About half the things I mentioned are orders from God from the Bible. E.g., egyptian pharoah pisses off God, God goes Screw the egyptians, and orders all the first-borns killed. Swell guy.
Sage, my brother,
Thing is that this was the very
last of ten "plagues visited" upon Pharoah by God.
At any time, Pharoah could have obeyed God and avoided the entire mess. But he did not believe in God, even after all sorts of bad **** started to happen to him and his people.
Remember, Pharoah was not exactly a sweet guy in this whole thing. He was holding the entire Hebrew nation as slaves. He also "taunted" God, by making the work done by the Hebrews harder by denying them supplies, but wanting the same amount of product. On top of that he was worshipping idols, and demanding the Hebrews to worship them also.
All he had to do was release the Hebrews from servitude, and NONE of the "plagues" would have been visited upon Egypt. Or, the plagues would have stopped at whatever point the Hebrews were released. But Pharoah thought he was stronger and smarter than the God of the Hebrews.
Now, I'm pretty stubborn in my own right. But I'd like to believe that if I had been Pharoah, and
all the water of my
desert kingdom had been turned to blood after my first refusal to release the Hebrews....
Not only would I have let them go, my soldiers would have been helping them pack for the trip! Then the Egyptian women would've been making sandwiches and snacks for the road, to get those people out of my 'hood, and my water back to normal.
The point is, Moses, as an emmisary of God, asked Pharoah to "let my people go". Pharoah didn't listen and he got punished. He made the Hebrews suffer. God made the Egyptians suffer.
As far as the death of the firstborn. This is the why the Jews celebrate the Passover. The Holy Spirit "passed over" any home that had the blood of the lamb painted over the door. ANY home, including the homes of the Egyptians, that painted over their doors, was passed over.
Also, before each plague, Moses warned Pharoah that he would be punished and the punishment would affect his nation also.
Pharoah did not get "jumped" by suprise in some back alley. He was publicly "called out" by God to do the right thing. Each time he failed to do it, his nation was punished.
Pharoah was supposed to lead and protect his people. He did, after all, fancy himself to be their "god"....
Yahweh was/is the God of the Hebrews and he protected them thru all the "plagues".
God is a "swell guy" to those that do what he commands.
Pharoah was not even asked to worship God. He was asked to release his Hebrew slaves. He didn't and it cost him and his people.
If you go back and read the accounts in the Bible, you should note that whenever God "lashes out" against anyone there is either some disobedience, or the people being lashed out against are enemies of the Children of Isreal.