You're testing God to see if he really heals you. I'm testing God to see if he can influence anything in the world that I can observe. We're both looking for physical results to confirm our suspicions.
Honestly, I suspect that my life fulfills God's commandment better than a lot of Christians.
I put no other gods before God.
I do not make any graven images.
I sometimes take the Lord's name in vain, but 🤬 it, whatever. That's a bit of a crap one anyway.
I try not to work on Sunday. I try not to work on Saturday either, and if I can get days off during the week I'm happy to take them too.
I don't kill.
I don't commit adultery.
I don't steal.
I don't bear false witness, or covet all my neighbour's stuff. Or at least I try not to, I do get a little covetous when I see a nice car. One day I shall own an Alfa Romeo SZ...
In general I try to be a nice guy and help people out. I often fail, but I try to apologise and get on with it.
What more does God want? I do what he says, I just do it for me instead of Him. I do it because I think that they're good things to do, not because I was told to.
If being intelligent enough to figure out that these things are good in their own right is enough to disqualify me, then this is why I sometimes take the Lord's name in vain, because he sounds like a :censored:head.
I can only give a person my own testament.
I have given up allot of things my life was consumed by. Partying, alcohol, video games, worldly music, vulgar, violent and explicit movies etc. You might say it's easy to give up certain things, but try doing it permanently. It's only possible when you truly acknowledge the Lord, and are moved by His Spirit.
How am I honoring Him, and how is He blessing me? I am standing on His word, and His promises. My family and I are healed, blessed and have complete provision. What more can a man ask for, unless he is ungrateful?
Regarding the commandments, you say you don't kill and don't commit adultery.
Jesus said if you are angry towards your brother (neighbor), it's as good as killing him.
He said if you look at a woman with lust, you have committed adultery in your heart.
If you are going to tell me you have not done this, then I have to say you are lying, and that is bearing false witness...
These are the reasons why we fail everyday, if we truly consider Gods true commandments. We can put our pride aside and acknowledge that we need a Savior. Christ walked our road, and he knows exactly what we are going through, this is why He offers help. Like I say, if you acknowledge Him, call on Him, and thank Him for all you have, before engaging in the things of this world, then you will see His true Love in your future.
Why people worship other gods being born in other countries? Choice of past generations. One of them will break that chain of bondage, and the generation thereafter will call on the true Savior. As much as people say religion is dying, 1000 are being saved. The world is too big to know what is going on in each peoples lives. Jesus says many will choose the wide gate that leads to destruction. By many, I believe He means more then half the world prefers the pleasures of this world, (money, power, fame, fortune, greed etc)
I can only testify of my life. My father broke the generation of bowing down to Baal. If not, I would have probably become an atheist, because he did that after he lost both his parents from a stroke. He lost his 14 year old sister, and 30 year old brother. I can only marvel at Gods incredible Love when I look at my dad who has had a heart condition for around 10 years, after going through such a harsh past.
Perhaps both of my sisters and brother and I would be lost in this world. Only God knows how our future changes when we made the wrong or right choices.
It becomes very very easy to understand when you disregard the notion of the existence of an all powerful benign god. Usually it is just a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I don't believe so. It's past generations that are followed.
You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me,
6 but showing loving kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.…
See, there are things that you don't know too.
And yet you still rag on scientists for not knowing things as if that were somehow bad.
I'm not entirely sure you realise how two-faced your entire view of the universe is. You have one set of rules for yourself and those that you see as part of your group, and another set for everyone else.
In your rules for yourself, not knowing stuff is fine because you're trusting in God.
For everyone else, not knowing stuff is a terrible thing because they should be trusting in God.
That's not right.
I don't know nothing man...

When I did, I was proud and boastful. What I learnt (still learning) is the word of God. What I see is the things around me, both natural and spiritual. If I can't see that alien mega structure at a star, then it's not there, irrespective of this evidence you talk of.
@DCP Exactly how ill would you let your children become before caving in and seeking medical attention?
Would you just sit on your arse praying and when they die it's simply because your god decided it was their time?
You would be ok with that?
The next day, if they still complain, I would take them for a check up, although as I've said, this has not been the case for 2 years, and as much as you agree with sciences chance and luck, you can't say it's luck that they haven't even picked up even a cough from another child in school. You see, as long as we keep believing, that's all, God will honor our hearts.
The secret, stop always be willing to trust in man. Change that mindset and start believing and trusting in God. Being thankful as well.
Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
Man, it is so simple, as drinking a glass of water. Just BELIEVE.
People are so stuck up, that even when they walked with Jesus, they couldn't believe it was He, even when He told them.