Do you talk on the phone while driving?

  • Thread starter milefile
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Why?,... they WANT to SELL them (hands-free devices) to make money,.. why wouldnt they support it as law?
About 2-3 years ago, the same providers were all to happy to give you a hands-free device at no cost. I'd seen the ads and even been in the stores offering them if you asked. Now, they are all too quick to sell them to you. No wonder hardly anyone uses them unless they're one-handed.

I don't own a cell phone, but I've used others' phones while driving a few times. However, the first time I used a phone while driving was on a striaght bit of interstate with little traffic. That alone, took a good bit of my concentration. From then on, I'd place the phone on the seat or a cupholder and yell into it from a honestly takes up too much of my abilities to keep it near my head while driving. Half the time I have to ask people to repeat every other sentence on a cell phone, because they sound garbled or the engine is droning, etc. That takes away even more of my attention.

Think of it this way; you are only half a body when on the phone; you're now one-handed, one-eared, and probably one-eyed if the phone is pressed up close to your head. That makes you disabled, in my book! If you're disabled, you need even more careful when driving, right?
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
I dont think talking about them will work considering your previous attempts to dis-credit me. I did offer you a handicap ya know,...
Please point out where I attempted to "discredit" you. Link to a thread. I don't feel I've made any attempt to attack your character or background. I've just offered other information when I had it to offer. If you take any disagreement as an attack, then it is no wonder we've reached this point - and it would serve you well to reconsider that attitude (for your own sake; not for mine).

OK, you offered me a handiacap. I'll ask you easier questions, then.
Just,...... dude,... just leave me the f-alone,... I'm not here to have a battle of wits, I'm here to voice MY opinion any way I see fit,... and to whoop ass on the track. I have better things to do with my time,.. btw, why is your advice so good when you so slow. I would'nt give a drip of piss for your advice considering the times you post. Now leave me alone.... go practice you down-shifting instead of trying to walk when you can only crawl.

Now,.. leave me alone until your ready to throw down at the track......
I'll let the post above stand by itself. It makes my point just fine as it is. Anything else I say on the subject will be by PM.
So, back on-topic.

I do use a cell phone in the car, but not very often, and not while I'm doing something that requires concentration. If I'm tooling along the motorway at 75mph, then using the phone is fine, because I have so much free mental time in that sort of driving condition. However, if I'm in town, or going through junctions etc, then I don't use the phone.
I only use mine when I am in extremely heavy traffic or in town during rush hour. It takes my mind off the headache of all that traffic.
Originally posted by milefile
I have. I try not to. I'll pull over, or say "I'm driving, I'll call you back." I don't think it's a good idea to.

I figure that with the Audi, people have already made assumptions about me so I might as well talk on the phone.

No, no - seriously - I never talk on the phone. Driving takes total concentration. If people would just get off the damn phone and/or buy special plates, the motoring public would be better off.
Originally posted by neon_duke
I don't give a crap about my "rep" and you don't know a thing about what my johnson can do.

Duke has no street cred. He won't be down with the boyz 'n the hood.

The comment 'you don't know a thing about what my johnson can do' scares me in that sentence's implication that it has some sort of super power.
Originally posted by M5Power
Duke has no street cred. He won't be down with the boyz 'n the hood.

The comment 'you don't know a thing about what my johnson can do' scares me in that sentence's implication that it has some sort of super power.

It scared me that he used the word 'johnson' in that context! :eek: