Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
As I previously mentioned I am a true believer who has seen much in life, so here's a news flash for y'all with a little old wisdom... I know of at least 900+ people that voted who are headed to hell if they don't repent and change their vote before they get old like me and then pass away. Sadly, at my age I'll be looking down on them sooner or later.

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I'd say they were for the government controlling the population in ye olden days...

Exactly, if you want to worship a proper god, worship the sun and the world around you.

People aren’t born evil unless they have a brain defect or chemical imbalance, your shaped by your surrounding and the people around you, it’s the bs over people do and say that leads to you becoming disturbed, which is why you should think first before you say something to someone because it can a lasting effect, there’s not nearly enough support for people who suffer daily with mental health issues.
As I previously mentioned I am a true believer who has seen much in life, so here's a news flash for y'all with a little old wisdom... I know of at least 900+ people that voted who are headed to hell if they don't repent and change their vote before they get old like me and then pass away. Sadly, at my age I'll be looking down on them sooner or later.

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Man, am I glad that I don't believe in made up eternal punishment.
As I previously mentioned I am a true believer who has seen much in life, so here's a news flash for y'all with a little old wisdom... I know of at least 900+ people that voted who are headed to hell if they don't repent and change their vote before they get old like me and then pass away. Sadly, at my age I'll be looking down on them sooner or later.

View attachment 867716
Ah, the 'I love you, but need to threaten you to make you believe' routine.

If you want to make me believe, do it with independently verifiable and falsifiable evidence, not threats.
... and it’s no wonder the world is the way it is now... just proof of the more socialist far left trying to hush the truth... God bless you anyway...

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... and it’s no wonder the world is the way it is now... just proof of the more socialist far left trying to hush the truth... God bless you anyway...

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The only reason In God We Trust was adopted as the motto of the United States was because of the willy-waving war with the USSR. It only happened fairly recently in 1956. Prior to that the USA's motto was E pluribus unum (One from many). And if you want to champion the Star-Spangled Banner, the line In God We Trust is there but it's in the fourth stanza that is never sung and that itself wasn't adopted as the official national anthem of the United States until 1931.

Regardless, the idea of using government-sponsored endorsements of religion is both artificial and contrived.
Gee UKMikey... Funny you should ask that... I have a similar question about millennials ...


Anyway... I really have to run along now as I’m very late for my Bible study group this evening and my grandson just drove up to give this good ol’ boy a ride... It’s been the nuts and have a nice day...

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As I previously mentioned I am a true believer who has seen much in life, so here's a news flash for y'all with a little old wisdom... I know of at least 900+ people that voted who are headed to hell if they don't repent and change their vote before they get old like me and then pass away. Sadly, at my age I'll be looking down on them sooner or later.

Where, exactly, is this "hell" of which you speak? And from where will you be looking down? Don't just give us a name for the place, tell us where it is.
Funny how the far left always seem to gang up on the “righteous”. Wonder what they’re afraid of ? Anyway, on to better “car guy” threads so good luck to y’all and thanks for proving that point.
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Funny how the far left always seem to gang up on the “righteous”. Wonder what their afraid of ? Anyway, on to better “car guy” threads so good luck to y’all and thanks for proving that point.
Proving what point?

All I have done is ask some reasonable questions, all of which you have ignored.

Is debate and discussion around this subject something you are afraid to engage in? If that is the case I have to wonder why you posted in a discussion thread on the subject.
Hmm. Isn't the religious types the scared ones? Vengeful God with inane threats of damnation for wearing two different fabric types and all that?
Btw, I love to have a winged goat. I'd name it Pegagoat.
Edit. I am not ye of little faith, I am ye of no faith. Figure it out.
Where, exactly, is this "hell" of which you speak? And from where will you be looking down? Don't just give us a name for the place, tell us where it is.

Well, that's up for debate as there are multiple hells. The ones in Norway and Michigan are perhaps the 2 most well known ones, although nobody can agree as to which one is the true Hell. I for one argue that the Michigan Hell is the true hell due to its proximity to Detroit.
Funny how the far left always seem to gang up on the “righteous”. Wonder what they’re afraid of ? Anyway, on to better “car guy” threads so good luck to y’all and thanks for proving that point.
Having been baptized a Catholic, getting warm feelings over that lovely Germanic Jesus image you posted and not being an American, what are my odds at being able to redeem myself?
As I previously mentioned I am a true believer who has seen much in life, so here's a news flash for y'all with a little old wisdom... I know of at least 900+ people that voted who are headed to hell if they don't repent and change their vote before they get old like me and then pass away. Sadly, at my age I'll be looking down on them sooner or later.

You're a model of righteousness. I imagine this is exactly what Jesus would have sounded like.
Well, that's up for debate as there are multiple hells. The ones in Norway and Michigan are perhaps the 2 most well known ones, although nobody can agree as to which one is the true Hell. I for one argue that the Michigan Hell is the true hell due to its proximity to Detroit.
Hey now. It is way to cold here for there to be a true Hell. It's more like a Hell lite....
I still find it funny that Adam & Eve are supposively white, when all life started first from the equator, our pigment just faded that’s why white people still have freckles but everyone wants to act like white & black culture are completely separate when in reality where all just human.