Uh huh, and where exactly does the energy we harness from food and drink originate from. Does the food produce it's own energy, does the physical energy produce itself?
Ultimately from fusion within the sun. It is turned into chemical energy and stored within food. This is basic stuff.
Just like if you unplug consciousness from the body, the body dies but the consciousness or energy or electricity that was giving life to the body/computer in the first place continues on.
Kindof... not in the way that you think.
Your body consumes low entropy energy. That's not to say that it destroys it, what it does is convert low entropy energy to high entropy energy, and from that conversion the body can produce work. Some of this work may produce some level of low entropy energy. For example if your body stores fat cells, it is true that those fat cells continue to exist after you die, and they're relatively low entropy, but get consumed by other organisms and used to produce work as well. Much of the low entropy energy you consume through your life gets turned into high entropy energy such as heat. This energy is harder to tap to perform work. And so you need to replace it again with low entropy energy by eating some more.
If the energy that was in your brain lived forever, you would not need to eat to live. Your energy is lost - in many forms including via heat. This is the way of all organisms and basically anything that produces physical work.
So if you mean that the energy in your body lives forever because you made some fat (under your skin in various places or in your skull), and that fat exists after you die and is consumed by other organisms, ultimately that energy is dissipated as essentially unusable high entropy heat. In that sense, the energy balance of the universe stays the same, but the culmination of this is often referred to as the heat death of the universe. The transition from a universe of pockets of low entropy highly organized energy that can be tapped to produce work to a relatively uniform universe with dissipated energy that cannot be harnessed to produce work - a universe in which nothing happens.
Your consciousness is not the energy itself. The energy itself gets used and dissipated and replaced by your body. Your consciousness is that abstract processing layer that your brain creates with this energy to process information effectively. That part stops as soon as your brain can no longer do the work to produce it (because it does take work to produce). So when you stop eating and breathing, your consciousness stops. Your consciousness does not live on in the form of dissipated heat or fatty tissue.
You need a basic understanding of energy and how the body works to be able to not fall for this kind of pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo about your consciousness living on in the form of energy.