Do You Think December 21 2012 is The End Of The World?

Do you believe that the armageddon will come in 2012?

  • Yeah!!

    Votes: 29 6.8%
  • Maybe..

    Votes: 17 4.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 33 7.7%
  • Nope!!!

    Votes: 341 80.0%
  • I'll tell you tomorrow.... :scared:

    Votes: 6 1.4%

  • Total voters
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It is 12:10 am and in 24 hrs we will still be here, and this will be tossed in the same heap as all the "Jesus is coming back on XXX date" stuff.
Yes, that's why there should be more fake apocolyptic scenario's set up, just for retailers ;)

Of course, all my friends on Facebook will be quivering heaps of fear and desire to get laid until the 22nd, when normality will be restored, and only the latter will apply!
It is 12:10 am and in 24 hrs we will still be here, and this will be tossed in the same heap as all the "Jesus is coming back on XXX date" stuff.

Jesus is coming back when Tupac does. We all know this.
30 minutes to my supposed end. This will be fun.
Hah, it's only 9:39 here, but it's 12:29 in Peru, where the Mayans lived. So December 21st is in no way, the end of the world. Like I said before. :)

Well, it's the 21st here now, and as far as I can tell, the world hasn't ended.
MJ too?

RACECAR; I don't think you need to worry ;)

Oh I'm not, I'm just having fun with this. The "rapture" was entertaining enough, but this looks like it'll top it.
Could be just the beginning of the end.
Maybe the virus is already in and it'll take about thirty days to wipe us all out.
Hah, it's only 9:39 here, but it's 12:29 in Peru, where the Mayans lived. So December 21st is in no way, the end of the world. Like I said before. :)

The Mayan civilization never made it to Peru. That's the Inca. The Mayan civilization was in Central America.
Hah, it's only 9:39 here, but it's 12:29 in Peru, where the Mayans lived. So December 21st is in no way, the end of the world. Like I said before. :)


Mayans lived in Yucatán peninsula, in southern México and Guatemala

Edit: Tree'd
I was hoping for some snow for Christmas, though. Had a brown Christmas - when was it - three, four years ago? Horrid.
I think the 'apocolypse' is now getting used as an excuse to have a good party :)

What's the sub-theory about 11:11 then? I keep hearing it?
The celebrations in Mexico remind me of Mars Attacks. I do hope they don't release any flighty doves, though, in case we get a sudden visit from extra-terrestrials.
I think the 'apocolypse' is now getting used as an excuse to have a good party :)

What's the sub-theory about 11:11 then? I keep hearing it?

The Mayan Calendar ends December 21 2012, 11:11 pm. Apparently, anyways.

But it's just people looking to much into things.

December 21 2012 = 11
1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2 = 11
People really believe THAT equals apocolypse? What is wrong with the world? :(
The end of the world is approx. 8 hours away! Wahoo! Any movie recommendations?

The movie 2012 is pretty good.

Hahahahahahahahahaha seems that movie will go with that. I might watch it. Though I have a giant surround soundsystem so i won't know if it is a earthquake or just my subs. Hummmm worth it.

PD has announced all standard cars to premium on gt5 for dec 22nd.

.......of all days PD.

Hahahaha that would be hilarious
Any moment now..

Edit: and its officially 12:00 over here and I live

Well just so everyone knows its now Dec 21st in the Central Time Zone, which is where a majority of the Mayan Civilization was located. Crisis adverted.

Now I just need to see what Anon and their "Project Mayhem" dump out in about 6 hours.
Ok here is my rant/logic post.
Mayans originate from Guatemela so that means if the world is going to end it will end when the time in Guatemela reaches 11:59:59 over there. So when they reach midnight, here in the UK it will be 6AM on 21/12/12 when we are supposed to be killed by whatever catastrophe.
So please don't post any stupid statuses like "Is everyone dead yet?" atleast wait till around 6am if you think the world is going to end.
Rant over.

6.03am, AND I'M STILL HERE!!!!:)
Joey D
Well just so everyone knows its now Dec 21st in the Central Time Zone, which is where a majority of the Mayan Civilization was located. Crisis adverted.

Now I just need to see what Anon and their "Project Mayhem" dump out in about 6 hours.

This is true. And yeah I am awaiting news from the cause too. I really do want to see what will develop from it
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