Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
The next day, if they still complain, I would take them for a check up, although as I've said, this has not been the case for 2 years, and as much as you agree with sciences chance and luck, you can't say it's luck that they haven't even picked up even a cough from another child in school. You see, as long as we keep believing, that's all, God will honor our hearts.

The secret, stop always be willing to trust in man. Change that mindset and start believing and trusting in God. Being thankful as well.

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Man, it is so simple, as drinking a glass of water. Just BELIEVE.
People are so stuck up, that even when they walked with Jesus, they couldn't believe it was He, even when He told them.

That is a relief to hear, I honestly wasn't sure which way that was going to go. Thanks for replying, there was no way to respond to that question without compromising either your god or your loved ones. So when the 🤬 really hits the fan, drop god, run to science, got ya 👍

Lets just hope nothing like meningitis arrives on your doorstep some day because waiting 24 hours is a really, really bad idea. Don't use your faith to gamble with other peoples lives, it will not end well for anyone.

Next question (hypothetical scenario, I don't want you or anyone to get sick)
If it did come to the point where you take a loved one to the doctor and he/she makes them better, do you claim it's a miracle from god or thank the doctor?
On the flip side, if it doesn't turn out that way would you blame god, or the doctors?
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And this is one of the main reasons I don't believe in the god of the Bible. An all powerful, all knowing being showing human emotions? It is so very obvious to me that your god did not make man in his image, but men made Him in their image.

Think of a charming man who becomes your friend, and you eventually invite him into your home.
Your wife is charmed by him, and your kids can't go a day without having him around.
After a few weeks, days for some people, won't you start getting annoyed, and eventually jealous?
After all, you married the woman you love, and conceived the children you would die for, only for their attention to go to the charming friend.

Think of the God who created you, only for Him to see you choose the charmer of this world.
Think of the God who created you, only for Him to see you choose the charmer of this world.

If we were going to believe the Bible then the evidence in there is strong that it was in fact written by Satan... so you can't really win that one.
You might say it's easy to give up certain things, but try doing it permanently. It's only possible when you truly acknowledge the Lord, and are moved by His Spirit.

You're saying that it's only possible to give up some things when you're moved by the spirit of the Lord?


Regarding the commandments, you say you don't kill and don't commit adultery.
Jesus said if you are angry towards your brother (neighbor), it's as good as killing him.
He said if you look at a woman with lust, you have committed adultery in your heart.
If you are going to tell me you have not done this, then I have to say you are lying, and that is bearing false witness...:)

What's your point? Of course I do. So do you. We all do.

However I try to make a mental note and do better next time. Isn't that what we're supposed to do? Keep working to become better people? I just don't bother apologising to a fairy, I apologise to the actual people I've offended if I can, and move on.

How am I honoring Him, and how is He blessing me? I am standing on His word, and His promises. My family and I are healed, blessed and have complete provision. What more can a man ask for, unless he is ungrateful?

A basic education in statistics?

I don't know nothing man...:) When I did, I was proud and boastful. What I learnt (still learning) is the word of God. What I see is the things around me, both natural and spiritual. If I can't see that alien mega structure at a star, then it's not there, irrespective of this evidence you talk of.

Again with the double standards.

You say that for things that you cannot see evidence of, you're happy to treat them as if they weren't there.

Yet when an atheist points out that they don't believe in God because they can't see any evidence of him, that's unacceptable?

Again, one set of rules for you, another set for everyone else.

Just stop it.

You think you have evidence of your God that satisfies you that he exists, fine. You think that it's OK to assume that anything that you don't have evidence of doesn't exist, fine. How about you start accepting that other people use the exact same logic to come to a different conclusion than you, simply because they don't have God poking them in the brain every time they think about taking their kids to the doctor?

Unless you think it's better that we all start lying to ourselves that we've had some experience of God when we actually haven't. That doesn't seem productive, or something that your God would approve of. As you've noted, he doesn't even approve of negative thoughts, let alone outright lies.

Think of a charming man who becomes your friend, and you eventually invite him into your home.
Your wife is charmed by him, and your kids can't go a day without having him around.
After a few weeks, days for some people, won't you start getting annoyed, and eventually jealous?
After all, you married the woman you love, and conceived the children you would die for, only for their attention to go to the charming friend.

Think of the God who created you, only for Him to see you choose the charmer of this world.

Or you could be happy for those around you, that they've found a new friend whose company they enjoy. Should they spend all their time on you alone?

This idea of people as possessions is strong in the Bible. People as God's possessions, and people as other people's possessions. It's not cool.

Jealousy is you not being strong enough to accept that other people have interests that are not you. It's selfishness. Either you get over it, or you accept that you're a needy :censored:hole.

Learn to find happiness in yourself. Then you'll always be happy, and whatever happiness that others bring you is a bonus. If God still needs to learn this basic tenet, then he's a moron.
Think of the God who created you, only for Him to see you choose the charmer of this world.
And He wouldn't see that one coming, now would He and do something to prevent it from happing in the first place? Still human, not god.
If we were going to believe the Bible then the evidence in there is strong that it was in fact written by Satan... so you can't really win that one.

You're saying that it's only possible to give up some things when you're moved by the spirit of the Lord?


What's your point? Of course I do. So do you. We all do.

Again with the double standards.

You say that for things that you cannot see evidence of, you're happy to treat them as if they weren't there.

Yet when an atheist points out that they don't believe in God because they can't see any evidence of him, that's unacceptable?

Try to give up those things that I mentioned without God. It's almost like a new years resolution thing, but somewhere around February, you are back to last years habits. With God, you acknowledge Him, and His desires for our hearts.

Yes, I make mistakes often, but know, I don't lust over women other than my wife, and I don't show anger towards taxi drivers or thieves. When I do show frustration or annoyance, I repent.

Think about how many times you have cursed and sworn at me, calling me an idiot, ignorant, dumb, uneducated etc.
These things have not escaped your lips, but you cannot deny this is what you thought of me. That's why we repent daily. Sometimes we don't even realize we do these things. Like I say. His walked our road, and knows what we go through.

It's not double standards bro.
You see chance, luck, for the world to eventually get to orbit the right distance to the right temperature of it's star, for the right conditions to have a perfectly good place to give life from something.

I see a Perfect Creator who spoke everything into existence, and who gave our parents a free will.
A Creator who allowed for us to choose between all the good of this world, and all the evil of this world, making it clear that He is Love.

A Creator that allowed for all the good to exist, and all the evil to exist. All the knowledge to explore all of the creation. I actually believe the tree of knowledge allows mankind to discover any and everything there is that God created. There is NO limit.

And He wouldn't see that one coming, now would He and do something to prevent it from happing in the first place? Still human, not god.

Offcourse He did, but see. It's free will. He respects the choice. If he prevented the tree of knowledge, then we would all be like robots, made to serve our Creator. How would you enjoy the life you have now, if all you did was serve the creator every second of your life?
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It's free will
Didn't see that one coming.


But really? Free will?

the bible says very often, and in many different ways, that we are utterly bound in sin. In our flesh, we cannot please God (Rom. 8:5-8), we cannot understand the things of God (1 Cor. 2:14; John 3:3, 10-13; 14:17), we cannot seek God (Rom. 3:11), we cannot believe in God (John 6:44, 65; 10:26; 12:37-41), we cannot do anything good at all (Job 15:14-16; Prov. 20:9; Jer 13:23; Rom. 3:10-18). We are utterly captive to sin (John 8:34; Rom. 6:20; Tit. 3:3), we are prisoners of the devil and constrained to do his desires (John 8:43-45, 2 Tim. 2:25-26; 1 John 5:19), every impulse of the thoughts of our hearts is only evil continually (Gen. 6:5), and so every action we perform, no matter how “good” we think it is, is actually evil, nothing but “filthy rags” (Isa. 64:6). Ever since the fall, we are not free to do anything good whatsoever; and we can only begin to do good as the Spirit gives us a new nature (Ezek. 36:26-27). We are only free when the Son sets us free (John 8:36).
Didn't see that one coming.


But really? Free will?

That is exactly the case. When the Son sets you free, you have new desires, a new energy. I new outlook on life.
Free in the Spirit. Very well, it cannot be experienced, without believing in the Son, and ALL that He revealed.

You see, every time I was in that sin, I would enjoy that little more, even when at times, my conscience would hit me 6 nil. The more that sin grew, the conscience started fading slowly but surely. My conscience never lied to me. It always made me feel the guilt. Each person has been given the Holy Spirit. What they decide is completely their own personal choice.
Try to give up those things that I mentioned without God. It's almost like a new years resolution thing, but somewhere around February, you are back to last years habits. With God, you acknowledge Him, and His desires for our hearts.

Or perhaps I just don't like some of those things very much anyway. Or perhaps my willpower to do what I want might be able to overcome my habits.

I don't think you think very much of people's willpower, and you apparently think that all "heathens" are attracted to the same things.

I don't go out partying and drinking, it's not my scene. I much prefer quiet discussion with friends, maybe over some nice food. I don't think I've been to a frat-style party in probably ten years.
I like video games, I'm on GT Planet. I could do without them if I had to, and do so on occasion. I'm not doing it just to prove a point to you though.
Worldly music? Which is what, exactly? I suspect I listen to it, but again it's hardly mandatory.
I very rarely watch movies. I don't own a television.

Yes, I make mistakes often, but know, I don't lust over women other than my wife, and I don't show anger towards taxi drivers or thieves. When I do show frustration or annoyance, I repent.

Think about how many times you have cursed and sworn at me, calling me an idiot, ignorant, dumb, uneducated etc.
These things have not escaped your lips, but you cannot deny this is what you thought of me. That's why we repent daily. Sometimes we don't even realize we do these things. Like I say. His walked our road, and knows what we go through.

I'll ask again, what's your point?

I've got nothing to repent for pointing out your lack of education in some areas. You wilfully ignore those who would enlighten you. You are ignorant, and you are uneducated in many very important areas.

Calling a spade a spade is not a curse. Accurately pointing out someone's negative attributes, while unpleasant for the person in question, is not a crime. I have nothing to repent or apologise for.

Prove to me that I'm wrong, and I'll consider it.

It's not double standards bro.
You see chance, luck, for the world to eventually get to orbit the right distance to the right temperature of it's star, for the right conditions to have a perfectly good place to give life from something.

I see a Perfect Creator who spoke everything into existence, and who gave our parents a free will.
A Creator who allowed for us to choose between all the good of this world, and all the evil of this world, making it clear that He is Love.

A Creator that allowed for all the good to exist, and all the evil to exist. All the knowledge to explore all of the creation. I actually believe the tree of knowledge allows mankind to discover any and everything there is that God created. There is NO limit.

Doesn't explain why it's not a double standard.

You still apparently don't understand statistics, so you're really only reinforcing what I've said above. It's not really chance that one out of all the planets in the universe, or possibly all possible universes, happened to have the appropriate conditions for life.

If you'd like to start removing some of your ignorance, read up on the anthropic principle. The short version is that we would only see a planet on which we could evolve, so all the seemingly startlingly unlikely coincidences that make our planet what it is are in fact not so. If they hadn't happened, we all would never have been born, and so would never be able to see it.

It's like a goldfish being amazed that there's this magical, life-giving liquid that is so perfect for it to breathe and swim in. If there were no water, there would be no goldfish. The water is necessary for there to be a goldfish to even have that thought in the first place.
Gay men don't marry women? Wrong thread... but that's incorrect :)

I never said that though, he said he doesn't lust over women other than his wife, suggesting he lusts over his wife. If a man says they don't lust over women except for (insert woman here) it would suggest they're not gay, just extremely picky.
You're a man.

I call bull:censored:.

Looking at a sexy woman in a shopping mall, I cannot deny I do, but envisioning having sex with her, or undressing her in my mind. That is all behind me bro. Believe it or not. As I said, since doing the right things that were so difficult to do once, my family is in good shape. I can't ask for more. Putting the Lord first in my heart, gives me the courage to look away when tempted.

I make mistakes, and that is where the Lord is merciful and forgiving, not to mention, understanding. Abusing his mercy is where the problem comes in. One of the greatest gifts from God is that when you acknowledge His forgiveness, the rest who condemn you or bring you down don't matter one bit, because they will have to worry about their own judgment one day.
I can only give a person my own testament.
I have given up allot of things my life was consumed by. Partying, alcohol, video games, worldly music, vulgar, violent and explicit movies etc. You might say it's easy to give up certain things, but try doing it permanently. It's only possible when you truly acknowledge the Lord, and are moved by His Spirit.

I'm doing exceptionally well on permanently avoiding alcohol without gods. Not big on partying or music either. But, a bigger topic, why are any of those things you mentioned a concern at all? Maybe if they "consume" your life, but that is certainly an abnormal case. If you think about, going around and telling people that perfectly, morally passable things are evil/problematic could be a negative. It's an outright waste of time. The people preach waste their time doing nothing of value. The people listening waste their time by not solving actual problems (ie "I read my Bible everyday, so I know I'm a good person. Now I'm off to tell gay people not to marry").
Why is it being claimed nothing can be given up without the aid of God? I gave up a perfectly stable drug habit without having to even acknowledge God's existence.

Man made God, not the other way around. God exists in the minds of man. Eradicate man from Earth and God is eradicated. In 1000 years all knowledge of Zeus may be forgotten and all evidence of his worship lost. Although he existed in the minds of the Greeks many centuries ago he would cease to exist in the minds of the present (1000 years from now) making him non-existent. Your current God is no exception.

People have been locked up in mental institutions for believing in lesser things than God, yet the masses of delusionals remain at large because the delusion is so embedded in our cultures and accepted.
Man made God, not the other way around.


There's probably a good xkcd style comic in that, with a bunch of guys in white beards running around praising some hairy berk with a beer belly sitting on a couch. All hail the great Creator! ;)
Why is it being claimed nothing can be given up without the aid of God? I gave up a perfectly stable drug habit without having to even acknowledge God's existence.

Well if it was stable, why give it up?

Although he existed in the minds of the Greeks many centuries ago he would cease to exist in the minds of the present (1000 years from now) making him non-existent.

Interesting note, I actually met a (greek) woman who currently believes in the ancient greek gods.
Well if it was stable, why give it up?

I went to live in a country where it was hard to come by and highly illegal.

Interesting note, I actually met a (greek) woman who currently believes in the ancient greek gods.

That is interesting. I was, of course, just using the Greek Gods as an example in my previous post, but it really applies to any God no longer worshipped.
I am not a follower of any religion, nor a believer in a god. If there was some sort it f creator, I think it more likely to have been an alien species of some sort. This at least is more logical than all omni all of that being that lives in a different dimension (cause, obviously heaven isn't actually above the clouds as people in the ISS can attest) who once upon a time performed miraculous magic left, right and center in a world completely devoid of magic.
I also strongly contest the notion that spiritually is the sole stomping ground of religion. Spirituality and enlightenment are notions that do not require subservience to a master, real or fake.
Now, what I have always been curious about is how do the faithful reconcile the bible? If you follow it literally, how do you on good conscience live with yourself in light of quite a bit of uncivilized rhetoric and a slew of contradictions?
To the opposite, if you cherry pick only the "uplifting" verses, don't follow the crap and feel it's open to interpretation, what is the point of following it at all? If this book, that is supposed to have come from gods prophets and messiahs based off the knowledge bestowed upon them from their masterful, all knowing, seeing present creator, is crappy enough that you have to ignore a good portion of it due to its outlandishness, how do you not question the rest?