Do you like your country?

  • Thread starter PHCharls

Do you like your country?

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It's a county of Oompa-Loompas. :D

Oompa Loompa diddly do. I don't know anymore of the song.

I do hate foreign languages in this country. I can tell people in Spain I'm wearing a blue T-Shirt, but can't ask where the airport or whatever is.
Oompa Loompa diddly do. I don't know anymore of the song.

I do hate foreign languages in this country. I can tell people in Spain I'm wearing a blue T-Shirt, but can't ask where the airport or whatever is.

We have quite the muslim prescence here, and its scary sometimes when a guy looks at you and start talking to their wife really quickly and you don't know if they are pregnant or if that's a bomb under their shirt. I just run.
Oompa Loompa diddly do. I don't know anymore of the song.

I do hate foreign languages in this country. I can tell people in Spain I'm wearing a blue T-Shirt, but can't ask where the airport or whatever is.

Huh? I'm guessing you mean how foreign languages are taught in schools?

I for one strongly regret not doing German at GCSE level. I found it an interesting language, and the culture as well. Plus, the similarities to English (both being Germanic languages of course) made it easier for me to learn than say, French.

I remember doing Spanish for one term in Year 9. We didn't go very in depth with it, but I think I got jist of it. :D
Lets do the C-ZETA list

Weather, yes
Personality of teenagers, no
Girls, no
Sightseeing, yes
Countryside, no
Drivers, no
Traffic, no
Roadworks, no
TV, yes
But would I keep living here? Oh yes. :)

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Huh? I'm guessing you mean how foreign languages are taught in schools?

I for one strongly regret not doing German at GCSE level. I found it an interesting language, and the culture as well. Plus, the similarities to English (both being Germanic languages of course) made it easier for me to learn than say, French.

I remember doing Spanish for one term in Year 9. We didn't go very in depth with it, but I think I got jist of it. :D

Yeah. I personally think we could be learning more relevant languages, or at least in a better way.
Yeah. I personally think we could be learning more relevant languages, or at least in a better way.

Well, personally I'd put Spanish as a more relevant, or helpful one. It breaks through the language barrier of the whole of Latin America (except Brazil), Spain, Andorra, and small parts of Africa. German unlocks Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. While French gives you France, Monaco, Belgium and numerous African States. :)
German gets you Belgium too, it's also an official language there.

Weather: No.
Personality of teenagers: Generally, yes, actually.
Girls: Not really.
Sightseeing: Kind of.
Countryside: Yes.
Drivers: Mostly.
Traffic: Not too bad.
Roadworks: Never seemed to be a problem.
TV: It's America.
But would I keep living here? Rest of my life.

Weather: Maybe if it snows.
Personality of teenagers: Eh, not really.
Girls: Oh hell yes.
Sightseeing: Not much to see in the area.
Countryside: Same story here. Pretty, but not jaw-dropping gorgeous like Washington can be.
Drivers: I'm constantly terrified of drivers.
Traffic: Never seem to be too bad.
Roadworks: Here, it's kind of annoying.
TV: It's Germany. It's like America, except somehow worse.
But would I keep living here? I'll probably stay at home when I go back.
Well, personally I'd put Spanish as a more relevant, or helpful one. It breaks through the language barrier of the whole of Latin America (except Brazil), Spain, Andorra, and small parts of Africa. German unlocks Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. While French gives you France, Monaco, Belgium and numerous African States. :)

Yeah. I'd personally put Spanish instead of French, then German or some form of Chinese as the extras.
I've already stated my opinion my homeland, but I may as well jump on the bandwagon this new format. :D

United Kingdom:
Weather: No.
Personality of teenagers: No.
Girls: Largely no.
Sightseeing: Some stuff is alright, but I've seen most of it already.
Countryside: Not my type. Not enough variety
Drivers: Boy Racers and people who are otherwise too fast or too slow
Traffic: Terrible. Too many narrow country road and condensed cities with rather poorly laid out road systems.
Roadworks: Terrible. Constant work on drains everytime it rains, which is alot.
TV: Most British stuff on ITV1, Channel 4 and E4 is Tripe. But the American sitcoms are good and most things on BBC 1 and 2 are too.
But would I keep living here? If I ever get the opportunity to emigrate I will almost certainly take it.
I live in the US of A. Arizona to be specific. I love it here in the desert. First of all, the desert scenery is very, very nice in certain places, but in others, it's more ugly than nice to look at. I love the nice temperatures in the winter, but I hate the 115 degree summers, but at least it's dry heat. Also, since most of Arizona is relatively new (we've had lots of development in the past 20 years), as well as the spread out style of some of our cities, it gives you easy access to fun backroads. But, having new construction is also a downside, because it means that the developers who built the houses took a few floor plans, and stuck hundreds (ok, maybe not hundreds) of copies of houses into one neighborhood, which means that a great majority of our houses are cookie cutter houses, all looking the same. :yuck:
The area where I live, which is a suburb of the capital, Phoenix, is very nice. The houses in my neighborhood are mostly nice, the people are more educated, there's nicer cars, and it's very safe. Now, the problem is, a great deal of Phoenix and the other suburbs aren't like this. Downtown Phoenix, for instance is a few skyscrapers, lots of offices, and ghettos, filled with molested Cadillacs and gangstas and crap. The surrounding suburbs of downtown are filled with old, crappy looking houses, graffiti, rednecks in old trucks, and everything undesirable. The same can be said for all but our newest highways; they're mostly littered, ugly, full of cracks, and poorly maintained. Another issue with the roads is that you constantly see flashing signs and cones and detours and stuff, but you never see any progress on it. So, for months at a time, you'll be inconvienced by blocked off lanes and stupidly slow speed limits. Fantastic.
Now, enough about the scenery and stuff. Now we must talk about the people. Being America, most of the people here are freaking idiots. The freaking idiots tend to be douchebags, too; douchebags that drive Beemers. But thankfully, there are some level headed normal folks who are great to be around. Not much else to say about the people, so that's it.

Now let's answer those questions.
Weather : In the summer, NO!!! But in the winter, YES!!!
Personality of teenagers : Mostly no.
Girls : Yes, definitely.
Sightseeing : Meh.
Countryside : We don't really have very many small country towns, so no. But the backroads are good fun!
Drivers : Let's see, you got the douchebags in Beemers, douchebags in big SUVs, ricers, old folks, my dad, and a rare few who are actually considerate, so no.
Traffic : Yes and no.
Roadworks : Awful. They lay out those damn detours, inconveniencing us for months at a time, and I see actual construction out there once.
TV : There's plenty of good shows, but there's too many trashy reality shows. *Cough* Jersey Shore *Cough*
But would I keep living here : Without a doubt, yes!
Hell ya I love the USA. I just don't like the corrupt government.
We have quite the muslim prescence here, and its scary sometimes when a guy looks at you and start talking to their wife really quickly and you don't know if they are pregnant or if that's a bomb under their shirt. I just run.


Grow up bro.
Our country overall is great
we have health care schools shops that has nearly everything buy what you want

as for the goverment it is a pile of :censored:really hate them for guts especially the PM And the education minister As a High school student

Weather is good except for the mid summer and mid winter

mid summer in midday it's 55,c and middwinter in the midnight it's -10

nothing in the middle except for spring and autumun

I agree with this. I spent 18 months in Kuwait in the late 90's serving in the US military. I really enjoyed Kuwait. Nice shops (can you say GOLD) downtown, clean friendly people. I also spent some time in Frankfort, Germany which I really liked alot. German women are great fun and kept us quite busy.

As for my own country, meh. I'm middle age now and have made a decent amount of money. If Obama gets re-elected I may secure a passport and head somewhere exotic. The U.S. is not what it used to be largely from corruption and greed.
Eh. I like it. Of course we have our problems and some our people can be ignorant an intolerant, but other than that It's ok.
Taken from the what grinds my gears thread.

What grinds my gears? The UK border agency. My girlfriend and I are thinking of getting married in Japan early in the new year then applying for a marriage visa so she can stay with me.

Today, I found out that we must also show we have enough money to support ourselves for 27 months. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

This is a ridiculous amount. I was born here. I can trace my family back for hundreds and hundreds of years, but I need to jump through a hurdle like this, when homeless people from an eu member country can claim benefits here?

It's totally unreasonable to expect of a couple in their mid 20s to have that much money. I don't know whether to scream at my MP, or just apply to live elsewhere. The UK government is a 🤬 joke. This may be achievable by couples in their thirties or forties, but this is a joke.

I've wanted to get out of the uk for a long time. I have left a few times, but have always had to come back as it never quite worked out. Maybe my attempts to leave were too hasty and I didn't do as much as I could to make them a success. Britain supposedly sees itself as one of the best countries in the world, but I know for a fact that is not the case. The crime rate is ridiculous, the economy is dying and they make it impossible for young people to get a decent start in life.

Take my situation as an example. Financial help can be given to people to study. However, I have an absent father who makes an absolute fortune. Despite not seeing a penny from him, I got no help towards university.

In short, the backside is falling out of the country, and I'm sick and tired of it. I've had enough of it. In the next few years, I will leave this 🤬 for good.
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I already shared my opinions as well, but I'll do the C-ZETA list too.

Weather: Yes.
Personality of teenagers: No.
Girls: Yes.
Sightseeing: Not really.
Countryside: Yes.
Drivers: I want to say no, but after being in a couple of other countries where the drivers were way worse I'm not sure.
Traffic: Awful. The roads are mostly really bumpy.
Roadworks: Absolutely awful. It usually takes three times as much time as it should take to do anything including roads. So building, repairing, randomly digging up for no reason. All of that takes ages for some reason.
TV: Pretty bad. There are a lot of foreign movies, but the shows that are made here are usually horrible.

But overall I like it.
The country I live in is great. It's wonderful, the countryside is truly beautiful; it's just a shame about the collection of people that live in it.

One of the biggest things that winds me up is how easily we gave up our rights to Europe, and how much we were screwed over by the Labour government who lived for pure vote collection and rigging to stay in power, giving money to so many, many people who were not entitled to it, and sure as hell don't deserve it!