Do you reckon Sony will fix the screen tearing prob ?.

United Kingdom
Somewhere only we know.
I hope it's fixed for GT5.This happens during most of the games i played.It's distracting in some games, in particular Call Of Juarez BIB.Also don't need the frame rate glitch like in the other two previous GT games.Hopefully it comes as an update for us.

I find it funny how often i read this, especially on NeoGAF.
I almost never notice screen tearing in the game and its definitely not the worst graphical problem with the game. The only game where the tearing really ruined some of the immersion for me was Heavenly Sword, which had breathtaking graphics for its time, but horrible tearing.
I know it's not as bad as other games G.T.Ace, it's more noticeable at slower speeds when turning left/right.The frame rate thing was more apparent though.Just a few niggly faults to address that's all.
I don't want to sound dumb or anything but could someone here explain to me what screen tearing is and what it looks like so I can recognize it when I see it?
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Eurogamer reported that the build as recent as TGS still had tearing in....although we don't really know how old that build was.
I only notice tearing in the showroom, when the car turns slowly.

I don't want to sound dumb or anything but could someone here explain to me what screen tearing is and what it looks like so I can recognize it when I see it?
Google is your friend
you see the image "cut" horizontally

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I noticed tearing issues only when the game runs at 30fps with many cars on the screen, like in the replays and in the pre-race movies, and sometimes even in the showroom.
During the sessions of gameplay I've never noticed this problem.
Tearing seems to be varied from tv to tv here.It's more noticeable using a 26 inch Hitatchi lcd ( not full HD though ) than a Panny PZ700.IL2 B.O.P was improved alot on the 700 plasma.
After the spec 3 update I can't remember seeing any,but maybe it's less noticeable in the cockpit view

It very much depends on the cars and the tracks especially when using cockpit view. The Lotus Evora, has it pretty bad on pretty much every track though worse in London. The Ferrari 599 and 512BB as well (at London). Using the regular bumper-cam view when racing eliminates screen tears, for most part. I don't notice it when driving most cars like the Nissan GTR, F430, R8 etc even when using cockpit views.

Screen tearing is very much the result of a spike (a dip and a rise than happens instantaneously, I think) in the frame-rate. Locking the v-sync would result in a more noticeable slowdown to the framerate so a lot of developers opt for the screen tear rather than the slowdown.

The fact that some vehicle's cockpits suffer more screen tearing than others is a good indication that GT5P hasn't gone through a thorough optimization. I'm not saying that GT5 will have none but it will hopefully and probably be less severe or more uniform.
I have noticed it in replays a few times, but never in races.

I play the game on a 60hz display. Am i right to say screen tearing is a very big problem on 50hz displays?

The TV i use is my brother's, i am certainly not looking forward to playing the game on my 50hz SDTV when i get my own PS3...

Never cheap out on the TV. If you don't have enough for a decent one, just use an old TV, or get an adaptor for your PC monitor.

I might look into using my laptop as a monitor to play console games instead, it has a VGA port which was designed for that (its a 15" 60hz display capable of 720(i or p, can't remember); a step up from 13" 50hz SDTV). I think the adaptors are quite expensive though :/

If anyone knows more about that send me a pm, i want to know if anyone has connected there PS3 to a laptop using a VGA port, and how they did it, what adaptors they used etc. :)
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Screen tearing is very much the result of a spike (a dip and a rise than happens instantaneously, I think) in the frame-rate. Locking the v-sync would result in a more noticeable slowdown to the framerate so a lot of developers opt for the screen tear rather than the slowdown.

I can't speak about tearing on GT5P because I still dont own a PS3 ;) But yeah, you're right, it happens when the framerate rate fluctuates away from the refresh rate. Vsync drops the framerate down to the nearest multiple of the refresh rate to eliminate it. So if a game is plying at 40-50fps and the refresh rate is 60Hz, Vsync will drop it to 30fps so its a whole number multiple of the refresh rate. If you're playing at 100-110fps, it'll drop it down to 60fps to match the refresh rate.

Its all up to what you prefer, a lot of people I've spoken to dont even notice tearing until you point it out to them. Personally I can't stand tearing, and many games I would much rather play locked at 30fps than 50-60fps with tearing, though it depends on the game... I have no idea how it is on GT5P. :)

Modern TVs with all their post processing abilities may aleviate the problem, I dont know, but most PC monitors I've seen the tearing looks the same regardless of which screen you use.

I've never noticed it, but then again I'm not really sure what you're talking bout.:dunce:

I didn't know what it was either.
Screen tearing happens so often at Fuji on the 4th right turn after the semi straight-a-way. Also on Suzuka after the hairpin turn. Not during the turn, but on that strip. London used to be bad, but not so much any more. And High Speed Ring does it too.
The fact that some vehicle's cockpits suffer more screen tearing than others is a good indication that GT5P hasn't gone through a thorough optimization. I'm not saying that GT5 will have none but it will hopefully and probably be less severe or more uniform.

That's a fair point,it's the sort of thing they'll look at during the polishing stages,And they still have the best part of four months on it.

That almost never happens if you follow the best racing line, which is probably why most people havn't noticed it. When they occur they vary in scale, some are really bad, some are not too bad to the point you don't notice them at all. There are other problems too.

I remember seeing a replay of Suzuka, at the chicane the driver went wide across the outside pit lane. In the replay, the camera view was cut off by the textured walls around the track boundaries, because in normal play you would never actually go there. This is a closely related problem. (had a look for the vid but can't find it - although i don't know if it was fixed with a later build of prologue)

Basically, unless you are in the main driving line, these things will happen and will probably be overlooked by the testing, in the same way the out-of-circuit glitches were overlooked in GT3 and GT4, because noone playing the game normally will crash into the outside corners of the track.

EDIT: It also took me a good 20 seconds to actually notice the screen tearing in that image, so obviously in regular gameplay the chances are i won't notice it at all.
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When GT5 ships with screen tearing, like most graphically demanding games without Vsync..Im going to play the hell out of it until GT6 comes out.Pretending the screentear in GT5p is unbearable is a joke. You have to look for it to notice, its not like "OH NO SCREENTEAR" then you ram into a wall because it dropped down to 1 fps. People exaggerate the hell out of screen tear problems for GT5p, just as they pretended Uncharted1 wasn't playable.I mean you just have to ask yourself as a gamer, with the most technologically advanced sim on the market out, if screen tearing is really going to be where you draw the line as a purchase.

Id love for everything to render at 120fps @ 2k. But ill settle for 1080 for now. man.. sucks to be me..
GT5P has a serious tearing problem and, less often, slowdowns. The people who say it doesn't are just lucky enough to not notice it that much. I'm very sensitive to tearing and it's distracting.
Forza 2 and 3 run with v-ysnc enabled and much more stable 60fps.

One of my biggest wishes for GT5 would be v-sync enabled and more stable 60fps. I hope at least it gets better than GT5P.

The upcoming demo won't tell us much because there will be no other cars on screen.
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Seen it many times, when you drive through london with F599 you'll almost certainly see it. In my opinion, it have nothing to do with TV, it's just game problem.
I've seen the odd bit of screen tearing at Fuji. It's gone almost before you notice it and doesn't bother me as it doesn't distract me.

I am bothered by the frame rate issues with online racing around Fuji that lasts up to the second corner when there are plenty of cars in the race.
Seriously, i have never seen this on my TV. I've two different size Panasonic plasmas and the only glitch ive seen in GT5P is in replays, 30fps just isn't as good as 60fps.

For those who are really annoyed about screen tearing, care to share your setup?

My main rig is 42" Panny plasma, HDMI (through an amp) at full 1080p, with a very very cheap hdmi cable.
Never had this problem,
only when my tv settings are wrong..
For example, when some features on my TV are on.. that doesn't affect games,
the screen would do it sometimes.. but next to that, never
it never happened to me before. But I do get a lot of AA problem on my 42" Samsung in 720P, but I have more AA in my 32" Olevia in 1080P. Don't know why is that.

P.S. My 42" Samsung only outputs 720p and 1080i, why is that? Is it one of those old Samsung HDTV? Because I know a lot of Samsung HDTV is 1080p. I'm not sure, my sister bought it.