Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
Correct, but only ONE created man, and everything else seen and unseen. That's the One I believe in. The ONE that clearly revealed why the things that happen in the world, actually happen, both good and evil. The ONE that could have left us to our demise, yet still dove in to rescue those in need of rescuing.

HUNDREDS of deities are claimed to have created man, and everything seen and unseen. HUNDREDS of deities have clearly revealed why things happen in the world, both good and evil. HUNDREDS of deities have generously offered salvation in one hand while very un-generously offering some sort of ultimate anguish in the other. And all of those deities have had countless followers like you who think it's sufficient to simply say "mine's the right one."

Anybody who has bothered to understand their own faith, and I mean to really understand it, is not afraid to admit that there's no clear reason to choose their particular brand over another. They believe, inside, that they've got it right; but they also recognize that from the outside, it's the same claim from a thousand different mouths.

And those folks? I like those folks. While I may not agree with their faith, at least I can have meaningful discussions with them about life, the universe, and everything. Why? Because they don't just immediately dismiss everything that they don't already "know."

You? You're terrified of what you don't know. You're especially terrified of finding out that your god is not unique - not by a long shot. @Imari has spent pages now posing thoughtful questions to you in an effort to get you to think about that truth, and to talk about it. And all you'll give him in return is "listen here, you dumb sinner, I'm right!" I just am!"

It's painfully obvious to the rest of us how insecure you are in your beliefs, and how little you've ever challenged yourself to find a deeper understanding of why you hold them. And it leaves you utterly incapable of contributing anything meaningful to our conversation; which is a little ironic, considering that you seem to have a bit of a evangelist streak in you.

See, I do believe that behind all of your often insulting bluster is a true desire to show people a truth that you feel is important, and will make their lives better. But if you want people to truly listen to you, then you need to actually say something; something that acknowledges, and can be reconciled with, reality. If, instead, you just keep plowing ahead bleating out the same tone-deaf message and refusing to plug the holes that other people are poking in it, then nobody is going to listen. We've heard that all before.
^ and...

Billions of people have invented hundreds of deities and thousands of other imaginary beings throughout History.

A lof of people still think only one category is not imaginary and only their deity is not false.
HUNDREDS of deities are claimed to have created man, and everything seen and unseen. HUNDREDS of deities have clearly revealed why things happen in the world, both good and evil. HUNDREDS of deities have generously offered salvation in one hand while very un-generously offering some sort of ultimate anguish in the other. And all of those deities have had countless followers like you who think it's sufficient to simply say "mine's the right one."

Anybody who has bothered to understand their own faith, and I mean to really understand it, is not afraid to admit that there's no clear reason to choose their particular brand over another. They believe, inside, that they've got it right; but they also recognize that from the outside, it's the same claim from a thousand different mouths.

And those folks? I like those folks. While I may not agree with their faith, at least I can have meaningful discussions with them about life, the universe, and everything. Why? Because they don't just immediately dismiss everything that they don't already "know."

You? You're terrified of what you don't know. You're especially terrified of finding out that your god is not unique - not by a long shot. @Imari has spent pages now posing thoughtful questions to you in an effort to get you to think about that truth, and to talk about it. And all you'll give him in return is "listen here, you dumb sinner, I'm right!" I just am!"

It's painfully obvious to the rest of us how insecure you are in your beliefs, and how little you've ever challenged yourself to find a deeper understanding of why you hold them. And it leaves you utterly incapable of contributing anything meaningful to our conversation; which is a little ironic, considering that you seem to have a bit of a evangelist streak in you.

See, I do believe that behind all of your often insulting bluster is a true desire to show people a truth that you feel is important, and will make their lives better. But if you want people to truly listen to you, then you need to actually say something; something that acknowledges, and can be reconciled with, reality. If, instead, you just keep plowing ahead bleating out the same tone-deaf message and refusing to plug the holes that other people are poking in it, then nobody is going to listen. We've heard that all before.

Brilliantly said and I could not agree more.

However, I fear that @DCP will skim over it and only see "LIES OF A HEATHEN" and completely disregard it.
Funny that this thread gets quiet and falls down the order, and then BOOM it's back to the top at least once a week and guess who is the one that revived it?

Someone is begging for attention.
I can't say that I agree although I can see why one may think that way. I believe that @DCP is sincere (usually) in what he says if a bit misguided, really believes the stuff he's trying to peddle here, and is not attention whoring at all.
Ok I lost my cousin to suicide a week after my birthday last year. Now im not one who really beieves in the whole god thing. so i just hope he has moved onto a better place and is a lot happier than he was and no longer suffering. But if he could see what he left behind how would he be feeling?

I have a question for the people who believe in god. Will god be there for him now? As i assume if he was suicidle that was when he needed god the most.
Ok I lost my cousin to suicide a week after my birthday last year. Now im not one who really beieves in the whole god thing. so i just hope he has moved onto a better place and is a lot happier than he was and no longer suffering. But if he could see what he left behind how would he be feeling?

I have a question for the people who believe in god. Will god be there for him now? As i assume if he was suicidle that was when he needed god the most.

Traditionally I'm sorry to say that a churchyard burial would have been impossible. I'm not sure how the church in Britain stands on the issue in more modern times though.

Sad times :(
Will god be there for him now?
Suicide is considered a sin in the catholic belief, and you can't repent after comitting it.
I'm sure it's different in other belief systems.

I'm sorry for your loss, don't forget that whatever happens after death, it's unlikely worse than what he suffered from, considering it was horrible enough for him to end his life, which is pretty much the worst feeling possible. His body got transformed back to its basic molecules, most likely helping to form new life. His legacy and character are immortal, as long as people remember him.
HUNDREDS of deities are claimed to have created man, and everything seen and unseen. HUNDREDS of deities have clearly revealed why things happen in the world, both good and evil. HUNDREDS of deities have generously offered salvation in one hand while very un-generously offering some sort of ultimate anguish in the other. And all of those deities have had countless followers like you who think it's sufficient to simply say "mine's the right one."

Anybody who has bothered to understand their own faith, and I mean to really understand it, is not afraid to admit that there's no clear reason to choose their particular brand over another. They believe, inside, that they've got it right; but they also recognize that from the outside, it's the same claim from a thousand different mouths.

And those folks? I like those folks. While I may not agree with their faith, at least I can have meaningful discussions with them about life, the universe, and everything. Why? Because they don't just immediately dismiss everything that they don't already "know."

You? You're terrified of what you don't know. You're especially terrified of finding out that your god is not unique - not by a long shot. @Imari has spent pages now posing thoughtful questions to you in an effort to get you to think about that truth, and to talk about it. And all you'll give him in return is "listen here, you dumb sinner, I'm right!" I just am!"

It's painfully obvious to the rest of us how insecure you are in your beliefs, and how little you've ever challenged yourself to find a deeper understanding of why you hold them. And it leaves you utterly incapable of contributing anything meaningful to our conversation; which is a little ironic, considering that you seem to have a bit of a evangelist streak in you.

See, I do believe that behind all of your often insulting bluster is a true desire to show people a truth that you feel is important, and will make their lives better. But if you want people to truly listen to you, then you need to actually say something; something that acknowledges, and can be reconciled with, reality. If, instead, you just keep plowing ahead bleating out the same tone-deaf message and refusing to plug the holes that other people are poking in it, then nobody is going to listen. We've heard that all before.

I'm just looking for the ones who claimed this before the God of the Bible.
I'm just looking for the ones who portrait absolute love to it's followers before the God of the Bible.
Show me the ones who are completely unique and different compared to the God of the Bible.
Show me the ones who have given it's people over 2000 prophecies who can prove to their followers that they are the right ones, before the God of the Bible.
Is there one that created everything seen an unseen, which always included death, pain and suffering? Do they have some sort of plan to end it, or will they allow it to continue for the next say, 20 billion years?

The fact that there are STILL responses, lead me to believe that there is conviction. That is all that needs to happen, a hardened heart to begin changing, only for the Holy Spirit to take over. It is He that draws a person to God. Not me or the things I preach. It is up to the person with free will, to take sin more seriously. If they choose not to, no one can force them, including the Spirit of God.
Hey, while we there. I just met a guy that has the same characteristics like DCP, no offense.

Its.... Interesting. Atleast his intention isnt bad. Just misguided and almost all isnt purely his thinking. Just sharing, kind of funny seeing this thread again after that.
Ok I lost my cousin to suicide a week after my birthday last year. Now im not one who really beieves in the whole god thing. so i just hope he has moved onto a better place and is a lot happier than he was and no longer suffering. But if he could see what he left behind how would he be feeling?

I have a question for the people who believe in god. Will god be there for him now? As i assume if he was suicidle that was when he needed god the most.

Sorry to hear about that man. Death is an enemy, as people mourn when they loose someone dear to them. It hurts.
Only he and God know what was in his heart at the time of him taking away his life. I believe God will make the perfect judgment, as only God knows exactly what he did, experienced, and went through in his life. I'm afraid to say that if he didn't believe in Christ, who died for the very reason of our trials and tribulations, then he will be judged like every other human being. I can only hope that even though he didn't confess to the people around him, that he confessed in his heart that he believed. I've lost family who outright rejected God. It's hard to accept that they to, are being judged.

Off course others will give you their own views.
Show me the ones who are completely unique and different compared to the God of the Bible.
This won't happen. As Christianity moved into Pagan and polythiestic populations, they adopted local "holidays." Thus Christianity has Christmas, originally celebrated as the Winter Solstice, or Easter, which originally was a pagan celebration of the goddess of fertility. Even the virgin birth and Jesus' story isn't original to Christianity...
Oh, I may stand corrected though. Pastafarianism and Scientology. Those are both quite a bit unique to themselves.
I'm just looking for the ones who claimed this before the God of the Bible.
Pretty much every one of the pre-Abrahamic faiths from the same area of the Middle East. Judism and Christianity are not even remotely original in terms of the texts and claims.

I'm just looking for the ones who portrait absolute love to it's followers before the God of the Bible.
You have an odd definition of absolute love if your using the Bible as a source.

Show me the ones who are completely unique and different compared to the God of the Bible.
First show that the "God of the Bible" is completely unique".

Show me the ones who have given it's people over 2000 prophecies who can prove to their followers that they are the right ones, before the God of the Bible.
You once again assume that these prophecies have been proven, please cite clear and objective evidence for just ten of the 2,000.
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Pretty much every one of the pre-Abrahamic faiths from the same area of the Middle East. Judism and Christianity are not even remotely original in terms of the texts and claims.

You have an odd definition of absolute love if your using the Bible as a source.

First show that the "God of the Bible" is completely unique".

You once again assume that these prophecies have been proven, please cite clear and undesirable evidence for just ten of the 2,000.

Go to town.

Remember that, it won't make sense because:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
It's nice to see @Scaff back but this:

Go to town.

Remember that, it won't make sense because:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

is just circular, deflective nonsense that we have 600 pages for. DCP, nothing and I mean nothing you have claimed regarding religion in this thread is true. Whenever you are confronted with a contradiction or a conflict of faith, you'll either quote a passage like it holds any weight or link to a spurious website which has as much credence as a chocolate fireguard.

Change the channel. This is no different to any of the sagas we have had with TankAss95, SuperCobraJet, dxld, arora and the others. Nothing about your particular religion is more remarkable or more provable than any of the other religions which have existed throughout history. Even when you quote me telling me that I am wrong and that you know you're right because you have seen the light, it will still be ineffective conjecture.
Go to town.

Remember that, it won't make sense because:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

No it doesn't make sense because it doesn't present any clear and objective evidence at all; its no more that claims of 'the Bible says X and its happened' and fudged maths.

Not a big surprise given that you ignored the rest of my post as well.
Hey, while we there. I just met a guy that has the same characteristics like DCP, no offense.

Its.... Interesting. Atleast his intention isnt bad. Just misguided and almost all isnt purely his thinking. Just sharing, kind of funny seeing this thread again after that.
P. S. This type of guy i mentioned has the same problem as DCP. He's been told to stop that kind of thing, its either arguing back immediately or accepting the advice.... only to forgot soon after.

Kinda useless changing his perspective at this point. The dedication for hundreds of pages for years is really amusing me.
Firstly, welcome back to @Scaff!

Second, @DCP I am sure your intentions are all well and good. But you are failing to see anything from any other point of view barring your own. A point of view which incidentally has been pointed out does not seem to even coincide with the views of many Christians in the parts pertaining to what seems to be a somewhat intolerant attitude towards anyone who does not believe in Jesus Christ, or indeed is not a Christian. Whatever happened to 'Love thy neighbour'? Surely there are better ways of putting your point across from a voice of love and reason. All you are doing here is causing a rift between yourself and the rest of the members here. Yes, some may not treat you with the respect you wish to be treated with. Others may treat you with that respect. By the same token you are doing the same to others here. We've all heard the phrase 'respect need be earned, not demanded'. It applies here. By rephrasing the things you say in a more polite, understanding way you will find that people will respect you and debate you in a similarly polite way. And let's not forget, debate is the best way to gain a full understanding.

So, you believe in a God. Fine. I believe in a God. Fine. Loads of people believe in a supreme deity. Fine. Others do not. Also fine. You constantly talk about Jesus dying for our sins, and about how people are to go to hell for not following Jesus or the punishments waiting for us. We ALL understand what you are saying. What we do not understand is the way you, perhaps unintentionally, pass a judgement upon us for having a different belief to what you have. I've seen you make comments about other religions too (which are incorrect) to try and reinforce your point of the 'true God' or 'true religion'. I don't think that in itself is very Christian like, but then again I could be wrong.

All in all, I think you need to learn to perhaps articulate your points better, with far more explanation as to why you believe them than 'Because the bible says so'. There are explanations of the Bibles too, thousands of them for the hundreds of types of Bibles there are. Perhaps those explanations will help people here understand where you are coming from. In addition to this you have to respect the viewpoints of others. From your side you may feel them plain wrong, but you cannot just say 'You are wrong'. You've got to explain, and politely too. You'll then find that the God thread will become a place of lively and educational discussion rather than a barely concealed slating match.
The only one that strikes me as remotely accurate is the creation of a state called Israel.

Accurate? The math is fallacious...

1. Leveticus says 7 times more, which is 8 times in total.
2. Why the discount for time served in the multiplied amount? The total would be 8 times the full 430.
3. A year is a year. Converting to days and back to account for calendar is bogus, ignores leap months.

That makes the supposed end of punishment... 2835 AD :rolleyes:
Firstly, welcome back to @Scaff!

Second, @DCP I am sure your intentions are all well and good. But you are failing to see anything from any other point of view barring your own. A point of view which incidentally has been pointed out does not seem to even coincide with the views of many Christians in the parts pertaining to what seems to be a somewhat intolerant attitude towards anyone who does not believe in Jesus Christ, or indeed is not a Christian. Whatever happened to 'Love thy neighbour'? Surely there are better ways of putting your point across from a voice of love and reason. All you are doing here is causing a rift between yourself and the rest of the members here. Yes, some may not treat you with the respect you wish to be treated with. Others may treat you with that respect. By the same token you are doing the same to others here. We've all heard the phrase 'respect need be earned, not demanded'. It applies here. By rephrasing the things you say in a more polite, understanding way you will find that people will respect you and debate you in a similarly polite way. And let's not forget, debate is the best way to gain a full understanding.

So, you believe in a God. Fine. I believe in a God. Fine. Loads of people believe in a supreme deity. Fine. Others do not. Also fine. You constantly talk about Jesus dying for our sins, and about how people are to go to hell for not following Jesus or the punishments waiting for us. We ALL understand what you are saying. What we do not understand is the way you, perhaps unintentionally, pass a judgement upon us for having a different belief to what you have. I've seen you make comments about other religions too (which are incorrect) to try and reinforce your point of the 'true God' or 'true religion'. I don't think that in itself is very Christian like, but then again I could be wrong.

All in all, I think you need to learn to perhaps articulate your points better, with far more explanation as to why you believe them than 'Because the bible says so'. There are explanations of the Bibles too, thousands of them for the hundreds of types of Bibles there are. Perhaps those explanations will help people here understand where you are coming from. In addition to this you have to respect the viewpoints of others. From your side you may feel them plain wrong, but you cannot just say 'You are wrong'. You've got to explain, and politely too. You'll then find that the God thread will become a place of lively and educational discussion rather than a barely concealed slating match.
Not sure what a slating match is, but if its anything like tee ball, than I am not sure its even barely concealed honestly.
I believe God will make the perfect judgment, as only God knows exactly what he did, experienced, and went through in his life. I'm afraid to say that if he didn't believe in Christ, who died for the very reason of our trials and tribulations, then he will be judged like every other human being.

I guess you must have watched this little video story about God.
