Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
"At least 900+"?

I'm not sure if you were confused by this, but it's the thread poll numbers corresponding to "No Way!" votes. Presumably there's room for some of the 500+ voters that voted "of course", since some of them don't believe in his particular flavor of God.
I'm not sure if you were confused by this, but it's the thread poll numbers corresponding to "No Way!" votes. Presumably there's room for some of the 500+ voters that voted "of course", since some of them don't believe in his particular flavor of God.
Yeah, no, I got what it was referencing; I'm more struck by the wording itself. I imagine the Department of Redundancy Department would approve.

"You could have coverage for as little as $10 or more a month."
Funny how the far left always seem to gang up on the “righteous”. Wonder what they’re afraid of ? Anyway, on to better “car guy” threads so good luck to y’all and thanks for proving that point.

Wow. So I'm far left? I sure didn't know that.

I would say that the only person afraid of anything in the current discussion is @2_FAST_4_U. He certainly is unwilling to back up his views and pronouncements.
Wow. So I'm far left? I sure didn't know that.

I would say that the only person afraid of anything in the current discussion is @2_FAST_4_U. He certainly is unwilling to back up his views and pronouncements.
That's not the objective of one who worships at the altar of the stinky internet troll.
Beware Christian America... ! The next thing ya know the world’s stinky socialist far left will attempt to make Christmas illegal and banned worldwide while claiming the Cross and Churches are offensive...

Beware Christian America... ! The next thing ya know the world’s stinky socialist far left will attempt to make Christmas illegal and banned worldwide while claiming the Cross and Churches are offensive...

View attachment 867960

Oooh you're one of those hypocritical Christians who celebrates a Pagan holiday. Happy Saturnalia.
Ah yes, you know it's close to Christmas when the stores are playing Christmas music and people are insisting there is a "war on Christmas" even though there really isn't*.

*Well, apart from the increasingly commercialized nature of it. That has nothing to do with political correctness though.
Oooh you're one of those hypocritical Christians who celebrates a Pagan holiday. Happy Saturnalia.


That gif has Santa Clause himself in it. Which, as we all know, was one of the wise men bearing gifts for the birth of Christ! There is nothing more sacred than celebrating Jesus's birth on a day that was not his birth but was actually a pagan Holday, by remembering Santa Clause. Sacred I tell you!


Eh... maybe that's like a weird elf person with a hat or something. I could be wrong about the Santa thing.

That gif has Santa Clause himself in it. Which, as we all know, was one of the wise men bearing gifts for the birth of Christ! There is nothing more sacred than celebrating Jesus's birth on a day that was not his birth but was actually a pagan Holday, by remembering Santa Clause. Sacred I tell you!


Eh... maybe that's like a weird elf person with a hat or something. I could be wrong about the Santa thing.

It's picturesque Bethlehem in April.
Oooh you're one of those hypocritical Christians who celebrates a Pagan holiday. Happy Saturnalia.

Saturnalia isn't specifically from the pagus, the main temple was in the centre of Rome. So there!

EDIT: I know 'pagan' takes on a different meaning from its original intention, just being a nerd :)

That gif has Santa Clause himself in it. Which, as we all know, was one of the wise men bearing gifts for the birth of Christ! There is nothing more sacred than celebrating Jesus's birth on a day that was not his birth but was actually a pagan Holday, by remembering Santa Clause. Sacred I tell you!

I think he was one of the twelve but not one of the later three. He works in Debenhams now, at least in early December.

Really the date placing birth of christ is arbitrary and it's based from the Annunciation and Easter (linked to the East/Ostre, bringer of life and the sun, the reason altars are placed that way). I guess the presumption is that not only was the conception immaculate but the length of the pregnancy was too. There's a big bollocks about crimbo but really the whole religion rests on the Annunciation. Which kids only portray in christmas plays, for some weird reason.
As I said before, reading your gang of 8 type posting attacks only proves my point that anyone who doesn’t agree with your leftist views as in Christianity for example will promote an attack... My button light in my previous post is no longer blinking as I just pressed it. Bye...
As I said before, reading your gang of 8 type posting attacks only proves my point that anyone who doesn’t agree with your leftist views as in Christianity for example will promote an attack... My button light in my previous post is no longer blinking as I just pressed it. Bye...

Hey, I'm with you! I think you're obviously a good christian exhibiting nothing but the purest of christian values.
As I said before, reading your gang of 8 type posting attacks only proves my point that anyone who doesn’t agree with your leftist views as in Christianity for example will promote an attack... My button light in my previous post is no longer blinking as I just pressed it. Bye...
Are you so insecure in your beliefs that you think that people who disagree with you are attacking you?
As I said before, reading your gang of 8 type posting attacks only proves my point that anyone who doesn’t agree with your leftist views as in Christianity for example will promote an attack... My button light in my previous post is no longer blinking as I just pressed it. Bye...
You do know that if he existed Christ was clearly a socialist!
As I said before, reading your gang of 8 type posting attacks only proves my point that anyone who doesn’t agree with your leftist views as in Christianity for example will promote an attack... My button light in my previous post is no longer blinking as I just pressed it. Bye...

You've flounced out of this thread and rejoined it so many times in the last couple of pages that I'm surprised GTP hasn't fitted a revolving door to the thread.

giphy (1).gif

Considering that you only joined the conversation to tell us that most of us are going to hell, what specifically about the responses you've received to that assertion do you think constitute an attack on Christianity?
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As I previously mentioned I am a true believer who has seen much in life, so here's a news flash for y'all with a little old wisdom... I know of at least 900+ people that voted who are headed to hell if they don't repent and change their vote before they get old like me and then pass away. Sadly, at my age I'll be looking down on them sooner or later.

View attachment 867716

You know, I always find it a little strange how gleeful some "Christians" get about the idea that anyone that isn't in their club will be subjected to ETERNAL TORTURE.

I'd have thought in an age where people are coming to realise that torturing prisoners for confessions doesn't work, that mandatory minimums for minor crimes doesn't work, and where the death penalty arguably does more damage to the society than good that this whole idea of Hell and eternal torture might start to seem a little silly.

I mean, do you think it's reasonable that someone should be subjected to ETERNAL TORTURE for refusing to base their life around the existence of something that they have not observed? Because that seems like objectively reasonable behaviour to me. I haven't witnessed either the Flying Spaghetti Monster or God, and so I don't behave as if either one exists. Does that mean that I should be subjected to eternal torture for that?

I choose to believe that if there is a God and if I'm to be judged after my death, that God will be a reasonable and intelligent being who will judge me on my actions. He will not be a capricious child of a being that is so self-centred that he would cast me into eternal torture despite having lived a good life simply because I didn't accept his existence blindly.

News flash for you; maybe examine a little more closely what your beliefs say about you as a person. You might find that you're not as much of a good Christian as you thought you were. Unless your idea of being a good Christian is more in the Old Testament sense of smiting, vengeance and retribution, in which case you're bang on track.
I choose to believe that if there is a God and if I'm to be judged after my death, that God will be a reasonable and intelligent being who will judge me on my actions. He will not be a capricious child of a being that is so self-centred that he would cast me into eternal torture despite having lived a good life simply because I didn't accept his existence blindly.

News flash for you; maybe examine a little more closely what your beliefs say about you as a person. You might find that you're not as much of a good Christian as you thought you were. Unless your idea of being a good Christian is more in the Old Testament sense of smiting, vengeance and retribution, in which case you're bang on track.
It comes down to faith v. works though. @2_FAST_4_U can exhibit the sins of pride and wrath against the non believers to his heart's content and the blood of Jesus will wash him clean. Hopefully this works multiple times and is not a one-time only offer.
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You could argue that Jesus was "nastier" than 2Fast4U when he encountered certain unbelievers (the Temple merchants)....

Although you could also argue that it came back to bite him pretty quickly. His attack on the scrip taxation of the temple (still in place today), and the monetisation of donations and the usury of stored currency directly led to his death in the following days. The Jewish elders were more than happy to collaborate with the occupying police to have him karked off.

He showed them though, came back to life and everything, invented the chocolate egg somewhere along the way.
Does anyone else feel like the idea of a bunny that leaves "chocolate eggs" for children to find is just a prehistoric prank to get kids to eat rabbit poo?

Easter eggs are another of those traditions Christianity "adopted". Egyptians used to paint eggs and bury them with their loved ones; now it is a symbol of Jesus' tomb and resurrection via the early Christians of Mesopotamia. Egg decoration itself is anywhere between 5,000 and 60,000 years old and is still considered a very common thing to do in Slavic and Orthodox churches.

Fry's and Cadbury invented chocolate eggs because... well, it was obviously going to sell.

The rabbit, I think, is more to do with the Germanic springtime celebration of Eostre, which gives its namesake to "Easter" as opposed to Passover, the more correct, true Christian celebration. (cf: Germanic, English Easter but Celtic, Welsh Pasg)
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