First of all I d like to say that this message is intended primary for Kaz s developing team. I don t mean to provoke any angry reaction of a GT fan I just want to have the game the way I considere it to be the best (or I may say real)and not persuade anybody on the forum that I m right and he (or she

is wrong. Also I d like to note that I m only going to discusse the driving physics (which matters most to me) not other aspects.
In general I think the GT TT demo physics are very nice but certain areas should be ironed out to make it perfect:
The way the car behaves beyond the limit of the tire grip ( The truth is when sliding (driving "beyond" the limit of the tires) you shouldnt be loosing the control of the car but In the demo I am not feeling the car or at least too litle and when trying to control or countersteer slides the car often reacts unpredictable. This is best seen when trying to drift. It s probably me giving wrong inputs to the car but it is only bcause I m not sure what is the car doing at that instant and what to do to get it back under my control. This does not happen to me when drifting in real life. The lost of grip and control should be more continuous. I do not think it has anything to do with me not sensing the speed of the car or the visual and oral hints it is giving me. I m perfectly accostomed to the game and I can sence the car very nicely when not sliding. Maybe it s not primary the physics of the car but rather the forcefeedback or maybe combination of both I m not sure yet but LFS physics give me mutch closer feeling to the real thing and control of the virtual car when sliding or drifting than GT demo.
Grass physics (
1.too slipery, you can notice it when doing small circles on the grass very gentle on the gass, not accelerating, the back of the car slides like on ice
2.the car sways on the grass too much. more like a boat on the sea, I know grass is not absolutly flat but the movemet should me subtle and more sort of jerky or shuddery 3.
grass and gravel magically limits reving though it should actually be the other way cause they present less ressistance to the engine than tarmac)
Transition from the grass back to tarmack (When going from grass back to the road the car spins every time there is slightly higher angle even though you are not accelerating or braking) have not experienced in real life
The brakes do not lock (probably only the demo settings - impossible to turn off the ABS completly)
Wheels do not have tendency to lock when harsh downshifting
Inability to impose brake in or lift off oversteer proparly .This I m not sure about it may be the way this car behaves in reality. I d have to see how other cars behave in this physics.
The car reaction to hand brake seems exegerated too - When using handbrake and only slightly turning the wheel the back wheels lose to much grip like if they were on ice - this might be the same "tire loosing too much grip out of sudden" problem that I mentioned with drifting
One more thing I said I wouldn t discuse anything else beyond the physics but in case this gets to Kaz team... Engine sounds are great but rolling sound of the weels on tarmac when going slow is exegerated the same counts for the "grass" sound.
Sorry too all GT fans for this critisism I t s only because I like GT so much and I think it has potential to be a realy great simulation.
Driving with Logitech 25, simulation mode, highest forcefeedback, cocpit view