Do you like your country?

  • Thread starter PHCharls

Do you like your country?

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Here in the UK life is hard, as the weather sucks. All of the streets are like living in the ghetto' yet I still love my country even though we have some of the most ignorant people within it.
I nominate 2 countries due to the historic union of the Crowns of England, Scotland and Ireland. My constituant country and my sovereign state.

Do I love Wales? You're damn right I do. I adore my country and I'm proud of where I come from. My area is a bit of a toilet, but I grew up there, went to school there, met my friends there. It shaped who I am today. Even now, living abroad, I get terribly homesick to be down the basketball court, reminiscing about times gone by.

Do I love the UK? On balance, yes. Many problems in our country, but having spoken to foreigners, they all rave about how good and especially how tolerant the UK is in comparison to other countries. Something that surprises me because I think there are tolerance issues, but things like that make me reflect and think that it's not such a bad country after all.
Yes I love England, many "the glass is half empty" people will claim this country is close to collapsing, and that we are crippled etc etc
But the fact is we are still one of the richest countries in the world, one of the safest places in the world, the most widely spoken language is English. We have beautiful scenery, from snow topped mountains to huge beaches.
England is a country steeped in history and tradition.
We have one of the most powerful monarchies in the world.
We have a non corrupt policeforce who keep us safe. We pay tax every month for a healthcare system that is amongst the best in the world.
The list goes on. If that's not something to be proud of, I don't know what is.
Love the country, hate the government.

The NHS does rock.

Even my Scottish missus likes England.
Yes I love England, many "the glass is half empty" people will claim this country is close to collapsing, and that we are crippled etc etc
But the fact is we are still one of the richest countries in the world, one of the safest places in the world, the most widely spoken language is English. We have beautiful scenery, from snow topped mountains to huge beaches.
England is a country steeped in history and tradition.
We have one of the most powerful monarchies in the world.
We have a non corrupt policeforce who keep us safe. We pay tax every month for a healthcare system that is amongst the best in the world.
The list goes on. If that's not something to be proud of, I don't know what is.

It's things like this that are so good we take for granted. These things didn't occur to me because they're so mundane and right.

Oh, and being a Cymro means free perscriptions and hospital parking too.
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It's things like this that are so good we take for granted. These things didn't occur to me because they're so mundance and right.

Oh, and being a Cymro means free perscriptions and hospital parking too.

Damn! :D I must have spent at least £30 in hospital parking in the two week run up to my little one being born.
It's things like this that are so good we take for granted. These things didn't occur to me because they're so mundane and right.

Oh, and being a Cymro means free perscriptions and hospital parking too.

I agree, they are so normal to us that we can't imagine life or society without them. Therefore we sometimes do not fully appreciate them :)
I know, and that's the (pleasantly) surprising thing!

The more you really evaluate it, we do live in a great country.
Somewhat. I don't like that fact that everything is cheaper and that they have better gun laws in the USA though.
Mosquitoes I can handle. My problem is that our house in the middle of old Manila had mosquito wrigglers coming out of the faucet. That's not to mention the hundreds of cockroaches living in the ceiling and floor. Take five steps in any direction on the street and you'll step on a cockroach. Take ten steps and, if you're lucky, you'll step on a sewer rat bigger than your head.

I had to laugh when Claire Danes said Manila smelled like roaches and got blacklisted by the Bureau of Immigration. The politicos claimed cockroaches don't smell. Hah! Tells you what those idiots living in their mansions know... because cockroaches do indeed smell.

Sad, because in parts, Manila is achingly beautiful. The walled city of Intramuros, remains of a Spanish Fort... the sights and sounds of the Muslim market in Divisoria... the scenery along the bay (in the morning, when the tide washes the garbage out to sea... :lol: ).

And the countryside? Fantastic. The volcanoes, rain-forests, lakes, off-road trails, hot springs, beaches, the wonderful Chocolate hills... if only international travellers didn't have to come in through the ugly ports of old Manila (and the even uglier old airport... as thanks to politics the completely modern, cleaner, larger new airport exists to serve just one air carrier), our tourism industry would be booming.

I've been to Manila, but luckily I visited Mindoro too, otherwise I would have came away with a not so great impression of the Philippines.

I voted no, I don't like my country, I wish it was easier to move somewhere else. I love Asia, and want to live there, just don't know how I'm going to do it yet.
Somewhat. I don't like that fact that everything is cheaper and that they have better gun laws in the USA though.

What does a 'better gun law' constitute as? 💡 No guns FTW. It's harder to die from a long range stabbing.
I loved my country.

It's ruined because the ones running the government are retards. Especially the President. Now I only loved my province and I screwed the rest.
First, what is my country?
1) I was born in Belgium.
2) I live in Luxembourg.
3) I plan to move to France.

Second what is a country?
1) What I generally like are personalities, landscapes, etc... (less clear country for me)
2) What I dislike are certain laws, abuses, attitudes, etc...(more country)

So I voted no, since what I connect to country is the negative parts.

However, I consider myself very lucky with the place I was born, where I live and where I want to move to, since they offer me an incredible life.
A lot of the time I want to complain about Canada, but then I smack myself in the face, because I have no valid reason to.
Somewhat. I don't like that fact that everything is cheaper and that they have better gun laws in the USA though.

How much did your last visit to the doctor or blood work cost you?

I didn't realize having guns was "better gun laws" either? I love the comment about it's hard to die from a long range stabbing. What in the world could be the need for a gun? I've never understood that. Protection is a lame excuse by the way so don't bring that up.
I didn't realize having guns was "better gun laws" either? I love the comment about it's hard to die from a long range stabbing. What in the world could be the need for a gun? I've never understood that. Protection is a lame excuse by the way so don't bring that up.

Well, guns are gonna be around forever, they're not going away at this point.
People with malicious intent will use guns, the best defense against a gun, is another gun. If everyone had a gun, then there wouldn't be an imbalance of offensive capability between individuals.

A UFC fighter could kick my rear any day of the week. But I could shoot him just as easily as he could shoot me. Thus, if we both had guns and he was intending to harm me, he might be less likely to do so since he wouldn't have the obvious advantage.

Also, not a lot of people would try to rob a store if everyone else in there was packing heat.

My opinion on that matter.

As for the main topic, no, I don't like my country.
What we are today is still better than a number of other countries (my opinion mostly). But compared to what this country was founded on, we've fallen a long way. The problem is that we're still falling with no signs of recovery.
Why don't people say what country they are from most times? That's like telling me I'm going to get hit by a car and should be ready for it, but it could back from that moment to my death, which could be 8p years away..

Well you get what I'm saying right?
Negurmir one problem with that theory. Who has a higher crime and murder rate, Canada or the USA?

(it's the US)
Negurmir one problem with that theory. Who has a higher crime and murder rate, Canada or the USA?

(it's the US)

Who has more people (the US)? Also, I may be wrong here, but I'm guessing the US has more illegal immigrants. That can lead to more crime. For one, illegal immigrants may be more likely to violently top a store or a home, because it can be difficult to find a job if you don't belong somewhere.
Guys, please take any gun control discussions to the Opinions Forum. This thread isn't about that.
Who has more people (the US)? Also, I may be wrong here, but I'm guessing the US has more illegal immigrants. That can lead to more crime. For one, illegal immigrants may be more likely to violently top a store or a home, because it can be difficult to find a job if you don't belong somewhere.

Crime rate is based on crimes per X number of people. Not the total number of crimes.

Guys, please take any gun control discussions to the Opinions Forum. This thread isn't about that.

Isn't all of this a discussion about why people do or don't like their country? It hasn't become an all out flame war about my country is better than yours, atleast in my opinion. Didn't mean for that to be inappropriate here, I thought this was more of a discussion thing.
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Isn't all of this a discussion about why people do or don't like their country? It hasn't become an all out flame war about my country is better than yours, atleast in my opinion. Didn't mean for that to be inappropriate here, I thought this was more of a discussion thing.

Well, typically obvious hot-button issues belong there, since it's not specifically about the topic at hand. There's even an existing "Guns" thread there. The Rumble Strip is a bit more light-hearted.

Just a suggestion.
Well, typically obvious hot-button issues belong there, since it's not specifically about the topic at hand. There's even an existing "Guns" thread there. The Rumble Strip is a bit more light-hearted.

Just a suggestion.

Fair enough, I actually didn't mean for it to turn into a discussion on guns.

Back to the topic:

If I had to pick one thing to change, about where I live specifically but I'm sure it applies to the country it would be the weather. Today is winder than heck, raining, and just above freezing. I definitely wish it was sunnier here more often.
Count me as yet another who needs a "sort of" option.

I love the variety of landscapes and open spaces in the US, especially the west. Hiking, climbing, mountain biking, camping... there's no outdoor activity that you can't find a world-class location for in the US.

I'm fortunate to live in one of the least-affected areas in terms of the ongoing economic woes, but I still worry a lot about our ability to recover as a whole country. Our politicians have completely lost the ability to represent the people. They mostly sit out on the extreme ends of the spectrum and scream and point fingers at each other. Unfortunately, most of the people they're "representing" are in the middle, just wishing they'd STFU and make some solid decisions for the country. (Disclaimer: both sides are to blame, don't interpret any partisan slant to my rant.)

I love my country, but there's also numerous others I'd love to live in as well if I had the chance. Life's too short to never look outside your box :)