem. If you want to believe in the God of the quran, by all means.
I also don't see anything that the bible contradicts science, based on what science observes and tests accurately.
I suggest you do more research on the islamic prophet, and you will see that he included stories and fables popular at the time of his existence. Even islams best apologists acknowledge this.
There is lots of information out there, but truth is not information. Truth is a Person. Even islam says there is ONE, who is sinless.
" I trust you respect my belief in that and the reasonings behind it. But with religion there are laws, rules etc of which many people either do not understand fully, do not understand at all, or understand enough to say "religion is not for me, I do not wish to be a part of it". And people of faith in God have to respect that last one, and they most likely belong to one of the first two categories."
You're basically saying people who have faith have access to some knowledge that other people (unbelievers) don't - the "rules" and how they work. On the other hand, you say Evolution is not true because your faith "tells" you so. The double standards are off the scale.
The difference between people who believe and people who question beliefs is the following:
The believer loves answers more than questions.
It happens that questions are the things that drive us (humanity) forward.
ps: I was a baptist evangelical christian a few years ago as you would see in my first posts in this and other threads.
Where you slained by the Power of the Holy Spirit bro?
The risks in ignoring reality are huge. If I accept one thing on faith, why stop there? If I believed that prayer could cure me, why take medicine? If this life is temporary and not worth much, why try to stick around?
You ignore science as part of your belief and as a result you are truly contributing to this world being a worse place for everyone. Anyone that accepts your beliefs is inclined to remain ignorant on health (ignore genetics and reproduction, virus and bacterial disease transmissions), the environment (age of the Earth, factors in climate, weather, etc), morality, and more.
If there is one upside from the lies of religion, it might be comfort in telling someone that they, or someone they love, can survive death. However that comes at the cost of having to tell the lie more and more. Ignore medical science and more people die. You can keep saying they all go to heaven, but that won't make it true.
You can accept Christ, even if you thank him for 1 minute everyday for giving you fresh air, and still enjoy scientific discoveries for the world to see. Not those that say there is an alien structure at a nearby star, yet there is no absolute observation and truth. That's the difference, hence why Christ said, "Don't be deceived".
Seems like guys here get the wrong ideas. They, like me, will still work, eat, sleep, send kids to school, work harder and eventually die, unless, they are waiting for a new technology that allows them to live forever without bills and pills.
My family of 4, including myself have not taken any drug, or seen any doctor since I've been healed two years ago.
Some maybe jealous, and others will refuse to believe it, because this is their nature, but anytime I feel something is wrong in my body, I just proclaim it. My sons, if they have a problem, we just proclaim it, and thank God for already healing us. This is what He has done for the world 2000 years ago. People expect Him to help them whenever they need help, yet fail to understand that they need Him daily, even when things are going perfect in their lives.
When a family member dies, then they write Him off and blame Him, yet they won't blame the thing before the big bang. Very weird.