Interesting post. I don't know whether you were replying to me saying "I'm tolerant" or the comments on tolerance I made afterwards though, as they say very different things about me. I think the word "tolerant" says the wrong thing about me, as I am not affected enough by religion to
need to be tolerant.
Tolerant is what I am to my flatmates using my tomato ketchup. It's a bit annoying, but not really worthy of confronting them for, so I tolerate it.
Apathetic more describes my attitude to religion, as equally as my apathy towards UK politics, though UK politics affects me, when religion doesn't.
The percentage of Christians in the UK is fairly low as a proportion of the population, so any decisions made by the church (or indeed any church that follows Christianity) have little impact upon my daily life. Many sections of the Christian faith believe that homosexuality is wrong for example, and are positively disgusted by the idea of their messenger of God, be it a priest, vicar, bishop etc being gay. Or indeed a woman. Give them a lesbian priest and they virtually explode with anger. But does all this affect me? Not really, as I don't follow a faith, and it hasn't caused any laws to be changed. My personal view is that if someone wants to be gay and preach a religion, then that's their choice and on a human level that choice should be respected. As such, I'm apathetic on this, and all other religious debates.
Trying to pull myself back towards the actual thread topic, which is belief in God, again I don't feel the need to be "tolerant" towards someone who believes in a God, either. That is completely their choice. I don't need to tolerate it, because frankly it's none of my business whether they follow a God or not. It wouldn't be my business if they followed aliens either. It would be my business if they stole my ketchup, which is when I'd need to be tolerant
So yeah, I guess my point is that I have no interest in religion beyond the architecture that's formed from it, and tolerance doesn't describe my attitude towards God and religion as well as apathy does 👍