Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
I can't say I believe in God, thinking of God as a person. I certainly believe in some higher force out there that controls our life to an extent but I can't pin it down what it is. Everything has a reason, something is controlling the turns of life. I have no idea what that "something" is but I firmly believe it exists.

+1. 👍
I believe in God. I believe that he created the Universe, and all of life. I also believe in evolution and that He controls how different organisms evolve over time.

This is more or less how I feel about God.

I really don't care to get into massive discussions about this sort of thing, so I've basically summed up my opinion with this: Belief in God and in evolution/the BBT don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, I would be most satisfied if God were like this representation:

I'd like to belive that there is a God, but
I don’t understand atheists who say this. Do you really wish there was a God who ordered the mass killing of innocent babies just because of their king? Do you really wish there was a God who lets your relatives die in excruciating pain from cancer? Do you really wish there was a God who would allow 6 million people to be killed by a crazed asshole? Do you really wish there was a God who ordered rebellious sons to be stoned to death? Do you really wish there was a God who allows horrible tapeworms to settle in the eyeballs of starving children in Africa? Do you really wish there was a God who says it’s okay to sell your daughter into slavery? Do you really wish there was a God who wanted people put to death for working on a Sunday? Do you really wish there was a God who is so incredibly capricious and petty and jealous and racist and homophobic?

The only hope in the world is that there is no God.
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Do you believe in God?
No. I used to call myself an agnostic but I've since changed my opinion to reflect the fact that there is currently nothing in the known universe that absolutely requires a "supernatural" entity to explain it. Perhaps my agnosticism stemmed from being told as a child that absolutely "everything" was made by a supernatural being (i.e. God). But since this "everything" can now be readily explained by decidely unsupernatural phenomena, my view point as to the existence of a God had to change. In other words, even if I did believe in God, I couldn't tell you of anything He's actually done.
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I would love to believe that there is. But when you see children sick and dying of cancer, and truly great people lose their lives way too early it's easy to question the existance of some truly sublime higher power. I do beleive deep down that there must be something that created us, but as to why suffering happens is something i will never quite comprehend.
I personally do believe in God, although I doubt that he made us like it says in the bible. I think that God made the "Big Bang" or whatever to create us. I think there needs to be something/someone to control how pretty much everything works, so that is God, whether it be something or someone.
I would love to believe that there is. But when you see children sick and dying of cancer, and truly great people lose their lives way too early it's easy to question the existance of some truly sublime higher power. I do beleive deep down that there must be something that created us, but as to why suffering happens is something i will never quite comprehend.
I was born with a tumor in my intestines which noone has had any explanation on how it disapeared all by itself.
I guess I'm agnostic, but I've followed Touring Mar's steps to where I'm at, so........ :D

I have not absolutely, completely given up on Christianity, yet. I think it's possible that Bible is loosely based on facts.

I actually started writing a few more sentences, but I'll stop here. Just about everybody here, no matter what religious belief/non-belief, are cool people, but there is always a chance that I might upset that one wrong guy with something I said on a subject like this. ;)

Reason I don't believe is mostly because a real existing (don't confuse with 'excisting') God would never allow a lot of things to happen the way they do
Not according to the Bible. We left him, and we are witnessing how well we can manage ourselves.

Not my belief, but that's how I understood it from the Bible. Adam and Eve.
If all things had a begining and that begining was God. Then who created God?

There is a chance of a God of some sort but I am not convinced without some scientific proof :sly:
I like how people blame suffering on god. God isn't there to end world hunger or suffering and make sure that everything is perfect. How we live our lives on earth determines whether or not we go to heaven, which is a perfect place.
How we live our lives on earth determines whether or not we go to heaven, which is a perfect place.
I bet there are no beer, rock n' roll or motor sports up there(if it excists) so no, it's not perfect. ;)

The thing I'd like to believe in is a life after this. But I don't think it'll be in heaven but a completely different universe or something like that. I mean how screwed isn't it that we excist at all!?

As a friend of me said some time ago. Everything has a beginning, but it can't! Think about it, before the "beginning" there was something and before "something" there was something else and so on! I almost get ill while I think about it...

What we call universe is just a really really tiny spot in infinety. :scared:
Question: Are you guys who say you believe that god created the universe and life serious?

Question: Are you a troll? You make the choices in your poll make a person feel like an ass if they take a side, and then you imply that nobody, and I mean NOBODY could seriously consider a deity-figure.
I bet there are no beer, rock n' roll or motor sports up there(if it excists) so no, it's not perfect. ;)

I know you're joking but how do you know. I like to think of getting to heaven and having a beautiful F40 sitting there for me ready to go on one of an infinity of the wild circuits :)
I believe in my Father and savior; although I don't call him "God".

He is my pillar, my strength and columns that keep me standing tall.
Errrmmm why was this thread made?

If you dont believe in God so be it. There are people who do and people who dont.

Not that difficult to figure out :S
I don't, one single bit. I believe that religion was created to give people something to live for, something to 'aim for', if you like. That doesn't stop me from respecting people's choice to follow a religion though, I can fully understand why people do and fair play to them.

I did, however, have a really in depth conversation with a very dedicated Christian girl once and it never resorted to arguing it was just a nice discussion. But her belief was that science was trying to pull the wool over our eyes. That things like skeletons of ancient creatures were all fake and created by god to try and get us to stray from the right path. That's why I don't believe in religion, it seems that if you believe that strongly in something then you're unable to make your own mind up about things like history and science and that's not for me. She would not even consider that these creatures could be real, the work of god or not.
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But her belief was that science was trying to pull the wool over our eyes. That things like skeletons of ancient creatures were all fake and created by god to try and get us to stray from the right path.
Heh, that’s funny, I was just right now looking at buying one of these.
iv always followed the older, and more plausible definition of god being a collective term for everything good, creation, the love and the light, life etc. somewhere along the way god was dumbed down into a male, and a presumed human, which i dont understand and i dont think it has helped bridge the modern divide between fact and religion.
I don't believe in God or gods or any supernatural being. At one point in time religion had a bases in our world because we did not have the means to explain things, but now our science and technology has made many of the things religions used to explain obsolete. As someone who is studying anthropology I look at how supernatural beings and religion play a role in culture, but to have a preconceived notion about one religion would make it hard to view another with equal weight. If I think they are all equally wrong I can then set it all aside and study just how it affects the people as a whole.

However, this is not to say I don't believe in forces at work in the universe. I'm not really going to get into the specifics but I almost take a Jedi outlook on everything with good and evil forces at work throughout the universe.
:rolleyes:I've answered this before in many other threads.
See Danoff's post #35 in this thread for the reasons I believe the way I do.
Also the logic (yes, logic) behind it.

I believe in God.
I also believe in Satan.
He's the one that allows subjects that have been beaten to death, like this one, to keep re-appearing, because there isn't a search button to refer people to the search button.:rolleyes:
The Bible says that Satan, not only believes in God, but he respects Him.

So, if Satan believes and trembles, who am I to argue???
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The journey of life is not paved in blacktop;it is not brightly lit,and it has no road signs.It is a rocky path through the wilderness.But we do not have to make the journey alone.We can ask help of the force in our lives that we recognise to be greater than we are.A force that we all see differently,but of whose presence most of us are aware. We can all help each other.
Question: Are you guys who say you believe that god created the universe and life serious?

Why wouldn't they be serious? There are millions of people in the world that have a belief system that says a supernatural being created them and have some sort of story about how it was done. The Christian version has just become deeply rooted in Western civilisation which is why we here so much about it. Is it wrong? Not at all, only different.

There is no proof that a supernatural being exists, however there is no proof one does no exist either. There is an equal chance of all religions being right just as there is an equal chance of them all being wrong. While I don't believe in a supernatural being, I can not fully discount the possibility of something existing because I can not prove it. I remember a physics professor once telling me that science is not about proving things true, but rather proving them false.
Here's my simplistic view on our God and the universe.

1. He exists (so does the devil).
2. He created life in it's most basic forms throughout the universe, from there Evolution took over (otherwise we would all be hairy apes still, millions of years later!!).
3. He is one being, but defined differently according to your religious beliefs (eg. Christianity, Judeaism, Islam).
4. Spiritually sensed people would like to feel that he touches their lives and our world everyday (look at Evangelists!!).
5. Other people would rather dismiss him as a non-existant being or a myth rather than think he exists (Agnostic, Aethiest).

For me personally, I think there's a God and a Devil and that both have some semblance in our lives, but because of the bible's mistruths and revisions over thousands of years, I don't believe the bible that people buy at bookstores and Church itself, I think it's a pack of lies with a percentage of truth interwoven into it. The one that gets me in Today's bible is that Adam & Eve had 3 sons, Kane, Abel & Seth. Who the hell did the son's have their children with?? Eve?? If so we're ALL inbred. :P If not, where did the extra women come from, it doesn't say God made spare women for the kids!!
Do I believe there's something higher than us or like a god? Sure.

Do I believe in god as in Religion god? [censored] That [censored].
I was a Christian for quite some time. A few years later; a complete turn around. I do not believe in any god whatsoever and I am angrily steadfast in that belief.