When GT5 ships with screen tearing, like most graphically demanding games without Vsync..Im going to play the hell out of it until GT6 comes out.Pretending the screentear in GT5p is unbearable is a joke. You have to look for it to notice, its not like "OH NO SCREENTEAR" then you ram into a wall because it dropped down to 1 fps. People exaggerate the hell out of screen tear problems for GT5p, just as they pretended Uncharted1 wasn't playable.I mean you just have to ask yourself as a gamer, with the most technologically advanced sim on the market out, if screen tearing is really going to be where you draw the line as a purchase.
Id love for everything to render at 120fps @ 2k. But ill settle for 1080 for now. man.. sucks to be me..