Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
^I was part of a Christan bible group for a while... Anyone that sits up on a stage and blatantly tells you you'll go to hell if you don't believe in (their) God doesn't deserve my time. Not to mention the hypocritical crap they spew.
^I was part of a Christan bible group for a while... Anyone that sits up on a stage and blatantly tells you you'll go to hell if you don't believe in (their) God doesn't deserve my time. Not to mention the hypocritical crap they spew.
Well, that is pretty much the idea there. There's no other way to get to "heaven."
^I was part of a Christan bible group for a while... Anyone that sits up on a stage and blatantly tells you you'll go to hell if you don't believe in (their) God doesn't deserve my time. Not to mention the hypocritical crap they spew.
TBH, when I was younger, I went with friends to a church thing they hold every night once a week. I went them every so often until one night, the preacher basically said what you did. I got up, and walked out. Shocked some, but I wasn't going to sit there and listen to a guy say, "If you don't believe in Christianity and its beliefs, you go to hell." He basically condemned all over religions. That was pretty the final straw, not that I was upset. 90% of the time was spent signing Christian songs, and a little preaching.
Add real clickish high school groupies that are full of themselves to that and were pretty much on the same page.

editAlso, having my parents Well mom..) force me to go to bible school really blew. I would read or listen to the crap they spewed and it was worse than how school's sugar coat how great this country is. I didn't totally know what was going on but I could smell the bull I was being fed. I can't believe people can get away with teaching stuff like that.

Bottom line... the only "god" that I felt was around me was like how authority figures make some people nervous and so they are to afraid to do anything "bad". :rolleyes:
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well, you have to strike fear and make threats to get the ball rolling, then introduce taboos and denounce questioning. it has been exploited to great effect and totally obscured the original intentions of a good honest religion
well, you have to strike fear and make threats to get the ball rolling, then introduce taboos and denounce questioning. it has been exploited to great effect and totally obscured the original intentions of a good honest religion

Striking fear and keeping the genpop in line is the whole reason for religion. That and offering a fabulous afterlife that makes suffering their crappy lives almost bearable.
If all things had a begining and that begining was God. Then who created God?

There is a chance of a God of some sort but I am not convinced without some scientific proof :sly:

God has no physical form, so he doesn't need to have a creator. There is a phrase that describes it, can't remember it.
Yes, I think there's something out there. I also think that it's not for me to know the nature of it, and that attempting to do so will cause my head to explode.

I read this book that was semi-fictional, semi-autobigraphical by a notorious Australian prison escapee who fled to India and ended up establishing himself with the Bombay Mafia. There was a lot of discussion on philosophy in the book, which I found very interesting, even if the character who established it was created by the author. The argument was something I liked - though I'm not sure I believe it my ownself - and went something like this:

Ever since the formation of the universe, be it the Big Bang or the Garden of Eden, it has grown more and more complex with every passing moment. Entire stars and solar systems were formed, as were the planets and the conditions for life to exist. Layer upon layer of complexity was piled on top of each other, which still increases by the moment. In a sense, everything is moving towards an Ultimate Complexity, what we would refer to as God. Anything that furthers that complexity is what we might define as being good, while anything that hinders or reverses it would be considered evil.

That's a very brief definition and it's been a long while since I read the book - it's nearly one thousand pages long - but that's pretty much the long and short of it.
I dont, never have and never will.

Never say never, you have the rest of your life to change your mind.

I bet there are no beer, rock n' roll or motor sports up there(if it excists) so no, it's not perfect. ;)

Who do you think made beer? Jesus made water into wine at a wedding because they ran cool is that!

Romans 8:38
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

After 49 years, I can testify to this.
Who do you think made beer?
Yeast. Through fermentation, which is a primitive metabolic process that existed before there was enough oxygen in the atmosphere to support primarily aerobic organisms like ourselves. It’s very similar to the process that makes your legs hurt like hell after long-distance running.
All I have to say about this thread is that, God IS real
Think about it.

i dont know if this sounds dum but...
This planet just had soil, water, lava, and rocks once. And look at US we are meat bones and blood.Where did we come from? God created us but Who created god? I dont know. But what I do know is that HE IS REAL because, when I was 13 years old I prayed and cried:( to God when I asked him If he could give me a girlfriend.Two weeks later I found out that this 16 year old girls likes me! its true I'm honest.She looked like 13 but she was really 16.I only had 2 dates with her but she was not my girlfriend because I said it would be better if we were just friends.Then I had found my perfect girlfriend who was 13 just like me.:D

Thank you GOD!
I prayed to God so that I would get a PS2. A couple of years later I got one, but my brother and I had to split our money.
I prayed to God so that I would get a PS2. A couple of years later I got one, but my brother and I had to split our money.

I got my PS2 by wishing it when I blew the candles on the cake on my 12 year birthday.:D
All I have to say about this thread is that, God IS real
Think about it.

i dont know if this sounds dum but...
This planet just had soil, water, lava, and rocks once. And look at US we are meat bones and blood.Where did we come from? God created us but Who created god? I dont know. But what I do know is that HE IS REAL because, when I was 13 years old I prayed and cried:( to God when I asked him If he could give me a girlfriend.Two weeks later I found out that this 16 year old girls likes me! its true I'm honest.She looked like 13 but she was really 16.I only had 2 dates with her but she was not my girlfriend because I said it would be better if we were just friends.Then I had found my perfect girlfriend who was 13 just like me.:D

Thank you GOD!

If you really are Christian and you really do believe in God then why on earth would you treat Him like a genie? If you believe in the power of prayer, it's used for asking God to help you, not grant wishes. I agree with Famine, facepalm indeed.
I... uhh. You know... hmm. Err...

Your post makes even Christians facepalm.
That brings up a good Emo Phillips joke though:

“When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn’t work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me.”
I belive in god, and I think he has a sense of humor.

Hell, Giraffes, Anteaters, and Platypuses are proof that God has a sense of humor. Either that or very different depth perception...
I believe that there is some sort of omnipotent being out there looking down upon us from several hundred dimensions

i also believe in Ninja-Pirate-Robot-Raptor-Jesus-3000
Firstly, be aware that this is the sort of thread that catches moderator attention, and will be closed if it resorts to name-calling.

Yes! 👍
Why must some people get so hostile? It's a discussion among friends, believers or non. If God allows people to make their own choice, we should not get testy. So far it looks pretty good here though!
Besides, people have their entire lifetime to ponder and choose to change their current choices.

Do you really wish there was a God who ordered the mass killing of innocent babies just because of their king?
Do you really wish there was a God who lets your relatives die in excruciating pain from cancer?
Do you really wish there was a God who would allow 6 million people to be killed by a crazed asshole?
Do you really wish there was a God who ordered rebellious sons to be stoned to death?
Do you really wish there was a God who allows horrible tapeworms to settle in the eyeballs of starving children in Africa?
Do you really wish there was a God who says it’s okay to sell your daughter into slavery?
Do you really wish there was a God who wanted people put to death for working on a Sunday?
Do you really wish there was a God who is so incredibly capricious and petty and jealous and racist and homophobic?
The only hope in the world is that there is no God.

It was men who ordered and performed these vile acts. Dear Sage, we all must die somehow, but if life is eternal, then suffering in this world is but a pin prick to your finger in comparison. And, God became a man and suffered more than anyone ever did.

Hitler killed over 10 million. Stalin: 20 million, and Mao Zedung: 70 million. Why? I don't know, but I don't blame God. If you blame Him for every innocent death, you must not forget to give Him credit for giving life to every human who ever lived.

What kind of parent allows their child to suffer (say, by buying them a bike), yet they suffer because they disobey instructions and bring painful situations upon themselves. I don't think we were ever meant to understand God, and that is the mistake a lot of people make.

I don't think you really mean the last statement.

I would love to believe that there is. But when you see children sick and dying of cancer, and truly great people lose their lives way too early it's easy to question the existance of some truly sublime higher power. I do beleive deep down that there must be something that created us, but as to why suffering happens is something i will never quite comprehend.

My wife and I have lost 3 children through miscarriages. My 3rd son has had 26 surguries through his 13 years. Yes, it IS easy to question, I have. I think it is OK to question, thats how you get answers, if you are truely objective.

I was born with a tumor in my intestines which noone has had any explanation on how it disapeared all by itself.


Question: Are you guys who say you believe that god created the universe and life serious?

Yes, very. :)
It was men who ordered and performed these vile acts. Dear Sage, we all must die somehow, but if life is eternal, then suffering in this world is but a pin prick to your finger in comparison. And, God became a man and suffered more than anyone ever did.

Hitler killed over 10 million. Stalin: 20 million, and Mao Zedung: 70 million. Why? I don't know, but I don't blame God. If you blame Him for every innocent death, you must not forget to give Him credit for giving life to every human who ever lived.

ok then out of idle curiosity, i'm not mocking your reasoning or anything, but if Mao killed all those people wouldn't it stand to reason that the reason Mao was created was to kill those people?

and if Mao was indeed created to kill why would he be punished?

i've never liked the "people die when they are ment to" reasoning.

Catholicism is a sect of Christianity last time I checked.

Technically so are protestants but that doesn't stop people from killing people left and right, historically.

Are Amish Christians?
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Keeping in mind that each thing has an "opposite". Look at it as a Yin-Yang sort of thing.

There is also a devil. He has "dominion" over "earthly things".
He is who "inspired" Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mengele, and others to do the rotten, hate-filled **** that they did.