Stare with me into the abyss…
Let’s talk about nothing for a minute. Where does all of this reality come from? Why is there matter and energy and plastic toys for children with The Flash on a motorcycle… I mean he can run faster than a motorcycle right? What’s up with that? Why is there anything at all? Why not nothing?
Well, let’s consider what nothing would look like. I’m going to capitalize it to mean a universe which lacks anything at all, which I will call Nothing. So what is Nothing?
Nothing would have to consist of a lack of space and time (and any other dimensions any physicist can come up with). Dimensions are something, and very much a part of our reality. So I want you to picture that in your head, a lack of space and time. Go ahead… it’s hard isn’t it. You want to picture a void with no stars and no light, just blackness. But of course a void is something. In Nothing, there is no void.
Let’s ask some questions about Nothing. Where is it? Nowhere, everywhere. That’s not a well defined question. There is no space, so asking where Nothing is is nonsensical. Is it here in my room? Yes, no. Do I have Nothing in my room? Well yes, technically a lack of space exists in my room, but also it doesn’t exist (by definition, because it is nothing). How long did Nothing exist? Well, forever… and never. This is also a nonsensical question. Nothing has no time, so it exists for an eternity, and not at all. What came before Nothing? Also a nonsensical question, it has no time. So nothing came before Nothing, and after. Also everything came before Nothing, and after.
Let’s pretend you have $100. I ask you, do you have $0? Well no, I have $100, $100 is not zero. But do you also possess $0? Well yes, $100 + 0 = $100. So I have $0 in addition to the $100. So you have nothing, and you don’t have nothing.
So did Nothing exist? Of course, and no. Does it exist now? Of course, and no. Will it exist in the future? Of course, and no.
As I already alluded to, there are other forms of nothing. Not only does $100 (reality) + $0 (nothing) exist, but also $100 - $100. Is that $0? Yes, and no. If we have Nothing, should it be 0, or +1 - 1? Or +100 -100? Yes. All of those are Nothing. In terms of dimensions, what does negative even look like? What does “negative” time look like. Well, time. Especially if you’re not comparing it against “positive” time. What does “negative” space look like. Well, space. Especially if you’re not comparing it against “positive” space.
If you had a universe bubble that had positive space and time, and another universe bubble that had negative space and time, and you put a creature inside each one to observe it (but not the other), both of them would perceive space and time. But as far as the balance of universes go, it’s + 1 -1, in other words, Nothing.
So the question of “why isn’t there Nothing?” is easy to answer. Because that would be nothing. Also there is Nothing. Everywhere, and nowhere, all the time, and never. The question of “why is there Something?” is harder to answer, but the answer could come in the form “because it is Nothing”. And I suspect that this answer may be required of this question.