SuperCobraJet, are the consistencies between, astrology, archeology (fossil records sedimentary deposits etc.), carbon dating etc all opinion and speculation?
No, I already said there is evidence for it.
How accurate it is, thats another matter.
More like hypothesis and validation. There is nothing suspect in science, it's been shown correct countless times. Things can be added or corrected tomorrow. Overturned? Not really.
Corrected, is probably a better term.
Overturned, isn't likely, but certainly possible.
There is nothing but speculation and opinion as far as trying to take man back more than about six thousand years.
As I said, in my estimation, the "age of the universe" and the "age of man", are two different things.
Something else on this subject, bears repeating as well.
At best this is of low priority, since regaurdless of the fossil record, carbon dating, etc.,
and other pieces this puzzle contains, it is ultimately of little influence to our lives in reality.
We must contend in, and with, the here and now.
That's why the Bible majors in causes and effects of
relational problems, the core priority and pivotal dimension, that life is
actually lived in.
This is the key dimension I have been, with little effect, pushing to get recognition of, from many of you science freaks.
You can continue in your charade, of living entirely in the single dimension of the remote science lab bubble, but you are only fooling yourself.
You certainly aren't fooling me with that song and dance.