So, I don't feel very dead yet. However, I'm going to the doctor in 2 hours, and if I don't come back, 2012 has got me. Or I've gotten stuck in the toilet again. We don't know exactly what the supposed apocalypse is, so I'm going to make a few suggestions, or guess what it may be...
It may be the fattest man in each country (the fattest is most likely a man from America) letting massive rippers off all at the same time resulting in suffocation... Leading to the end of mankind. A massive mutant duck could be on the loose, and could do a crap so big that it drowns us all. Heck, it could even be me trying to play the cello, resulting in a noise so dreadful that people simply just want to die to escape it. Or 2012 midgets who have been bullied all of their lives suddenly turn into giant man killing muscle men and decide to wipe out the rest of the human race.
Or the world is suddenly going to hear trolololol no matter where you are or how loud your surroundings are.