Try to give up those things that I mentioned without God. It's almost like a new years resolution thing, but somewhere around February, you are back to last years habits. With God, you acknowledge Him, and His desires for our hearts.
Or perhaps I just don't like some of those things very much anyway. Or perhaps my willpower to do what I want might be able to overcome my habits.
I don't think you think very much of people's willpower, and you apparently think that all "heathens" are attracted to the same things.
I don't go out partying and drinking, it's not my scene. I much prefer quiet discussion with friends, maybe over some nice food. I don't think I've been to a frat-style party in probably ten years.
I like video games, I'm on GT Planet. I could do without them if I had to, and do so on occasion. I'm not doing it just to prove a point to you though.
Worldly music? Which is what, exactly? I suspect I listen to it, but again it's hardly mandatory.
I very rarely watch movies. I don't own a television.
Yes, I make mistakes often, but know, I don't lust over women other than my wife, and I don't show anger towards taxi drivers or thieves. When I do show frustration or annoyance, I repent.
Think about how many times you have cursed and sworn at me, calling me an idiot, ignorant, dumb, uneducated etc.
These things have not escaped your lips, but you cannot deny this is what you thought of me. That's why we repent daily. Sometimes we don't even realize we do these things. Like I say. His walked our road, and knows what we go through.
I'll ask again, what's your point?
I've got nothing to repent for pointing out your lack of education in some areas. You wilfully ignore those who would enlighten you. You
are ignorant, and you
are uneducated in many very important areas.
Calling a spade a spade is not a curse. Accurately pointing out someone's negative attributes, while unpleasant for the person in question, is not a crime. I have nothing to repent or apologise for.
Prove to me that I'm wrong, and I'll consider it.
It's not double standards bro.
You see chance, luck, for the world to eventually get to orbit the right distance to the right temperature of it's star, for the right conditions to have a perfectly good place to give life from something.
I see a Perfect Creator who spoke everything into existence, and who gave our parents a free will.
A Creator who allowed for us to choose between all the good of this world, and all the evil of this world, making it clear that He is Love.
A Creator that allowed for all the good to exist, and all the evil to exist. All the knowledge to explore all of the creation. I actually believe the tree of knowledge allows mankind to discover any and everything there is that God created. There is NO limit.
Doesn't explain why it's not a double standard.
You still apparently don't understand statistics, so you're really only reinforcing what I've said above. It's not really chance that one out of all the planets in the universe, or possibly all possible universes, happened to have the appropriate conditions for life.
If you'd like to start removing some of your ignorance, read up on the
anthropic principle. The short version is that we would only see a planet on which we could evolve, so all the seemingly startlingly unlikely coincidences that make our planet what it is are in fact not so. If they hadn't happened, we all would never have been born, and so would never be able to see it.
It's like a goldfish being amazed that there's this magical, life-giving liquid that is so perfect for it to breathe and swim in. If there were no water, there would be no goldfish. The water is necessary for there to be a goldfish to even have that thought in the first place.