PD has to learn some lessons. They should stay true to their formula, but improve on some features, that are considered mandatory for todays racing games. This is especially true for the online lobby and the car sounds.
Other than that PD created a very very good driving experience, with awesome physics and state of the art visuals.
Forza for example is the best car game out there, but not the best driving, or racing game. Forza has all the bells and whistles a gamer can possibly wish for in a racing game, but they lack in terms of driving experience and physics. Especially the lack of G25/G27 support and the physics ruin the experience for me.
Forza is the best cargame, but GT is the better driving game on consoles and offers a unique feel to it.
Forza started out as a copycat of the GT series and continues to add features other games allready have, to create a cargame, that includes everything a gamer might want. But T10 fails to create something unique. Looking at Forza ends up like looking for features and comparing them to other games. Its like: "yea, this feature is like the feature in Grid" "This is like the thing they had in Need for Speed", you know?! You may find some design choices in GT5 awkeward, but they give the game a unique feel about it. Some features, like the sound, the online and things like that however, should be compared to others, since they are the basics nowadays.
PD is still working to improve GT5, we had 10 updates in 8 months and they changed alot. This kind of support is unheared of in the consoleworld and iam sure they will continue to improve the game. I know, many people just want DLC, they want new cars and tracks, but iam not entirely sure if PD will create DLC, or just release GT6 in 2012, who knows?!
Wall of text done.....