- 759
- South Africa
What happens when you think negatively about someone = nothing.
What happens when you hurt someone = you hurt someone.
No, they are not the same. You're not promoting high standards, but nonsense.
What happens is the wicked mind, thoughts and deeds go before the true Uncorrupt perfect Judge. That perfect Judge who offers eternal salvation, but also perfect and offer eternal punishment. The victim or suspect decides their fate. The severity of the punishment is based on His perfect judgment.
But I didn't.
If he wants to make that promise, he sounds like a real :censored:hole.
No. They point is I don't get a choice. Whatever I do, I have to live with the punishments inflicted upon me for things that I didn't do. Things that were done before I was born.
I don't. Do you see me consuming any forbidden knowledge? I can't continue their sins even if I wanted, because the option isn't available to me.
There's nothing to forgive. Finding your treatment of others to be disgusting is not a sin. Feeling sick that you would punish a child for something that their parent does is not a sin. It means that I'm a compassionate human.
Try it, it's nice.
Ah, abuse.
This is not a thread about Christ. It's about belief, and one of the options is "no, I don't believe". Which means that people who don't believe are just as welcome to take part as those who do.
GTFO is not a reasonable response to an argument that you find difficult.
I'm not painting any picture, I'm merely looking at what He's painted himself. But unlike you, I don't restrict myself to only what I want to see. If all of the universe is God's creation, then all of it reflects upon Him. I don't look at all the great stuff and say "Oh, what a nice guy" while ignoring all the death, destruction and suffering. It's all together.
What's this about persecution? I'm not being persecuted. Unless you're trying to persecute me, in which case you're doing a terrible job because I didn't notice.
You do have a choice. Eternal salvation or eternal condemnation. You've obviously made the choice now, come on. You only kiddin yourself.
The things you didn't do. Who is the judge of that? If it's yourself, obviously you won't see anything wrong. You break the ten commandments everyday, through thought and deed somehow. Only you can take your own punishment without Christ.
I mean, if you abused your children, does that mean they must abuse their children?
If Adam sinned and must no pay the price, that doesn't mean you have to continue in that manner. Christ changed that, but the choice to accept that change is down to you my friend.
Why I say rather not respond, because all you ever do is blame God, and mock God, like the scripture says. It doesn't end well down that road, that's why it's best to rather move on, than debate something you refuse to believe in.