Do you see GT6 as Gt6 or Gt5.5

  • Thread starter Ravicale
There is no point in arguing with someone who will write a game off with so little information.Since of course thats what this thread will turn into if it doesnt get locked first.
There is no point in arguing with someone who will write a game off with so little information.Since of course thats what this thread will turn into if it doesnt get locked first.

By that logic you can lock quite a few of the threads here. It's just fun to talk and speculate about things; assuming it doesn't delve into trolling and rage.
By that logic you can lock quite a few of the threads here. It's just fun to talk and speculate about things; assuming it doesn't delve into trolling and rage.

I dont know.I dont see many threads basically asking do you like gt6 or do you hate it lol.Maybe your right but I dont see this ending well :nervous:
If people are going to start saying this is gt5.5 because its on the ps3, then they're wrong. You would have to take into account that every other game that had a 2nd release on the same console life cycle is a .5. So if you go by that 5.5 logic crap, you're wrong. We would be in GT 3.5. GT1 GT 1.5 GT2 GT 2.5 GT3 and GT 3.5.
It is whatever they decide to call it. In this case GT6.

If it were a 5.5 release I would expect it to either be free to GT5 owners or at a reduced price for an upgrade version.

Of course it is not 5.5 it is a full release version which means the first number changes to 6 just as it should.

As for all the whiners that think it should be 5.5 or the hundreds of other things they are already griping about without even having saw the game or even touched the demo :lol: I guess some people just like to whine.
It is whatever they decide to call it. In this case GT6.

If it were a 5.5 release I would expect it to either be free to GT5 owners or at a reduced price for an upgrade version.

Of course it is not 5.5 it is a full release version which means the first number changes to 6 just as it should.

As for all the whiners that think it should be 5.5 or the hundreds of other things they are already griping about without even having saw the game or even touched the demo :lol: I guess some people just like to whine.

Unfortunately it's true.
Whine about GT1 - GT2
Whine about GT3 - GT4
Whine about GT5 - GT6

It's always the same.
Indeed. Anyone who is actually familiar with the series's history knows that the second GT game on each console is more complete with more features, content, and a higher level of polish. The first game on a console is about laying the ground work.

Which is why I get so frustrated by how dumb people are. Be excited and grateful. GT6 is going to be more of, and better than, GT5.

I can't wait til Forza 5 is first shown and everyone compares it (a next gen Xbox game) to GT6. /sarcasm
You know, I have always defended people's right to complain about things ever since GT5 came out, but even now, I think people are jumping the gun by saying this will just be GT 5.5. We simply do not know enough about the game for people to come to such a conclusion.
The whole strategy that PD has decided to employ (meticulously creating extremely detailed models that are future-proofed for next-gen consoles) ensures that each new iteration of GT will simply be an improved version of the last one IMO.

GT5 was a beta for GT6. GT6 will be a beta for GT7, and so on. With the amount of detail they put into each track and car they model, they'll never be able to create a game with all-new content in it. A huge portion of it will always be recycled IMO.

EDIT: Other console simulators recycle content between games as well *cough* Forza *cough*, but GT has already proven with GT5/GT6 (through using PS2 models on PS3 and through producing premium models that are future-proofed for PS4) that they'll be doing it to a much greater extent.
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Besides, we dont know how the full game will turn out. All we have are some screenshots and some photo of a "prototype" version.
Absolutely,Way too many new features in GT6 to be just a, GT5 update. The game has been in development since, GT5 was green lit then released to the public.
I see it as GT6 but I don't see it as the ambitious GT6, I see it as the GT6 that had to be toned down a bit.
It's GT5.5 being sold to you as GT6, Look at what we do know after the press conference and videos, 75% of the overall content is taken right from GT5. "Ooh but there's a new engine with different lighting and leaves"
Well Kaz said everything has been cleaned up, reworked game engine, smoothed out play, revamp physics, new tyre/suspension models. With new tracks and cars.

If it was 5.5, half of that wouldn't of been done plus many other series don't change anything yet go up numerically. Modern Warfare for one.
This is defiantly GT6. Big changes under the cover of visuals which have changed much, how could they.
It's GT5.5 being sold to you as GT6, Look at what we do know after the press conference and videos, 75% of the overall content is taken right from GT5. "Ooh but there's a new engine with different lighting and leaves"

Well remove the 75% and put in the 25%+ new engine, happy? :dunce:
It's GT5.5 being sold to you as GT6, Look at what we do know after the press conference and videos, 75% of the overall content is taken right from GT5. "Ooh but there's a new engine with different lighting and leaves"

Jumping to conclusions? I think so.
I think of it more as what I wished GT5 would have been like - a handful of new tracks which are badly needed, menus that hopefully won't look like they belong on the PS2 any more, faster loading times and maybe some fine tuning of the physics to add a bit of body roll so I don't feel like I'm driving a block of wood quite so much.

GT5.5 for me definitely. And I've heard WAY too much hyperbole from Polyphony Digital prior to GT5's launch to put any stock in anything they say any more. And the fanboys repeating that stuff and adding exclamation points behind it doesn't make it any more convincing lol.
If people are going to start saying this is gt5.5 because its on the ps3, then they're wrong. You would have to take into account that every other game that had a 2nd release on the same console life cycle is a .5. So if you go by that 5.5 logic crap, you're wrong. We would be in GT 3.5. GT1 GT 1.5 GT2 GT 2.5 GT3 and GT 3.5.

Heres a few numbers

PS1 Generation
GT1: 140 cars, 11 tracks
GT2: 650 cars, 27 tracks

PS2 Generation
GT3: 150 cars, 19 tracks
GT4: 700 cars, 51 tracks

PS3 Generation
GT5: 1050 cars, 27 tracks
GT5.5: 1200 cars, 31 tracks
So because GT1 didn't have all that much, and GT3 dropped a ton of stuff, GT6 which arguably has the biggest engine and customization changes ever seen is half a game?
For now it does seem like a GT5.5, but I guess that's because of GT5 itself. What I mean is, GT1 and 3 were the first games on a new console, featuring less content but introducing new game features, etc. And GT2 and 4 were the "content games", adding tons of new cars and tracks.

As we know, GT5 was the first on a new console generation, but this time they also added a lot of content too - huge car list and all that, the stuff that was usually saved for the second game on a console (GT2 and 4). This is why GT6 seems to me like a big GT5 update, and not a new game. But still, it's too early to tell.
Heres a few numbers

PS1 Generation
GT1: 140 cars, 11 tracks
GT2: 650 cars, 27 tracks

PS2 Generation
GT3: 150 cars, 19 tracks
GT4: 700 cars, 51 tracks

PS3 Generation
GT5: 1050 cars, 27 tracks
GT5.5: 1200 cars, 31 tracks

Just to clarify the amount of tracks for PS1 and PS2 generation GT games:




Heres a few numbers

PS3 Generation
GT5: 1050 cars, 27 tracks
GT5.5: 1200 cars, 31 tracks

Those numbers mean nothing if you take into account all the technological improvements and features that will/can be added in GT6. It seems like you're judging the legitimacy of a game by simply its car and track count. As stated several times, we still know very little about the game.

Edit: @ SHIRAKAWA Akira, I figured GT4 couldn't possibly have 51 tracks
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