Do you like your country?

  • Thread starter PHCharls

Do you like your country?

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I m very proud to live in the USA. We are a very accomplished country. We have one of the bbest militaries in the world protecting us, we have many cultures, especially where I live, and people from my country, and my state, were responsible for major advances in the automobile industry (Henry Ford, the Chrysler brothers...), electricity was perfected here by Thomas Edison, who is also from my state... And the list goes on.

But that isn't to say there are things I'm not proud of in the past, present, and what is to the future.
I have very mixed feelings about the UK, or England specifically (we're not so united anymore it seems).

We have the best beer in the world, beautiful countryside, fantastic motor racing industry and culture (accounting for something like 5-6% of our GDP). The people are generally quite level-headed and personable.

Then we have a fractured society, mind-boggling arrogance among many rich people, mind-boggling mindlessness among many poor people. A media sector hell-bent on giving the population depression. An education system not fit for purpose, and what is emerging to be a 'lost generation'.

And then, before you mention 'multiculturalism', as a white Englishman I feel like a foreigner in my own country (in the area where I live). But then...historically, this is a country of foreigners, immigrants and invaders. The Tyrrell name came over in 1066...

I do feel privileged to be here, but with very little effort, things could be so much better for everyone. There just isn't the will...

"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a half-baked mish-mash of half-arsed b*llocks."
Australia is good, apart from the ghetto neighbourhoods/people and the government making all the wrong decisions and having no border protection whatsoever. we do have an extremely efficient border absorption policy though, it's ruining the place.
All in all, it's a sinking ship if you live there, but good to invest the big dollars in industry if you live anywhere else.
I dislike strong patriotism because saying your country is is better than everyone elses doesn't really make things better.

I'm sarcastically patriotic. :lol:

There is 1 thing I'd hate about the UK, and that's political correctness. Nursery children aren't allowed to sing 'Ba Ba Black Sheep' due to it being 'racist'. Children are now forced to sing 'Ba Ba Rainbow Sheep'. Soon we'll be unable to say 'Black' or 'white'!
I'm sarcastically patriotic. :lol:

There is 1 thing I'd hate about the UK, and that's political correctness. Nursery children aren't allowed to sing 'Ba Ba Black Sheep' due to it being 'racist'. Children are now forced to sing 'Ba Ba Rainbow Sheep'. Soon we'll be unable to say 'Black' or 'white'!

All of that is rediculous.
Maybe if those people who keep churning out those crap xxxxxx Movie titles (epic movie, date movie, scary movie etc) made one called Racist Movie, and had people of all races making fun of every other in the usual hammy way, that might soothe the world a bit. (in similar way to how Dave Chapelle makes fun of white people etc, but take it a little further)
I'm sarcastically patriotic. :lol:

There is 1 thing I'd hate about the UK, and that's political correctness. Nursery children aren't allowed to sing 'Ba Ba Black Sheep' due to it being 'racist'. Children are now forced to sing 'Ba Ba Rainbow Sheep'. Soon we'll be unable to say 'Black' or 'white'!

It's pretty bad here in Sweden too. For example the icecream "Nogger 88" got banned because it was both racist and nazi!

There has also been complaints over adverts being "too Swedish", depicting blond blue eyed people in a typical Swedish landscape, although luckily they have been unsuccessful.

At least we can still say merry christmas though, but for how long?
I'm increasingly getting frustrated at the cost of living in Australia. Of course thats no thanks to the inept Labour governments that have run the show over the last 10 years.
Oh yes^ First we get told the fuel prices are up because of the strong Au dollar, now that it's come down, we get told that fuel prices are up because of the weakened Au dollar.
To the rest of the world: This is not a joke it actually happened.
Yes on the whole I do. I would not want to live anywhere else.

It's pretty bad here in Sweden too. For example the icecream "Nogger 88" got banned because it was both racist and nazi!

Now that's just not true. Firstly there has never been an ice cream named Nogger 88. There was one called Nogger Black which an idiotic and very small lobby group wanted to ban because they said it was racist. It wasn't, it was just a licorice covered version of the old Nougat (hence the name Nogger) ice cream. It was never banned but was withdrawn after one year due to poor sales. Another idiotic lobby group wanted to ban the "88" ice cream because 88 according to them was code for Heil Hitler. H being the eighth letter in the alphabet so 88 really meant HH. That particular ice cream was really named so because it was the 88:th ice creamvariety from that manufacturer. The one before was named "87" and the one after "89". 88 was also never banned, it is in fact still one of the most sold in Sweden.
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It's pretty bad here in Sweden too. For example the icecream "Nogger 88" got banned because it was both racist and nazi!

There has also been complaints over adverts being "too Swedish", depicting blond blue eyed people in a typical Swedish landscape, although luckily they have been unsuccessful.

At least we can still say merry christmas though, but for how long?

It's like that here. In every advert here their is atleast one black person, asian person, Muslim, Indian and Jew.
It's like that here. In every advert here their is atleast one black person, asian person, Muslim, Indian and Jew.

In school textbooks there are 'Multicultural names' for the questions like '___ spilt cola on their homework, fill in the gaps'.
I'm sarcastically patriotic. :lol:

There is 1 thing I'd hate about the UK, and that's political correctness. Nursery children aren't allowed to sing 'Ba Ba Black Sheep' due to it being 'racist'. Children are now forced to sing 'Ba Ba Rainbow Sheep'. Soon we'll be unable to say 'Black' or 'white'!

Or not. I only know of one council which advised nurseries/schools to not teach it, which they reversed within months after black parents complained about it. This was 11 years ago.

Some choose ba ba rainbow sheep, but in reality it's a tiny minority and no one is forcing them.

Like with many of these things (you'll mention the christmas lights being banned of course in response to this), they are isolated cases and get pushed out as being common place by the gutter press.

But oh know, it's terrible. We can't do anything, I mean it's not like there's a village in Kent called Blackboys, oh wait...


To get on topic. Like with many people, there are things that annoy me about my country, I'd grab an opportunity to move (stateside/Europe/Aus/NZ would be the only choices really), doesn't mean I want/need/have to. There are annoyances in any country, wherever you go.
Ugh, USA here.
I'd say there are a few things I like (more laid back gun laws for one, but that seems to be mostly a state thing.) and MANY things I hate (too lazy to work? have some welfare money that we got from taxes from people that work!) but..
I'd say the negative outweighs the positive, so I'd vote a no.
There are annoyances in any country, wherever you go.

Wherever you go, guaranteed... :D

It's worth an important note about "your" country. "Your" country is simply the place you fell out, the place your parents fell out or both (if you're entitled to dual nationality through birth). Why did you fall out there? Well, it's because that's where your parents chose to be when you fell out. Of course, if you're not first-generation of that nationality, your parents fell out in the same place because that's where your grandparents were when they fell out. And if your parents weren't first-generation, we can go back another step and so on and so on and so on.

You're British, Canadian, American, Brazilian, French, Spanish, Congolese or anythingish due to gravity and peristalsis. It seems a mite odd to be proud of that*.

Unless, of course, you're an immigrant (or emigrant, from your point of view). Immigrants have chosen to live in a country that isn't the one they fell out in. They've assessed their lives in the country they fell out in, assessed their chances of a better one by moving to a different one and moved there. If they've done so legally, they will have passed a number of mandated requirements for expertise and intellect before they moved - or they may be political refugees who are at risk of unjust death, imprisonment or injury in their own country. So they've decided their new country (which might be yours) is a better place for them, the new country has determined that they will benefit it and they want to live there, rather than living there by accident of birth. Being proud of something you've acquired makes more sense.

*If you're the latest in a long line of yourcountryish, what you could be proud of is the history of the country in which you were born which has lead up to the circumstances of your birth, upbringing and youth to form who you are. If you're ignorant of your history and cultural heritage and just celebrate a flag waving, you're not really patriotic - and indeed rabid flag-worshipping is directly linked to the dumber portions of racism and nationalism.
I'm sarcastically patriotic. :lol:

There is 1 thing I'd hate about the UK, and that's political correctness. Nursery children aren't allowed to sing 'Ba Ba Black Sheep' due to it being 'racist'. Children are now forced to sing 'Ba Ba Rainbow Sheep'. Soon we'll be unable to say 'Black' or 'white'!

Ermmmm..... you know that isn't true, don't you? It was a rumour that the Daily Mail printed as fact. A bit like the thing with Birmingham's "Winter Festival" that was, according to the Daily Fail, "replacing Christmas in case it offended Muslims"...
Another UK negative: the 🤬 Daily Mail. Pure paper poison.

No no, the Daily Mail is a positive. It doesn't matter how 🤬 your life is, you can always console yourself with the thought "well at least i don't read the Daily Mail"
I would like it better if the immigrants weren't treated like royals. However, even in the current situation, I couldn't imagine a better place to live. I feel I'm really far away from all the conflicts in the world.
What's the problem of that?

Right-wing, thinly-veiled homophobia, pathetic exaggerated shock-horror headlines. Generally objectionable and questionable. It's the great downside to the idea of press freedom. Inevitable, of course, and you can't just close them down because you don't like them...but it's still not fit to wipe my arse with.

The upside, however, is the Guardian. :)