Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
My point is that religion didn't really come first; it came about later on, and that it's possible people scoffed at the idea until they needed something to explain the gaps in their collective scientific knowledge.

Then it was used to power and control others, yada yada yada.
My point is that religion didn't really come first; it came about later on, and that it's possible people scoffed at the idea until they needed something to explain the gaps in their collective scientific knowledge.

Then it was used to power and control others, yada yada yada.

Religion probably arose right along with the evolution of our species though, people didn't evolve only to think they needed religion at some point in time. Yes, I agree it was used to explain things and grew more and more into extravagant stories in which to control the masses eventually, but I think people have had some sort of religious belief ever since we became Sapiens or even before that.

We even have evidence, found at the Shanidar cave site in Iraq, that Neanderthal's had a religious ritual when burying their dead.

That fact is we don't really know and it's all speculation, but using Occam's Razor the most logical way religion started was that it has been with people ever since we developed critical thinking.
Religion probably arose right along with the evolution of our species though, people didn't evolve only to think they needed religion at some point in time. Yes, I agree it was used to explain things and grew more and more into extravagant stories in which to control the masses eventually, but I think people have had some sort of religious belief ever since we became Sapiens or even before that.

We even have evidence, found at the Shanidar cave site in Iraq, that Neanderthal's had a religious ritual when burying their dead.

That fact is we don't really know and it's all speculation, but using Occam's Razor the most logical way religion started was that it has been with people ever since we developed critical thinking.

Kind of proves the point that man invented God - not the other way round.
In that 'other' mega thread, I remember quite a discussion on organized religion and how it differs or can be detached from God. Religion, by default, does not equal God.
I don't believe in God. Interesting to see that this is a view I share with others I tend to agree with on other topics, on this forum (Joey, Famine, Jondot, Moglet, Wolfe etc). I don't want to get into a big psychoanalysis of everyone, but it's a trait I've noticed on other forums I post on too. Maybe it's subconscious, maybe it's a rationality thing, or a down-to-earth thing, maybe it's those of us who are more scientifically inclined, maybe it's those of us who are just more sceptical... but I always seem to have more in common with those who don't believe than those who do.

I'll make it clear at this point that I have absolutely nothing against anyone who wishes to follow any religion. I think I'm quite tolerant. In fact, that's the wrong word to use - tolerating something conjures images of disliking it but "putting up", which isn't the case either. I'm far too laid back to really even care, as long as I'm not being preached to. I was lucky enough to go to Catholic schools that were worldly enough to understand that people might not believe, and so didn't feel the need to force it upon us.

At the same time, I never seem to feel any affinity with people who follow a religion. This is before I even find out they follow religion, so it can't be influenced by that. Only one of my friends is religious, and even then not a strict follower.

What I genuinely do like about religion is the architecture it's spawned. I have no religious interest whatsoever, but I love walking around churches and cathedrals, as they're facinating buildings.
In that 'other' mega thread, I remember quite a discussion on organized religion and how it differs or can be detached from God. Religion, by default, does not equal God.

Sometimes I think "religion" is one of Satan's biggest tools.

Interesting post. I don't know whether you were replying to me saying "I'm tolerant" or the comments on tolerance I made afterwards though, as they say very different things about me. I think the word "tolerant" says the wrong thing about me, as I am not affected enough by religion to need to be tolerant.

Tolerant is what I am to my flatmates using my tomato ketchup. It's a bit annoying, but not really worthy of confronting them for, so I tolerate it.
Apathetic more describes my attitude to religion, as equally as my apathy towards UK politics, though UK politics affects me, when religion doesn't.

The percentage of Christians in the UK is fairly low as a proportion of the population, so any decisions made by the church (or indeed any church that follows Christianity) have little impact upon my daily life. Many sections of the Christian faith believe that homosexuality is wrong for example, and are positively disgusted by the idea of their messenger of God, be it a priest, vicar, bishop etc being gay. Or indeed a woman. Give them a lesbian priest and they virtually explode with anger. But does all this affect me? Not really, as I don't follow a faith, and it hasn't caused any laws to be changed. My personal view is that if someone wants to be gay and preach a religion, then that's their choice and on a human level that choice should be respected. As such, I'm apathetic on this, and all other religious debates.

Trying to pull myself back towards the actual thread topic, which is belief in God, again I don't feel the need to be "tolerant" towards someone who believes in a God, either. That is completely their choice. I don't need to tolerate it, because frankly it's none of my business whether they follow a God or not. It wouldn't be my business if they followed aliens either. It would be my business if they stole my ketchup, which is when I'd need to be tolerant :D

So yeah, I guess my point is that I have no interest in religion beyond the architecture that's formed from it, and tolerance doesn't describe my attitude towards God and religion as well as apathy does 👍
I would have to say now, that I don't believe in God. I never really believed in him when I was a kid either, even though I was forced to go to Sunday School for most of my childhood!I'd like to believe in God though, but I need proof first. Blindly believing in a book that (may or may not) be his work is not good enough for me.

I used to be of the mind that if I can't see it, touch it, taste, it smell it or feel it, then it doesn't exist. But some things have happened in my life that have made me question that concept. I'm never going profess love or belief in God, but maybe there is some sort of higher being out their... I dunno.

The long and short of it is, if there is a god out there, all I need is one single word, and I'll become a believer, until that day, I will always wonder and doubt the existence of God. 👍
All I have to say about this thread is that, God IS real
Think about it.

i dont know if this sounds dum but...
This planet just had soil, water, lava, and rocks once. And look at US we are meat bones and blood.Where did we come from? God created us but Who created god? I dont know. But what I do know is that HE IS REAL because, when I was 13 years old I prayed and cried:( to God when I asked him If he could give me a girlfriend.Two weeks later I found out that this 16 year old girls likes me! its true I'm honest.She looked like 13 but she was really 16.I only had 2 dates with her but she was not my girlfriend because I said it would be better if we were just friends.Then I had found my perfect girlfriend who was 13 just like me.:D

Thank you GOD!
I don't want to be rude or anything, I'm sure you're a nice and good person in many ways. But that post kind of scares me... :nervous:

I'm ok with people who believe in god, but to me you seem obsessed by him.

You think you can explain how you think it's possible that god created all life and materia? And was you forced by your parents or someone else to go to church and such or have you chose it by your self?

I don't want to be rude or anything, I'm sure you're a nice and good person in many ways. But that post kind of scares me... :nervous:

I'm ok with people who believe in god, but to me you seem obsessed by him.

You think you can explain how you think it's possible that god created all life and materia? And was you forced by your parents or someone else to go to church and such or have you chose it by your self?


So, it's not okay to be obsessed?

Belief in God isn't about Church or Religion, it's about having a relationship with him. Saying that someone can't be obsessed in a relationship, IMHO, is wrong.

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So, it's not okay to be obsessed?

Belief in God isn't about Church or Religion, it's about having a relationship with him. Saying that someone can't be obsessed in a relationship, IMHO, is wrong.

Well, It's his life of course and he can believe in what ever he want! But I think it's... strange. Nothing is wrong and nothing is right.
I'm ok with people who believe in god, but to me you seem obsessed by him.


Patrik, consider too that when someone decides to accept belief in God and invites Him into their heart, it is often a very powerful life changing experience, thereby increasing ones enthusiast about Him. 👍
you know duke that's what my coach always tells me, but after that he tells me if i want to take a guy out I just need to keep my arms down.

Patrik, consider too that when someone decides to accept belief in God and invites Him into their heart, it is often a very powerful life changing experience, thereby increasing ones enthusiast about Him. 👍

out of curiosity how does inviting god (God?) into your heart increase your self esteem? (at least that's how I read it)

out of curiosity how does inviting god (God?) into your heart increase your self esteem? (at least that's how I read it)

Having Jesus in your life changes you.

This might be a little too much, but it might shed some light on this question of yours.
I'm sorry I still don't understand. that's a benifit of being raised in a christian household in a christian land.

How would changing your life for a guy who died and came back to life make you feel better?
out of curiosity how does inviting god (God?) into your heart increase your self esteem? (at least that's how I read it)

Look up Émile Durkheim, he studied this very same topic. But to give a bit of a rough idea, people who are down on their luck or in bad circumstances (i.e. homeless people) have something better to look forward to after they die (i.e. heaven) if they follow the beliefs of the religion here on earth. It gives people hope, how true or false that hope is though can be debated and is.

Huh.... Pulled up fine here. Here's a txt doc of it.

Ok so I read some of that and have no idea what the author is talking about. I mean yes I understand it explains salvation to a degree but it's more confusing then anything because it seems you need to understand Christian faith in order to grasp the main point. I will admit, despite going to Catholic school for eight years, I have very little concept of the Christian religion mainly because I never accepted it when I was in school. The only part of the Bible I've really read is the first book which talks about creation, mainly because I have an interest in creation myth among various cultures.

I don't really see how a bunch of Bible verses explain what salvation is nor do I understand why a man dying and then coming back to life saves the people of the world. I've honestly never gotten a straight answer on why "Jesus died for us" although I am contently harassed by Bible thumpers to make me accept that. I'll never say they are flat out wrong for believing what they do though since I can not prove it false, but on the same token they can not prove what they believe is true. This is why I'm agnostic, I don't know and I don't see how anyone can really know either one way or another.
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why would god reward homeless people? they could find someway to get a job if they tried. My family used to house homeless people, and pay them if they would work well for us, and in 7 years we only ever had 3 people take us up on the offer, and one of them turned on us after they quit because we were "just asking too much of them".
why would god reward homeless people? they could find someway to get a job if they tried. My family used to house homeless people, and pay them if they would work well for us, and in 7 years we only ever had 3 people take us up on the offer, and one of them turned on us after they quit because we were "just asking too much of them".

No, you misunderstood what I said. God isn't rewarding homeless people, the idea of God, the afterlife, etc. gives homeless people hope in this world knowing that when they die things will get better. It happened with the peasants in feudal Europe, they had a crappy life on earth but they knew if they were faithful to God they could go to heaven when they died and live in eternal happiness.
So god would be rewarding people who worked hard and lived hard, that's what your trying to say?

No. Do you even read things that are posted? A belief in the afterlife gave people hope (whether that hope is true or false is debatable) when their life here sucked. The only way to get to that life was live by the way God commanded. By doing all they could these people became slightly happier knowing there was something better in the end.

No, the belief in afterlife gives people who are having a "rough life" hope.

Road dog makes more sense.

He said exactly what I said, I see zero difference only Road_Dogg typed fewer words. Seriously if you want to know about the topic look up Émile Durkheim and read about his research on the topic...and I'm not talking on wikipedia either.