Errr no it's not absolute rubbish actually. There are things science can't explain.
Again, absolute rubbish. There is nothing that science "cannot" explain, there are only things that it has not
yet explained. Science is open to ALL observable phenomena, and you have to admit that it it has a pretty good track record so far.
....sure they can take a crack at it but there is no way for science to prove it.
Again, you saying that there is "no way" is tantamount to those who said that getting to the moon is impossible.
For instance, what caused the Big Bang?
Your "for instance" is no instance at all. There are numerous astrophysisists who are hard at work trying to figure this out. They may find out. What then? How small of a corner does a deity need to be painted into?
Indeed the questions going way way way way way back about the origins of life, and the universe, are difficult; but the beauty of science is that they work on it until a coherent theory stands on it's own legs by the brutal, critical assault of scientific observation and testing. "God did it" explains nothing.
Think of
Hodgkin and Huxley working out of how the nerve impulse works - a very difficult problem involving very tough mathematics. Suppose that they found it too difficult; would we have respected them if they'd said something like,
"I can't work out how this nerve impulse works, Hodgkin. Can you?", "No Huxley, I can't. Let's just give up and say a God did it."?
I'm not doubting it happened and I'm not saying a supernatural being created the universe in seven days, but what I am asking is why did it happen and what caused it?
What your question(s) display is the character trait of the primitive, pattern-seeking human brain which (for reasons of survivial and superstition) always saught agency and purpose in things it didn't understand. This pattern-seeking and meaning-seeking characteristic remains with us today.
The "why" question may be completely erroneous, and stems from our own ideas of our ego-based importance in the cosmos.
If anyone is mystified at how the universe can exist without a creator, are you not also equally mystified how a creator can exist without a creator?
Science can't explain it and any theory that is thrown out there is anyone's best guess on what we currently know.
You've just displayed your utter ignorance on what a "
theory" is.
It's something that will probably never be answered.
Except that those who've said this before were wrong.