I don't really see how a bunch of Bible verses explain what salvation is nor do I understand why a man dying and then coming back to life saves the people of the world. I've honestly never gotten a straight answer on why "Jesus died for us" although I am contently harassed by Bible thumpers to make me accept that.
As I have previously stated, I do not believe in God, but I do know why Jesus died on the cross. I only found that out this year, from a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses.
According to the bible, When God created Adam and Eve, they were perfect in every way, that is until Eve ate an apple from the tree. Apparently, If Eve had not eaten that apple, then all of human kind would of existed on earth as they supposedly will once the end of 'this system of things' has come to pass.
Because Eve was a perfect being, the only way for God to atone for that 'original sin', was for him to sacrifice his own son, Jesus Christ (who was also a perfect being). Once God had sacrificed his own son, it was then possible for humans to once again live in a heavenly paradise (though not in heaven itself).
Personally, I think that this is a load of old baloney! There are some obvious holes in the story.
Why did God cast Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden, for eating a single apple? I will agree that Eve went against Gods will, but that is still no grounds for expulsion from paradise. On top of that we have to remember that God cast Satan to the Earth from heaven, after a long and drawn out holy war in Heaven. If God had to go to those sort of lengths to remove Satan from his presence, then how could he let Satan dwell in paradise with the first two humans on Earth? I'm sure they would of fallen for every hook line and sinker known! It is also callous to condemn the whole of mankind for the sins of one individual, no matter what the crime. This is typical of God though. Throughout the bible we are presented with numerous acts of his barbarism, yet, we are told that he loves us all. How so?
Secondly, he did not sacrifice his son Jesus Christ. For crying out loud, the guy got up and walked out of his burial chamber, and then ascended back up to heaven! Talk about preferential treatment! When any of us mere mortals lose a loved one, they are lost and gone for ever. Not God though, he plays a charade for a weekend, then Jesus is right back up there with him, sitting at his side as if nothing has happened! If God wants us to believe that he made anything close to a real sacrifice, then Jesus should be long gone!