Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
Would love to know your lucky secret how you control your eyes in public.

Looking at potential mates (the main source of 'attractiveness' after stimulative experience) is normal mammalian behaviour. Learning to operate in a society is also normal mammalian behaviour.

Perhaps you need to realise that if you look at an attractive backside on the escalator then you're perfectly normal? And that it's perfectly normal not to let your partner catch you doing it? After all, your partner's instinct to protect the mate from other mates is perfectly normal too. That's how our social conventions were built... not all societies needed taxing per-look as a "sin" for that to happen.
Looking at potential mates (the main source of 'attractiveness' after stimulative experience) is normal mammalian behaviour. Learning to operate in a society is also normal mammalian behaviour.

Perhaps you need to realize that if you look at an attractive backside on the escalator then you're perfectly normal? And that it's perfectly normal not to let your partner catch you doing it? After all, your partner's instinct to protect the mate from other mates is perfectly normal too. That's how our social conventions were built... not all societies needed taxing per-look as a "sin" for that to happen.

So does that make us hypocrites...:D
If I look at that same backside 3-4 times, then call me a hypocrite at will...;)
Looking at potential mates (the main source of 'attractiveness' after stimulative experience) is normal mammalian behaviour. Learning to operate in a society is also normal mammalian behaviour.

Perhaps you need to realise that if you look at an attractive backside on the escalator then you're perfectly normal? And that it's perfectly normal not to let your partner catch you doing it? After all, your partner's instinct to protect the mate from other mates is perfectly normal too. That's how our social conventions were built... not all societies needed taxing per-look as a "sin" for that to happen.
Wait. What about the select few who don't pay attention to someones backside (like myself)?
So does that make us hypocrites...:D
If I look at that same backside 3-4 times, then call me a hypocrite at will...;)

No, why would I? Society is a pile of agreed conventions on top of instinct? You're not doing anything wrong.

Wait. What about the select few who don't pay attention to someones backside (like myself)?

Fine, no problem :)
More of a boob lover are ya, Reshi?
Asexual and an Aromantic actually.

Anyway, back on topic. @DCP It really confuses me that you keep defending everything that happens as the work of God. It kinda sounds like you are eventually going to use him as an excuse for bad actions in the future.
I haven't laid eyes on this thread for nearly a year and it's still in full force. I'd just say let everyone go their own way, but this is far more entertaining.
Perhaps you need to realise that if you look at an attractive backside on the escalator then you're perfectly normal? And that it's perfectly normal not to let your partner catch you doing it? After all, your partner's instinct to protect the mate from other mates is perfectly normal too.

I think it's nice when couples can freely ogle other people without someone getting jealous. After all, it's fun to look at pretty people. One should be happy that their partner is enjoying themselves, especially when it comes at absolutely no expense to oneself.

I haven't met many other people or couples who have the self-confidence to actually do it in practise, though.

If you're ever out with your girlfriend/wife and you want a fun game, look around for the most eye-catchingly attractive man, give him a long stare and mention how hot he is. Some people will pick up on it and join in the fun, others will be horrified.

I'm not in the slightest bit gay, but I can still appreciate a well built man. And I'll always appreciate a well built woman. It would be a crime to pass up small happinesses like these, IMO.
I think it's nice when couples can freely ogle other people without someone getting jealous. After all, it's fun to look at pretty people. One should be happy that their partner is enjoying themselves, especially when it comes at absolutely no expense to oneself.

I haven't met many other people or couples who have the self-confidence to actually do it in practise, though.

You should go to more swingers clubs then ;)
Asexual and an Aromantic actually.

Anyway, back on topic. @DCP It really confuses me that you keep defending everything that happens as the work of God. It kinda sounds like you are eventually going to use him as an excuse for bad actions in the future.

Not really no. He gave us the free will to do good or bad. It's like we don't need to continue the trend of our parents, and parents parents etc etc. He said that in the end, people won't know what is good or bad anymore.
Yes, He knows all things, even before creation, hence He knew He would give whoever wanted to, a free opportunity to escape a fallen / falling world of which mankind would ultimately destroy.
Not really no. He gave us the free will to do good or bad. It's like we don't need to continue the trend of our parents, and parents parents etc etc. He said that in the end, people won't know what is good or bad anymore.
Yes, He knows all things, even before creation, hence He knew He would give whoever wanted to, a free opportunity to escape a fallen / falling world of which mankind would ultimately destroy.
You know, not everything good or bad boils down to free will. Kids born with disabilities and terminal illnesses, what free will did that? People born into crippling poverty, no free will there. Getting a disease or cancer or so on, so many things that are not a part of free will, yet exist and happen. All the while, not only is your god sitting by and not doing a thing about it, but given the words of your holy book, he is quite responsible for it all.
By all accounts your god, and really, from what I've seen and read, nearly all gods, are meniacal, vindictive, conceded, jealous, insecure individuals. Oh, and masochistic. They sure do seem to delight in the oppression, pain and suffering of their "flock."
I personally believe in God,but i do not judge anyone who does not or believes in another God.

That's good, because there's a lot of us!

And I can make that claim, no matter which God you happen to believe in.

That's because choice of God is most likely driven by where one is born and to whom, rather than being based on a rigorous examination of a god's credibility.
That's good, because there's a lot of us!

And I can make that claim, no matter which God you happen to believe in.

That's because choice of God is most likely driven by where one is born and to whom, rather than being based on a rigorous examination of a god's credibility.

I wonder how much that's changed now days since it's easier than ever for someone to research and examine the religions of the world? I don't really have any credible way to prove this one way or another, but I do think people are researching their beliefs more instead of just taking them at face value.

For me, I was raised Catholic but moved away from it due to whatever reason and became atheist, then after actually doing research and examining my own beliefs I began to drift back towards the acceptance of a supernatural being. I still think religion as a whole is mostly a scam in today's world, but I still very much believe in some sort of higher power whatever that might be.
I think you mis spelled control. It's about the control.

I disagree, I never felt that religion tried to control me. Sure there we thing you weren't supposed to do, but for the most part that was there to live to whatever moral code the religion was founded on.

When I tried and investigated religions, from various sects of Christianity to Hinduism to Paganism and several in between, they all had one reoccurring theme...they wanted my money first and my morals a distant 2nd.
I think you mis spelled control. It's about the control.
This was recently built near me:



The amount of money they spent on that disgusts me. It could have gone to things that actually mean something. And imagine the property taxes they should have to pay as well on it and where that money could be put to better use.
You know, not everything good or bad boils down to free will. Kids born with disabilities and terminal illnesses, what free will did that? People born into crippling poverty, no free will there. Getting a disease or cancer or so on, so many things that are not a part of free will, yet exist and happen. All the while, not only is your god sitting by and not doing a thing about it, but given the words of your holy book, he is quite responsible for it all.
By all accounts your god, and really, from what I've seen and read, nearly all gods, are meniacal, vindictive, conceded, jealous, insecure individuals. Oh, and masochistic. They sure do seem to delight in the oppression, pain and suffering of their "flock."

Like many before you, you fail to understand the very beginning.
God made everything GOOD.
The first two parents of all, he gave everything, including free choice. They chose to disobey the Creator, even after being told what would happen. Until you understand that God is not responsible for mans choice, you will always purposefully blame God, and that doesn't bode well for those who continue to convince themselves of this.

People that are born with disabilities, MUST have parents to take care of them. My brother adores his disable son, and fought for that boy from before the complications of his birth, and finding a way to pay for it, was the last thing on his mind. Self pity was the last thing on his mind. People have no excuses. They have the ability to do anything good, yet some would rather make excuses for others, to justify their own personal beliefs.

God did everything 2000 years ago. He has one more mission. Ending sin, death, suffering and wickedness.
If He didn't do this, then you welcome to say He is sitting by and doing nothing. Ask yourself what have these "other gods" done for this suffering world?
People that are born with disabilities, MUST have parents to take care of them. My brother adores his disable son, and fought for that boy from before the complications of his birth, and finding a way to pay for it, was the last thing on his mind. Self pity was the last thing on his mind. People have no excuses. They have the ability to do anything good, yet some would rather make excuses for others, to justify their own personal beliefs.

Wow, you're right.

It's totally the kid's fault that his parents have genetic defects. It's totally his fault that the mechanic didn't fix the brakes on his parents car and they were killed when they rolled through a level crossing. It's totally his fault that he ended up in an orphanage where he was fed gruel and raped nightly.

I'm amazed that I never saw before how all these things were the parents' fault, and that the child should rightly live a life of misery to pay for that.

He has one more mission. Ending sin, death, suffering and wickedness.

What's taking him so long? Is he not omnipotent? Is he lazy? Or does he just think that having people suffer is the best way to end suffering? Because I can tell you now, burning a house down is a way to stop a house burning down, but only because then there's no house to burn.

If his plan to end sin, death, suffering and wickedness is to kill everyone then that seems slightly unkind. Although not totally out of character.
Wow, you're right.

It's totally the kid's fault that his parents have genetic defects. It's totally his fault that the mechanic didn't fix the brakes on his parents car and they were killed when they rolled through a level crossing. It's totally his fault that he ended up in an orphanage where he was fed gruel and raped nightly.

I'm amazed that I never saw before how all these things were the parents' fault, and that the child should rightly live a life of misery to pay for that.

What's taking him so long? Is he not omnipotent? Is he lazy? Or does he just think that having people suffer is the best way to end suffering? Because I can tell you now, burning a house down is a way to stop a house burning down, but only because then there's no house to burn.

If his plan to end sin, death, suffering and wickedness is to kill everyone then that seems slightly unkind. Although not totally out of character.

Perhaps His giving people like you a chance, since no one knows what tomorrow may bring.
That's why He knows all things.
Using all of man kinds inventions is all choice bro. I could have an accident tomorrow if my brakes fail. It's my choice to take that risk.